Loren Data Corp.




DEPT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS, 16111 Plummer St., Sepulveda, CA 91343

99 -- RADIATION BADGES SOL 665-14-97 DUE 050797 POC Chris Crader, 818/895-9365, Contracting Officer The intent of this solicitation is to provide radiation safety monitoring devices and services.Vendor must be accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) of the National Institute of Standards and Technology.Vendor must provide over-exposure notification by telephone and must maintain copies of film and microfilm reports in a fire-proof, controlled environment for the NRC-specified storage time but not less than 25 years.Film badge holder should not exceed dimensions of approximately 5.8 cm x 2.0 cm x 1.8 cm (excluding clip); the holder should be constructed of high impact polystyrene, be available in four different colors, and contain at least six absorber/filters for gamma, beta and x-ray detection.Metal absorbers (aluminum-340 mg/cm2 thickness and lead-tin (60%Pb+40% Sn)-1.630 mg/cm2 thickness) should be used in the film holder, must be U-shaped for optimal effectiveness and positioning. Film labels should alternate colors monthly.Film used should be Kodak Personnelmonitoring film-Type 2, for gamma, beta and x-ray detection, provided in hermetically sealed packets constructed of laminated layers of black polyethylene, aluminum foil and outer paper, not to exceed 25 mg/cm2 in thickness. Labels should have at least 15 spaces to accommodate the user's name, should also include the account number, participant's number and beginning badge date.Detection capabilities of the film in the film badge should be 10 millirems to 500 R for high energy gamma x-ray, 10 millirems to 60 R for low energy gamma and x-ray, 40 millirems to 1,000 R for beta radiation greater than 1 MeV. Ring badges should have the following properties: Detection of radiation over an exposure range of 10-2 to 10-5 Rem and over an energy of KeV Range of 15 KeV to 10 MeV; thermoluminescent grade Lithium Fluoride (100%); permanent, laser-etched plastic caps, sonically welded to the ring base to prevent loss of TL clip or user's identification; different sizes (small, medium, large) and a variety of colors (to bechanged monthly). Reports of badge readings must be provided and reported; date dosimeters were received and the report printed; number of days taken to complete process; if control badges have readings of 50 mR or more, it should be noted on reports, including the actual value being subtracted; deep; shallow, beta and extremity doses must be reported for each individual; separately, cumulative totals for the current quarter, year to date; year end summary and permanent totals for each employee (NRC requirement) and lifetime exposure for each individual; number for the current quarter; and total since inception, including inception date (NRC requirement). Vendors must supply samples of badges and rings for evaluation.Sources wishing solicitation should request in writing, no telephone requests will be accepted. Set aside for small business. SIC 8734. Anticipated date of solicitation, on or about April 7, 1997. (0077)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0313 19970320\99-0001.SOL)

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