COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF MARCH 7,1997 PSA#1797R&D Contracting Directorate, Bldg 7, 2530 C Street, WPAFB, OH
James Greathouse, Contract Negotiator, WL/MLKM, (937) 255-5830 A --
INTRODUCTION: This is a Program Research and Development Announcement
(PRDA). Wright Laboratory (WL/MLKM) is interested in receiving
proposals (technical and cost) on the research effort described below.
Proposals in response to this PRDA shall be submitted by 25 April
1997, 1500 hours Eastern Time, addressed to Wright Laboratory,
Directorate of R&D Contracting, Building 7, Area B, Attn: Mr. James
Greathouse, WL/MLKM, 2530 C Street, Wright-Patterson AFB OH 45433-7607.
This is an unrestricted solicitation. Small businesses are encouraged
to propose on all or any part of this solicitation. Proposals submitted
shall be in accordance with this announcement. Proposal receipt after
the cutoff date and time specified herein shall be treated in
accordance with restrictions of FAR 52.215-10; copy of this provision
may be obtained from the contracting point of contact. There will be no
formal request for proposal (RFP) or other solicitation issued in
regard to this requirement. Offerors should be alert for any PRDA
amendments which may be published. This announcement may be amended to
provide for subsequent dates for submission of proposals. Proposals
shall be valid for Government acceptance for a period of not less than
180 days after submission cutoff. Offerors should request a copy of
the WL Guide entitled,"PRDA and BAA Guide for Industry". This guide was
specifically designed to assist offerors in understanding the PRDA/BAA
proposal process. The Guide is also available on the Internet, at the
following address: www.wl.wpafb.af.mil/contract/hp.htm (For "PRDA and
BAA Guide for Industry", use the Wright Laboratory R&D Contracting
home page. Look under "A Contracting Toolbox" for "PRDA/BAA Indexed
Guide".) If you access or download the information, please confirm by
providing your name, company name, address, and telephone number via
e-mail or telefacsimilie to James Greathouse at
greathjr@b045mail.wpafb.af.mil or FAX to (937) 255-9217. If you are
unable to access or download the information from theHome Page, provide
a written request for the information to James R. Greathouse, WL/MLKM,
Bldg 7, Area B, 2530 C Street, Wright-Patterson AFB OH 45433-7607.
B-REQUIREMENTS: (1) Technical Description: OBJECTIVE: The goal of this
program is to advance the development of a special class of optical
filters known as rugates. Rugates differ from dielectric stack
conventional filters in that they have a varying index of refraction
that allows their design to be tailored for specific wavelength
regions. Many applications still rely on conventional dielectric
multilayer stack films for their optical filtering, but are often
limited in the flexibility of design, sharpness of transitions between
passband cut-ons and cut-offs, and in the amount of material that can
be deposited at one time during fabrication. Rugate filters are
deposited as a single layer, eliminating the conventional multilayer
feature that is often the source for film delamination and stress
cracking. This program will continue the development of rugate filter
technology as well as the monitoring and control techniques for their
fabrication, with a goal of improved performance in the visible
wavelength regions and further extension into the infrared. Fabrication
of rugate filters with design flexibility of operating wavelength will
enable laser protection filters to be made for applications such as
optical sensors, eyewear and visors for personnel protection, coatings
for aircraft canopies, custom bandpass filters as well as other
optical filtering elements for a variety of purposes. TECHNICAL
APPROACH: This effort represents the next logical step in the research
and development performed under the current Rugate Development and
Component Demonstration (RDCD) program. The requirements for
improvements in technology and performance fall mainly in two areas.
First, improved performance shall be achieved in both the visible and
infrared wavelength regions, line position accuracy with respect to
model/design requirements, performance stability both over time and
with respect to angle of incidence, bandwidth achieved versus
requirements, and sharpness and accuracy of band transition cut-ons and
cut-offs. Second, fabrication and manufacturing improvements will focus
on the control and accuracy of the deposition process, uniformity of
parts coated per deposition run, amount of material required, number
and shapes of parts able to be coated, shorter cycle times from design
to film deposition, improved yield and lower cost per part and per
deposition run, and demonstrated ability to apply coatings on various
substrate material types. Each of these areas will be investigated for
both visible and infrared wavelength applications. The technical
approach of the program should be broad enough to permit the
investigation of specific applications of rugates as opportunities
present themselves. Contractor teaming and subcontracting are
encouraged where appropriate. (2) Deliverable Items: The following
deliverable data items shall be required: (a) Status Report,
DI-MGMT-80368/T, monthly; (b) Funds and Man-hour Expenditure Report,
DI-FNCL-80331/T monthly; (c) Project Planning Chart, DI-MGMT-80507A/T
monthly; (d) Contract Funds Status Report (CFSR), DI-MGMT-81468/T,
quarterly; (e) Presentation Material, DI-ADMN-81373/T, as required; (f)
Scientific and Technical Information- Contractor's Billing Voucher,
DI-MISC-80711/T, monthly; (g) Scientific and Technical Reports,
DI-MISC-80711/T, (Draft and Reproducible Final); (h) Still Photo
Coverage, DI-MISC-80169; (I) Test Plan, DI-NDTI-80566/T; (j) Technical
Videotape, DI-MG-MT-81275/T. Samples developed under this effort shall
be delivered at the completion of the technical effort. (3) Security
Requirements: Parts of this effort will be classified. PRIMARY OR
PRINCIPAL PERSONNEL associated with this program are required to have
a minimum SECRET security clearance. The prime contractor is also
required to have a SECRET facility security clearance and the
capability to store SECRET information. Generation of classified
material for this solicitation effort is authorized only on equipment
approved for classified processing by Air Force TEMPEST authorities.
TEMPEST considerations are required when the contractor will generate
TOP SECRET, COMSEC, SAR, SCI, or have access outside the United States.
TEMPEST may also be required if there are foreign nationals employed by
the contractor. If TEMPEST applies, there will be a requirement for a
TEMPEST Vulnerability Assessment. This assessment will be performed by
government TEMPEST professionals in accordance with Air Force TEMPEST
directives. Further details will be supplied by the Contracting
Officer through the DD Form 254 (Contract Security Classification
Specifications) at the time of contract award. (4) OTHER SPECIAL
REQUIREMENTS: International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR)
restrictions apply to areas covered by this announcement. C --
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: (1) Anticipated Period of Performance: The
total length of the technical effort is estimated to be 60 months. The
contractor shall alsoprovide for an additional 4 months for
processing/completion of the final report. (2) Expected Award Date:
1997 May-June. (3) Government Estimate: The Government funding profile
represents the total amount available for all awards and is estimated
to be as follows: FY97 -- $300K, FY98 -$1.3M, FY99 -- $1.3M, FY00 --
$1.3M, FY01 -- $1.3M. More than one award may occur for this program.
This funding profile is an estimate only and is not a promise for
funding as this funding is for all awards to be made and all funding is
subject to change due to Government discretion and availability. (4)
Type of contract: Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF) or Cost (no fee). Any
grants awarded will be cost (no fee). (5) Government Furnished
Property/Base Support: None contemplated. (6) Size Status: For purposes
of this acquisition, a small business is defined as one with 500 or
fewer employees (SIC 8731). Firms responding should indicate whether
they are or are not a socially or economically disadvantaged business,
a woman-owned business, a Historically Black College, or a
University/Minority Institution, and should also indicate their
business size status. (7) Notice to Foreign-Owned Firms: Restrictions
applicable to this procurement preclude participation of foreign owned
firms as a prime contractor. D-PROPOSAL PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS: (1)
General Instructions: Offerors should apply the restrictive notice
prescribed in the provision at FAR 52.215-12, Restriction on Disclosure
and Use of Data, to trade secrets or privileged commercial and
financial information contained in their proposals. Proposal questions
should be directed to one of the points of contact listed elsewhere
herein. Offerors should consider instructions/information contained in
the "WL PRDA and BAA Guide for Industry" referenced in Section A of
this announcement. Technical and cost proposals, submitted in separate
volumes, are required and must be valid for 180 days from the proposal
due date. Proposals must reference the above PRDA number on all
proposal volumes. Cost and Technical proposals shall be submitted in an
original plus five (5) copies. All responsible sources may submit a
proposal which shall be considered against the criteria set forth
herein. Offerors are advised that only contracting officers are legally
authorized to contractually bind or otherwise commit the government.
Offerors may be requested to provide a TEMPEST Plan after the review of
their proposal by the Air Force. (2) Cost Proposal: Adequate price
competition is anticipated. The accompanying cost proposal/price
breakdown shall be supplied, together with supporting schedules, and
shall contain a cost and person-hour breakdown per task by fiscal year.
The offeror shall also provide in the proposal an explanation which
minimizes open commitments to subcontractors throughout the performance
of the contract. Included in this discussion shall be the offeror's
approach to ensure timely submission of vouchers from the subcontractor
to the prime contractor (at least monthly, or more frequently if
practical) and from the prime contractor to the Government. (3)
Technical Proposal: The technical proposal shall include a discussion
of the nature and scope of the research and the technical approach.
Additional information on prior experience in this area, descriptions
of available equipment, data and facilities, and resumes of personnel
who will be participating in this effort should also be included as
attachments to the technical proposal, and are included in the proposal
page limit. The technical proposal shall include a Statement of Work
(SOW) detailing the technical tasks proposed to be accomplished under
the proposed effort and suitable for contract incorporation. Offerors
should refer to the WL Guide referenced in Section A to assist in SOW
preparation. PL 98-94 applies. The proposal should also be submitted on
computer disk (3.5"), in Microsoft Word format, Microsoft Office 4.2
compatible. Any questions concerning the technical proposal or SOW
preparation shall be referred to the Technical Point of Contact cited
in this announcement. (4) Page Limitations: The technical proposal
shall be limited to 125 pages (12 font type or larger), double-spaced,
single-sided, 8.5 by 11 inches. The page limitation includes all
information, i.e. indexes, photographs, foldouts, appendices,
attachments, etc. Pages in excess of this limitation will not be read
or considered by the Government. Cost proposals have no limitations,
however, offerors are requested to keep cost proposals to 100 pages as
a goal. (5) Preparation Cost: This announcement is an expression of
interest only and does not commit the Government to pay for any
response preparation cost. The cost of preparing proposals in response
to this PRDA is not considered an allowable direct charge to any
resulting contract or any other contract. However, it may be an
allowable expense to the normal bid and proposal indirect cost as
specified in FAR 31.205-18. E -- BASIS FOR AWARD: The selection of one
or more sources for contract award(s), as well as the extentof those
efforts, will be based on scientific and/or engineering evaluation of
the offerors' responses (both technical and cost aspects) to determine
the overall merit of the proposal in response to this announcement.
The technical aspect, which is ranked as the first order of priority,
shall be evaluated based on the following criteria in descending order
of importance: (a) soundness of offeror's technical approach,
including the use of new or unique concepts, ideas, or approaches; (b)
the offeror's understanding of the scope of the technical effort; (c)
special technical factors such as the availability and commitment of
qualified technical personnel and their experience with applicable
technologies, background and/or demonstrated experience and capability
with rugate theory and design as well as fabrication and process
control techniques for rugate coatings, and the availability and
commitment of the necessary facilities; and (d) overall compliance with
proposal requirements, including the organization, clarity, and
thoroughness of the proposed SOW. Cost, which includes consideration of
proposed budgets and funding profiles, is ranked as the second order of
priority. No other evaluation criteria will be used. Cost and/or price
will be a significant factor for award. The technical and cost
information will be evaluated at the same time. The Air Force reserves
the right to select for award of a contract, grant or cooperative
agreement any, all, part, or none of the proposals received. Award of
a grant in lieu of a contract to universities or nonprofit institutions
will be considered and will be subject to the mutual agreement of the
parties. The offeror's proposal (or any part thereof) may be
incorporated by reference and used as the Air Force Statement of Work.
F -- POINTS OF CONTACT: Questions on technical issues may be referred
to the Project Engineer, Walt Johnson, WL/MLPJ Building 651, 3005 P
Street Suite 1, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH 45433-7702, (513)
255-3808, extension 3170. Questions on contractual and cost issues
should be directed to the Contract Negotiator, Jim Greathouse, WL/MLKM
Building 7, 2530 C Street, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH
45433-7607, (513) 255-5830. G -- OMBUDSMAN: An Ombudsman has been
appointed to hear concern from offerors and potential offerors during
the proposal development phase of this acquisition. The purpose of the
Ombudsman is not to diminish the authority of the Contracting Officer,
but to communicate contractor concerns, issues, disagreements and
recommendations to the appropriate government personnel. All potential
offerors should use established channels to maintain strict
confidentiality as to the source of the concern. The Ombudsman will
participate in the evaluation of proposals or in the selection
decision. Interested parties should direct all routine communication
concerning this acquisition to Philip R. Nelson, Contracting Officer,
WL/MLKM, Bldg 7, 2530 C Street, Wright-Patterson AFB OH 45433-7607,
telephone 513-255-5936. The Ombudsman should onlybe contacted with
issues or problems that have been previously brought to the attention
of the contracting officer and could not be satisfactorily resolved at
that level. These serious concerns only may be directed to the
Ombudsman, Mr. Daniel L. Kugel, ASC/SY, Bldg 52, 2475 K Street, Suite
1, Wright-Patterson AFB OH 45433-7642, E-Mail kugeldl@sy.wpafb.af.mil,
phone 513-255-3855. SEE Note 26. (0064) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0003 19970307\A-0003.SOL)
A - Research and Development Index Page