COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF APRIL 1,1997 PSA#1814Directorate Of Contracting/Oo-Alc Pko, 6038 Aspen Avenue Bldg 1289 Ne,
Hill air Force Base, Ut 84056-5000 66 -- ENERGY DISPERSIVE XRAY SPECTROSCOPY SOL F42650-97-R-A036 DUE
052297 POC For copy, PKOA/Evelyn Stoltz/(FAX)801-777-6528, For
additional information contact Sherry Eldridge/Pkocc/[801]777-2495 This
requirement could be awarded as an aggregate (lowest overall cost for
all line items) or split (lowest line item cost to the government)
award. Best interests of the government will be the determinant factor
in this decision. This decision will be made at the time of review
after all proposals are received. Item 0001 ENERGY DISPERSIVE X-RAY
SPECTROSCOPY, NSN: 6640P904754F, P/N DX Series, 1 ea, Del Date 15 AUG
97 Fully integrated windows-based workstation for x-ray microanalysis,
pc compatible hardware and software, micronet parallel processor, data
acquisition module, light element x-ray detector, analytical software
to include qualitative/quantitative analysis for sem. Must have image
collection capability. The spectroscopy must be compatible with JEOL
840 microscope Mfg: Energy Dispersive Analysis by X-Ray (EDAX) or
equivalent Item 0002ESCA (Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis)
Upgrade, NSN 6640PECSAUPG, P/N: UPGRADE, 1 ea, Del Date 15 AUG 97
Consists of a new data acquisition and machine control computer for a
surface science instruments SSX-100-5. Upgrade ESCA with pc based
control that can interface with laboratory (lan) local area network,
add more precise control of the instrument and provide data reduction
and manipulation software. PC should be pentium based processor with
basic components such as color monitor, keyboard, hard drive, floppy
drive. Upgrade should also contain a color laser printer Item 0003
Image Analyzer, NSN 6640PIA3001, P/N: IA3001, 1 ea, Del Date 15 AUG 97
Image analysis computer to include the following: Host computer
(pentium 133mhz), image analysis processor, ccd video camera (high
resolution) with lighted copy stand gray image operations, binary image
operations, image archiving software (view only version) Mfg: Leco p/n:
IA3001 or equivalent (image analyzer) Mfg: Sony p/n: Dxc-107a or
equivalent (CCD video camera) Mfg: Mis p/n: Pax-it or equivalent
(archiving software) Item 0004Surface Analyzer/Spectrometer (OES), NSN
6640PGDS750 P/N:GDS-750,1 ea, Del Date 15 AUG 97 OES controlled
through a central computer, enables the user to apply a controlled
voltage and argon pressure to the sample surface. Glow discharge with
2mm is used for excitation can provide quantitative depth profile
analysis of first 25 um. Contains the following applications:
Thermochemical treatment, nitriding, carbonitriding, carburizing,
galvanizing, coating, and electroplating. (Also performs quantitative
bulk analysis on raw material) Mfg: Leco P/N: GDS-750A or equivalent
Item 0005Laser Copier, NSN: 6640PCOPIER P/N:800, 1 ea, Del Date 15 AUG
97 Desktop publishing platform color laser copier to include cannon
colorpass 3000 (or equal) Mfg: Cannon P/N:: 800 or equivalent (color
laser copier) Mfg: Cannon P/N: Colorpass 3000 or equivalent (colorpass)
colorpass or equivalent must be compatible with copier that is proposed
and is networkable to existing lan. The approximate issue/response date
will be 17 Apr 97. No telephone requests. Only written or faxed
requests received directly from the requestor are acceptable. All
responsible sources solicited may submit a bid, proposal, or quotation
which shall be considered. Request for copies of solicitations must
reference the entire solicitation number, including purchasing office
identification number. To expedite your request, limit the number of
individual solicitation numbers requested per letter to not more than
10. Don't request information on this requirement until after the issue
date. An Ombudsman has been appointed to hear concerns from offerors or
potential offerors during the proposal development phase of this
acquisition. The purpose of the Ombudsman is not to diminish the
authority of the program director or contracting officer, but to
communicate contractor, concerns, issues, disagreements, and
recommendations to the appropriate government personnel. When
requested, the Ombudsman will maintain strict confidentiality as to the
source of the concern. The Ombudsman does not participate in the
evaluation of proposals or in the source selection process. Interested
parties are invited to call Jack S. Jones if your concerns are not
satisfied by the contracting officer (801)777-6991. (0087) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0286 19970401\66-0008.SOL)
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