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SCRA, 5300 International Boulevard, Charleston, SC 29418

A -- CAST METAL COALITION SOL CMC98-2 DUE 060497 POC Ms. Amy Kemp; 803/760-4080 WEB: Proposal information is available electronically to requestors via e-mail, or through the World Wide Web at http://www.scra.org/cmc., http://www.scra.org/cmc. E-MAIL: A copy of the Vision and its more detailed Roadmap is available at http://www.scra.org/cmc, or by e-mail at kemp@scra.org., kemp@scra.org. The Cast Metal Coalition is a joint effort between the U.S. Department of Energy, American Foundrymen's Society, North American Die Casting Association, Steel Founders' Society of America, and the metalcasting industry at large. The Coalition seeks research and development proposals for 1998 funding in the metalcasting arena related to technology advancement, energy conservation and environmental efforts beneficial for the nation and the industry. Proposals should focus on topics within the guidelines stated in "Beyond 2000 -- A Vision for the American Metalcasting Industry", dated September 1995. Proposals should demonstrate technical knowledge to implement the intended work. A copy of the Vision and its more detailed Roadmap is available at http://www.scra.org/cmc, or by e-mail at kemp@scra.org. This is a cost-sharing initiative, requiring matching funds of up to $1.40 by the research team for each $1.00 of Coalition funds. Multiple project awards are anticipated, beginning in Fall 1997. National Labs may participate in the teams supporting this initiative. Requirements exist to establish and track energy and environmental metrics. Work products in this program will typically be of a non-proprietary nature and proposers must be willing to present reviews and assist in the transfer of information and knowledge gained in this work across the industry in order to enhance the overall level of American competitiveness. Proposals should be written using twelve-point font and one-inch margins. The proposals should address each of the following evaluation criteria: 1) Technical approach and relevance to the Industry's Vision and Roadmap; 2) Potential energy savings (for energy savings estimates, see the "How Do I Submit a Whitepaper or a Proposal to CMC" section of http://www.scra.org/cmc); 3) Potential for productivity improvements (e.g., lead time reductions, scrap reductions, direct cost savings); 4) Industry participation in the project (broad industry participation, in-plant trials, demonstrations); 5) Level of risk (incremental developments versus significant technological change) compared to results expected; 6) Cost realism and cost share; and 7) Past performance, if any. The point of contact for administrative questions and proposal format/content requests is listed at the beginning of this announcement. Proposal information is available electronically to requestors via e-mail, or through the World Wide Web at http://www.scra.org/cmc. Before 4 June, inquiries may also be addressed to any of the following Coalition representatives: Dr. Joe Santner, AFS, 505 State Street, Des Plaines, IL 60016-8399, phone 847/824-0181, fax 847/824-7848; Mr. Malcolm Blair, SFSA, 455 State Street, Suite 102, Des Plaines, IL 60016, phone 847/299-9160, fax 847/299-3105; Mr. Steve Udvardy, NADCA, 9701 W. Higgins Road, Suite 880, Rosemont, IL 60018-3620, phone 847/292-3600 ext.330, fax 847/292-3620; Mr. Bob Trimberger, Project Manager, DOE-ID, MS 1220, 850 Energy Drive, Idaho Falls, ID 83401-1563, phone 208/526-1807, fax 208/526-5964. Your proposals will be due (no faxed or e-mailed proposals) by 5PM E.D.T., 4 June 1997 at: SCRA, Attn: Ms. Amy Kemp -- Cast Metal Coalition; 5300 International Boulevard; Charleston, SC 29418. (0106)

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