Loren Data Corp.




Bureau of Reclamation, Contracts Group, 1150 N. Curtis Road, Boise, Idaho 83706-1234

Y -- LOG -- BOOM REPLACEMENT, BASS LAKE DAM AND HARE MILL POND DAM MODIFICATIONS, BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY, NORTH CAROLINA!! SOL 1425-97-SI-10-07280 DUE 052297 POC Contracting Officer, Susie Zimmer, 208-378-5112!! E-MAIL: For a copy of the Presolicitation contact the procurement technician., dlarrondo@pn.usbr.gov. Solicitation No. 1425-97-SI-10-07280 will be issued on or about April 21, 1997. Estimated price range of the work is between $100,000 and $250,000 -- No charge for first solicitation copy, additional copies of solicitation provided on receipt of $5.00 each, nonrefundable. The work to be performed under this solicitation includes work at Bass Lake Dam, Trout Lake Dam, and Price Lake Dam and consists of log boom replacement which includes removal and transportation of the existing log booms. Modifications to Bass Lake Dam will include all work necessary to place a drainage blanket in the boggy areas, and shall consist of stripping the existing vegetation and topsoil, replacing the stripped material with a layer of gravel, placing a mound of impervious clay material, placing a drainage pipe, placing a filter fabric material, a layer of miscellaneous fill material, and a layer of topsoil, and seeding the topsoil. Modifications to Hare Mill Pond Dam shall consist of removing all trees and their roots, vegetation, and brush, excavation work and placement of filter fabric and riprap, stripping, constructing a gravel toe drain trench wrapped with filter fabric, placing drainage pipe, constructing a dike, placing corrugated pipe with flap valve, placing miscellaneous backfill, repairing concrete and stone work, placing topsoil, and seeding. The work is located in the Blue Ridge Parkway, North Carolina, between 90 and 150 miles northeast of Asheville, North Carolina.***** (0090)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0088 19970402\Y-0012.SOL)

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