Loren Data Corp.




USASOC, DCOFS Acquistion And Contracting, Bldg. E-2929, Room 114, Fort Bragg, NC 28307-5200

83 -- RENTAL OF TENTAGE SOL USZA92-97-Q-0007 DUE 031497 POC MAJ Steve Bonk, Contract Specialist/Robert Cherry, Contracting Officer, 910/432-2297 Modification to notice for rental of tentage. Specifications are revised to reflect the following changes: 12 each tents 50'x50' with an optional additional 6 each tents 50'x75'. Access to the compound beginning 25 April with final set-up NLT 3 May 97. A diagram of the compound is available upon request by providing your FAX number to the Contracting Officer at 910/432-2297 or FAX 910/432-9345. Physical and safety considerations limit the use of guying. There must be sufficient space to allow trucks to refuel generators located between tents. Therefore, vertical stabilizing techniquest are the only acceptable methods to meet wind load requirements. Engineer stamped certified engineering is not required. Regarding a question from ACA Corp. The tents in question are not the tents that will require temperature control. Tents will be brought in and erected. (0063)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0353 19970306\83-0004.SOL)

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