COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF MARCH 5,1997 PSA#1795R&D Contracting Directorate, Bldg 7, 2530 C Street, WPAFB, OH
Bettie L. Steely, Contracting Officer, (513) 255-5252 INTRODUCTION:
PART I OF II -- Wright Laboratory is interested in receiving proposals
(technical and cost) in the area of Dual Use Science and Technology
(S&T) as described in specific topic areas identified in the Section
entitled B-Requirements. Proposals in response to this BAA shall be
submitted by 15 April 97, 1500 hours Eastern Time, addressed to Wright
Laboratory, Directorate of R&D Contracting, Building 7, Area B, Attn:
Bettie L. Steely, Wright-Patterson AFB OH 45433-7607. Note: All
proposals shall indicate the Topic Area number on the outside of the
proposal package. This is an unrestricted solicitation. Proposals shall
not be submitted by facsimile. Small businesses are encouraged to
propose on all or any part of this solicitation. Proposals submitted
shall be in accordance with this announcement. Proposal receipt after
the cutoff date and time specified herein shall be treated in
accordance with restrictions of FAR 52.215-10; a copy of this provision
may be obtained from the contracting point of contact. There will be no
other solicitation issued in regard to this requirement. Offerors
should be alert for any BAA amendments that may permit subsequent
submission of proposal dates. Awards resulting from this BAA will not
employ the standard Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) guidance, but
will be governed by DoD Directive 3210.6-R and OMB Circular A-110 as
revised. Offerors should request a copy of the WL Guide entitled, "PRDA
and BAA Guide for Industry" dated November 1992. This guide was
specifically designed to assist offerors in understanding the PRDA/BAA
proposal process. Copies may be requested from the contracting point
of contact stated herein. The Guide is also available on the internet,
address: www.wl.wpafb.af.mil/contract/hp.htm. B-REQUIREMENTS: (1) This
program is being conducted in cooperation with DOD's Dual Use
Application Program (DUAP) managed by the Joint Dual Use Program Office
(JDUPO). WL seeks projects to create and develop new product or process
technologies which have potential for both Air Force and commercial
applications. If successfully developed, the technology will have both
Air Force relevance and sufficient potential commercial applications
to support a viable production base. The offeror must bear at least 50%
of the cost of the proposed effort. Proposals that involve either basic
research or final product development beyond the stage of product
prototype or feasibility demonstration are outside the scope of the
competition and will not be acceptable. Teaming arrangements among
companies are encouraged when appropriate and will produce a stronger
technical proposal. Teaming with a DOD or national laboratory is
permitted. Due to limited funding, the Government reserves the right to
limit awards under any topic, and only proposals considered to be of
superior quality will be funded. Topic areas, with technical points of
contact, which will be considered in this BAA are identified below.
There is no guarantee that awards will be made in each of the
identified topic areas. The Government may award several proposals in
a single topic area depending in part on the cost of individual
proposals and available funding. (2) Reporting Requirements: All
offerors receiving awards under this BAA will be required to develop a
commercialization plan for the activity stimulated by the award.
Awardees will be required to make periodic reports on technical
progress and financial outlays associated with their project(s), and,
in addition, awardees will report on the progress towards the stated
project goals. All recipients will be required to submit a business
status report which shall provide summarized details of the resource
status of the agreement, including the status of the contributions of
both parties. (3) Security Requirements: It is not anticipated that any
project would require access to classified information. (4) Other
Special Requirements: International Traffic in Arms Regulations may
apply to some technology areas, it is anticipated that some
restrictions may apply to the release of technology to foreign
nationals. (5) The following identifies the topic areas by
WL/Directorate/Division, Topic Area Number, Technical Point of Contact
and Contracts Point of Contact: 1 Avionics (WL/AA) WL001 -- FUTURE AIR
(FANTASTIC): The impending Air Traffic Control (ATC) requirements
jointly agreed to by our FAA and the International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO) for the Future Air Navigation System (FANS), also
called Global Air Traffic Management (GATM), will have an enormous cost
impact on both military and civilian aircraft. The implementation cost
for the Air Force alone is estimated to be in excess of $10B, and for
most tactical aircraft, a typical black-box solution is also size
prohibitive. The FANTASTIC initiative offers a cost/size effective
solution to meeting these requirements -- developing an integrated,
common module solution, similar to that being developed for the F-22
platform, to implement thesenew ATC requirements. The F-22 technical
approach and lessons learned, along with other programmable radio
developments both military and commercial/civilian, will be evaluated
to determine a cost effective and available baseline. Software will be
developed and demonstrated to perform new ATC requirements, and risk
reduction technology efforts will be performed to facilitate transition
to currently fielded platforms and support a follow-on engineering and
manufacturing development effort. A heavy influx of commercial
technology, parts, and manufacturing practices are anticipated to
reduce costs. The FANTASTIC approach not only will solve these
currently planned ATC requirements, but the programmability facilitates
rapid and cost effective software upgrades to support future ATC
requirements. The commercial spin-off is targeted at the rapidly
reviving general aviation market, which has similar cost/size
constraints as the tactical fighters. The modular hardware and software
would be directly applicable to this commercial application and other
markets. Estimated Program Value is $10,000,000.00. Technical POC: Mr.
Joel Arnold, WL/AAMI, AC (937) 255-1608 Ext 3403. Contracts POC: Mr.
Ken Smith, WL/AAKR, AC (937) 255-5201. WL002 -- COHERENT CONFORMAL
arrays can be made conformal for installation on the skin of an
aircraft, ship, submarine, spacecraft or ground vehicle. Recent efforts
have confirmed the utility of this technology to future systems through
two iterations of designs. These efforts have developed an array design
process, modified computational prediction tools for array design and
demonstrated confidence in the technology. Current emphasis is in
wideband (6-18 Ghz) arrays (design, build and test) and adaptive
beamforming techniques to form and steer a beam on a conformal array.
Future emphasis will be for 2-6 Ghz for aircraft applications, 20 and
44 Ghz for satellite communications. The effort will emphasize cost and
manufacturability. Our studies have shown that the cost of the array
should be comparable to a Resonant Metallic Radome (RMR) used in most
advanced aircraft today. The primary difference between the RMR and a
conformal array is the interconnect technology. An array for automobile
applications needs to be less than 10 dollars for an obstacle avoidance
system and less than 50 dollars for satellite communications systems.
Continuous Transverse Stub (CTS) antenna technology is currently being
applied for low cost automobile collision avoidance systems.
Technology insertion like this makes the stringent cost goals appear
possible. The benefit of this development to the commercial market is
an affordable and compatible with modern systems without impact the
platform's Radar Cross Section (RCS). The output of this effort will be
a proof of concept arrays for both commercial (aircraft or automobile)
and military application (fighter or UAV). Estimated Program Value is
$8,000,000.00 Technical POC Mr. Joe Tenbarge, WL/AAMP, AC (937)
255-6127 Ext 4231 or Todd Kastle, WL/AAMR, AC (937) 255-6427 Ext 4328.
Contracts POC: Mr. Ken Smith, WL/AAKR, AC (937) 255-5201. WL003 --
objective of this effort is to demonstrate, via analysis, simulation,
and possible flight experiments, the use of airborne and ground based
reference systems assets to achieve information superiority during
advanced battlespace operations. This objective shall be accomplished
through the application and enhancement of recently developed avionics
technology including any of the following: reference systems and
mission sensor data fusion algorithms, software, architectures, and
very low cost expendable GPS sensors, as well as covert
position/communications radio module sets. Developed capabilities shall
produce highly precise (i.e., GPS and differential-GPS level
accuracies) information with respect to a common n-dimensional grid,
even during periods of intermittent GPS availability. This shall be
accomplished through the sharing and fusion of reference information
(position, velocity, pointing, and time) from multiple platforms widely
separated in space and time including airborne, ground based, and
overhead platforms (e.g., U2- Rs, UAVs, seismic sensors, and ground
based expendable GPS sensors). Information could include data and/or
imagery from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Interferometric SAR
(IFSAR), electro-optical systems and digital terrain systems. Included
in the technical requirements is the precise registration and
alignment of multisource reference information and imagery, including
information in multiple reference frames or with respect to different
geographic datums. Examples of commercial technologies to be leveraged
include current commercial systems that perform SAR, IFSAR, and EO
sensing, mapping, and fusion; various low-cost GPS receivers, GPS
sensors, remote intelligence communications modules, and GPS based
mapping products; and image processing software. These technologies are
currently used for applications ranging from environmental/geophysical
monitoring to identification, and tracking of semi-trucks and their
cargo. Performance period will be 30 months. Estimated Program Value is
$2,000,000.00. Technical POC: Sandy Berning, WL/AAC, AC (937) 255-5668
Ext 4140 or Todd Jenkins, WL/AAC, AC (937) 255-5668 Ext 4141.
Contracts POC: Mr. Ken Smith, WL/AAKR, AC (937) 255-5201. WL004 --
develop collaborative engineering technologies and a Collaborative
Engineering Environment to enhance DoD and commercial sector
productivity and competitiveness by advancing avionics virtual
prototyping processes and applications. Proposals should build on the
significant commercial technology base existing for electronic systems
design (VHDL, VHDL-AMS), DARPA's Simulation Based Design initiative,
and other commercial/industry modeling standards, Collaborative Virtual
Prototyping (CVP) involves the application of advanced distributed
modeling and simulation over a geographically disperse area using an
integrated simulation environment to support design, performance, and
producibility trade-off analyses throughout the entire life cycle of
system development. CVP is an enabling technology and a change in the
way of doing business that will have major implications for the
commercial and defense sector. A Collaborative Engineering Environment
provides the middleware and databases to integrate domain specific
engineering tools and simulations for virtual prototyping. The
commercial sector is realizing the significant increases in
productivity possible through employment of collaborative engineering
and simulation. CVP will become a mainstream concept in the design and
production of commercial systems. The commercial marketplace will
increase for generic simulation techniques, engineering and simulation
infrastructure, and off-the-shelf components for applications in
financial industries, manufacturing, industrial process control,
biotechnology, healthcare, communication and information systems.
Performance Period is 3 years. Estimated Program Value is
$4,000,000.00. Technical POC is Mr. William K. McQuay, WL/AASE, AC
(937) 255-4429 Ext 3568. Contracts POC: Bettie Steely, WL/AAKD, AC
(937) 255-5252. 2 Flight Dynamics (WL/FI) WL005 -- RF MULTIFUNCTION
STRUCTURAL APERTURE: Modern aircraft (fixed wing and rotary) are
required to have multiple-band communication and navigation
requirements in the frequency range of VHF (30 Mhz) up through Ku-band
(18 Ghz). This covers voice, data, IFF, TACAN, GPS, and SATCOM
functions. Current and near-future (5 years) practice is to provide a
separate antenna for each required function, typically as an add-on to
an exterior surface (blade antenna as an example). For instance, a
current fighter/attack aircraft configuration has numerous apertures at
many separate sites. This proliferation of apertures is apparent on
commercial transports as well. These apertures are required to maintain
information dominance and improve total situational awareness. Aircraft
designers are faced with three problems: 1) finding real estate on the
airframe for each antenna, 2) providing structural reinforcements to
support the antenna in a structural load-free environment, and 3)
adding the weight of the various antennas (plus the structural
reinforcement for their installation) to the overall weight budget of
the airframe. Develop a wideband, lightweight, structurally-integrated
aperture suitable for a composite or composite/metal hybrid airframe
that covers the frequency range of 30 Mhz to 1500 Mhz which meets all
the current single-system RF requirements. The aperture would be
capable of simultaneous transmit and receive. The design must be
manufacturable and have a life-cycle cost less than the equivalent
ensemble of conventional, conformal single-system antennas. The design
also must be consistent with signature requirements, though signature
is not an initial requirement. This aperture technology would be
transferred to a given program for integrationinto the airframe's
design. The aperture would then be included in the manufacture of
primary or secondary structure of the airframe. The benefits to be
derived by this load bearing antenna structure include greater airframe
efficiency, improved antenna performance, reduced signature, and
reduced maintainability. Key technology issues to be addressed include
broadband apertures in restricted volumes; structural integration in
load bearing composite lay-ups;
reliability/repairability/supportability; reconfigurable, flexible
electronics; and broadband apertures in a reduced signature
environment. This 24 to 36 month effort will culminate in a
demonstration of a panel incorporating embedded multifunction antennas.
Estimated Program Valus is $2,000,000.00. Technical POC: Mr. James M.
Tuss, WL/FIBA, AC (937) 255-5865. Contracts POC: Doug Harris, WL/FIK,
U. S. Government is requesting proposals for the provision of an
advanced electrically powered hydraulic generating system. The system
shall be capable of utilizing electrical power typical of both
commercial and military aircraft and shall generate hydraulic power to
4,000 psi at 25 gpm. The system shall be available for system
integration testing early in 1998 and suitable for flight test and
available for such tests Mid 1999. This initiative should be
approximately an 18 month effort. Estimated Program Valus is
$6,000,000.00. Technical POC: Mr. David Homan, WL/FIGS, AC (937)
255-4104. Contracts POC: Doug Harris, WL/FIK, AC (937) 255-4427. 3.
Polymer-Dispersed Liquid Crystal (PDLC) materials and concepts for
optical and photonic applications. Specifically, electrically
switchable holograms recorded in new PDLCs will be investigated for
high contrast, high brightness, high resolution flat panel displays.
Switchable holograms are produced through a single step process
utilizing economical materials. Gratings of periodic PDLC planes are
formed in situ from an initial homogeneous photopolymer-liquid crystal
mixture. Continued study of materials and processes are desired to
improve the optical quality, increase the diffraction efficiency, lower
the switching voltage, and enhance the response time of resulting
devices. In addition, new models are required to explain the
electro-optic properties of switchable holograms in PDLC materials. New
models will enable the design of the next generation of switchable
diffractive optics with novel properties for a variety of applications.
Morphological studies of the PDLC materials will also be required to
achieve greater insight of materials performance. This program will
also facilitate the transfer of this promising technology to flat panel
displays for end products such as virtual reality goggles, laptop
computers, cockpit displays, and head/helmet mounted displays.. The
program performance period is 30 months. Estimated Program Value is
$2,000,000.00. Technical POC: Pam Schaefer, WL/MLPJ, AC (937) 255-3808
Ext 3150. Contracts POC: Dixie Wightman, WL/MLKN, AC (937) 255-5051.
4 Manufacturing Technology (WL/MT) WL008 -- IDENTIFICATION AND
targeted at requirements to provide rapid and accurate on-aircraft
techniques for the detection of hidden cracks and corrosion damage. It
is intended that technologies be developed and matured as required to
find and quantify cracks and corrosion damage in multi-layer and
complex (e.g. bulkheads) metallic structure. Solutions should increase
both the probability of inspection (POI) and probability of detection
(POD) when compared with present capabilities. Known technology
candidates include low frequency eddy current and ultrasonic scan
techniques. Air Force target applications (a minimum of two are
required) should be developed from C-135, C-141, B-1B, F-16 and T-38
systems. Potential dual use outlets should be selected in cooperation
with the Federal Aviation Administration, and commercial airframe
manufacturers. In developing responses, offerors must consider the
requirements of and provide a migration path leading to full NDI system
production and support implementation. Performance period is 18 months.
Estimated Program Value is $8,000,000.00. Technical POC: Mr. Michael
Waddell, WL/MTPN, AC (937) 255-7277. Contracts POC: Mr. Stuart Hazlett,
WL/MLKT, AC (937) 255-3506 or e-mail HAZLETSA@wl.wpafb.af.mil. 5 Aero
Propulsion and Power (WL/PO) WL009 -- EXTENSION OF AEROSPACE
APPLICATIONS: The Air Force uses Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
software for analysis of advanced propulsion technologies. Aerospace
CFD tools appear to be suitable for non-aerospace applications in the
automotive, medical, and power generation industries. This effort will
enable the conversion of an aerospace CFD tool into a
commercially-viable product. The contractor shall develop methods such
as bench marking, validation/verification, and user efficiency
upgrades to adapt an existing CFD software tool to investigate (model
and simulate) internal and external fluid flows and conduct combustion
analyses for non-aerospace applications. The selected CFD tool must be
owned by the contractor, or the offeror must secure the rights to
develop, modify, market, and distribute the CFD tool. T (0062) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0005 19970305\A-0005.SOL)
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