COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF MARCH 26,1997 PSA#1810Federal Emergency Management Agency; Acquisition Operations Division;
Flood, Fire, and Mitigation Branch; 500 C Street, SW, Room 350;
AND MASSACHUSETTS POC Point of Contact -- William Roberson, Contract
Specialist 202/646-3622; Patricia A. English, Contracting Officer
202/646-4257 The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) intends to
award one contract in FY98 for the package listed below, subject to
the availability of funds, for Flood Insurance Restudies (RFISs)
located in communities subject to coastal flooding. The selected firm
will be required to perform the following services: (1) determine the
flood hazard areas in the assigned community; (2) perform wave height
and wave runup analyses; (3) develop flood elevation frequency data for
the 10-, 50-, 100-, and 500-year return periods resulting from combined
storm surges and wave action including open coast and inland areas
flooded inland through overland or natural and artificial waterways;
(4) prepare reports and flood maps which outline flood hazard areas and
flood risk zones; (5) coordinate and consult with Federal and State
agencies and local community officials, FEMA staff, and FEMA review
contractors, and others, as required. The communities will be studied
in varying degrees of engineering detail depending upon the amount of
floodplain development occurring. The cost to perform these studies is
estimated to range from $100,000 to $300,000. The starting date for
the restudies is scheduled for the second quarter of FY98 and is
estimated to take 12 months to complete. FEMA intends to utilize
"set-aside" procedures, where applicable, to contract with qualified
small business firms. To be considered eligible for "set-aside"
procedures, such A&E firms must clearly indicate on their SF 255: (1)
appropriate certifications as small businesses (self certification),
and (2) annual average gross revenue for the last three fiscal years
which must be less than or equal to $2.5 million. If an insufficient
number of firms respond or an insufficient number is determined to be
qualified utilizing the "set-aside" procedures, large firms will also
be considered. This procurement is classified under the Standard
Industrial Classification Code, SIC 8711, Other Engineering Services.
The following package is "set-aside" for small business firms, provided
a sufficient number of qualified firms apply: (Package 1): Cohasset,
City of (Norfolk Co.), MA, Hull, City of (Plymouth Co.), MA, and
Hampton, City of (Rockington Co.), NH. The anticipated contract type
will be cost reimbursable plus fixed fee. Only firms having an
accounting system meeting the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA)
standards for cost reimbursable contracts will be given consideration
for contract award. Firms interested in being considered to perform
this work are required to submit two (2) copies of a Standard Form (SF)
254 and SF 255 for each of the firm's home, regional, or branch offices
where they wish to be considered, showing project experience for each
specific office and listing the personnel in that office who would be
assigned to perform the work. This is not a request for proposal nor is
a proposal desired. Submission under this notice is requested only from
those firms having the capability to perform coastal flood studies as
described herein. Joint ventures mustinclude a copy of their legal
joint venture agreement signed by an authorized officer from each of
the firms comprising the joint ventures, with the chief executive
officer of each entity identified, and must indicate the percentage and
type of work that will be performed by each participating firm. If the
offeror is a joint venture, ITEM FIVE of the SF 255 must be completed
in full for the joint venture to be considered. Only one SF 255 shall
be submitted for joint ventures. ONLY USE STANDARD PAGES OF THE SF 254
AND 255 (Rev. 11/92) prescribed by GSA. No more than ten (10) brief
resumes may be submitted as part of item 7 of the SF 255, and each
resume shall not exceed one side of one page, using standard 10-point
type size. Item 10 of the SF 255 shall be limited to one single-sided
page, also using standard 10-point type size. All other materials such
as brochures, samples of work, attachments or extra pages will not be
considered, and will be discarded upon receipt. Firms will be selected
using procedures for acquisition of architect-engineer services set
forth in FAR, Part 36 (Brooks Act, 40 U.S.C. #541-544 (1988), as
amended) and the FEMA Acquisition Regulations subpart 4436.6. Selection
criteria will be in accordance with FAR Section 36.602-1, Selection
Criteria. If a firm has multiple offices, for each of the criteria
requiring demonstrated ability and experience, show project experience
for each specific office and list the personnel in that office who
would be assigned to perform the work. The following eleven factors
will be used in the selection of the firms (In scoring these factors,
the Government will also evaluate the demonstrated experience of the
key personnel in performing the related work, where applicable, while
employed by the firm): (1) Demonstrated ability and experience of key
personnel in applying storm surge models to simulate storm surge in
coastal areas. (Max. pts. 14); (2) Demonstrated experience of key
personnel in predictions or numerical simulations of tides, waves, and
tsunamis. (Max. pts. 14); (3) Experience of key personnel in coastal
engineering works including, but not limited to, studies of beach
erosion, tidal propagation in bays, estuary and inlet hydraulic studies
and shore protection designs. (Max. pts. 14); (4) Specialized
experience of key personnel in oceanographical engineering, hydraulics,
hydrology, civil engineering, and in mathematical modeling. Note that
subcontracting of hydrology and hydraulics is not allowed. (Max. pts.
10); (5) Specialized experience and technical competence of key
personnel in flood risk assessment and floodplain mapping for coastal
environs. The Government will also evaluate the demonstrated experience
of key personnel in the use of economical innovative mapping
procedures. (Max. pts. 9); (6) In-house staff experience in managing
and performing map digitizing and application of Geographic Information
Systems (GIS) technology. (Max. pts. 9); (7) Past performance on flood
insurance studies or related work of a similar magnitude and
complexity in risk assessment/floodplain information studies in the
past three fiscal years with Government agencies and private industry
in terms of cost control, quality of work, and compliance with
performance schedules. (Max. pts 8); (8) Capacity of the firm's office
applying for the work to meet the coastal RFIS requirements within a
twelve month period. (Max. pts. 7); (9) Firm's performance in and
familiarity with the study communities or areas. (Max. pts. 5); (10)
Geographic proximity of the firm's home/regional/branch office, where
work is to be performed, to the area to be studied. (Max. pts. 5); and
(11) Experience of firm in working with local-area governmental
authories. (Max. pts. 5). Following an in-depth evaluation of the
qualification and performance data submitted, three or more firms
considered to be the most highly qualified to provide the type of
service required, will be chosen for a "short-list". These firms will
receive written notice of their selection and be given a chance to
provide additional data. Upon receipt of the "short-list" response a
final evaluation and selection of the most qualified firm will be made.
A proposal will be requested, and cost negotiations will be conducted
beginning with the most preferred firm in the final selection, until an
award is made or all the short-listed firms have been rejected.
Responses shall reference "Synopsis Number: CSTL-98, Coastal Flood
Insurance Restudies in the States of New Hampshire and Massachusetts"
and the community where work is to be performed on the face of both the
SF 254 and SF 255 as well as the outside of the envelope. All firms
interested in the FY98 work, regardless of prior submissions, must
furnish new forms marked as stated above in order to be considered. No
other announcement is anticipated solely for coastal restudies to be
initiated in FY98. FEMA encourages, to the maximum practicable extent,
the subcontracting to small concerns and disadvantaged business
concerns. All information requested by this announcement must be
received by theContracting Officer at the office listed below by no
later than 3:00 PM local time on April 25, 1997. The designated address
and point of contact for receipt of submittals for Package 1 is:
Federal Emergency Management Agency; 3003 Chamblee Tucker Road;
Atlanta, GA 30341; ATTN: Helen J. Housand. Firms submitting responses
must allow several extra days for mail handling because late
submissions will not be considered except as noted in Federal
Acquisition Regulations (FAR), Part 14.304. (0080) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0021 19970326\C-0002.SOL)
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