Loren Data Corp.




U.S. Agency for International Development, OIG/LCM/B&A, SA-16, Suite 410, Attn: Contracting Division, Washington, D.C. 20523-1604

R -- WORLDWIDE AUDIT SERVICES IN SUPPORT OF AGENCY CFO AND GMRA AUDIT SOURCE SOUGHT POC Contact Point, Contracting Officer, JaNene Skinner, 703/875-5193, Fax 703/875-4858. Correction: This action originally publicized in the CBD dated 3/31/1997, has an additional requirement to provide the following information. Please state Business Type (e.g. Large Business, Small Business, Woman Owned, etc.) We repeat the following excerpt from the original CBD Notice. "Responses should include sufficient information to demonstrate the capacity, capability and organizational infrastructure required to perform this worldwide requirement. Responders should address their capability to manage auditing and technical services performed simultaneously in diverse worldwide locations, their technical capacity, capability and experience, and their capacity for prompt performance at diverse worldwide locations." All other information publicized in the original synopsis is correct. (0091)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0064 19970404\R-0003.SOL)

R - Professional, Administrative and Management Support Services Index Page