Loren Data Corp.




15th Contracting Squadron, 90 G Street, Bldg 1201 Hickam, AFB, HI 96853-5230

Z -- SOLICITATION NOTICE FOR KNMD 96-1116-2, OMAF F-7, REPAIR ROOF, HAFB HI SOL F64605-97-B0008 DUE 060297 POC H'Strella A. Croom/Contract Specialist/ (808) 4496860 EXT 310 The principle features of this project shall include the Contractor funishing all plant, labor, equipment, appliances and materials and replacing pitch and gravel roof with metal roofing complete. Work includes replacement of wooden trusses with steel trusses for Bldg ll02, Wings G, H, I, J, A, B, C, D, E, F, and L. A solicitation will be issued on or about 1 May 1997 in compliance with Public Law 100-656, Business Opportunity Development Program Act of 1988, establishing a test of of unrestricted competition. The estimated cost of construction will be between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000. The project consists of one (1) basic bid item and seven (7) Separately Priced Options. Requests for the solicitation shall be in writing or faxed to the attention of Ms. H'Strella A. Croom. All requests must include: SOLICITATION NO., PROJECT NUMBER AND TITLE, COMPANY NAME, ADDRESS, BUSINESS SIZE AND TELEPHONE/FAX NUMBERS. TELEPHONE REQUESTS WILL NOT BE HONORED. (0106)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0130 19970421\Z-0001.SOL)

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