Loren Data Corp.




Officer In Charge of Construction, 520 Turner Street, Pensacola, FL 32508-5225

Y -- REPAIR STREETS AND DRAINAGE, MAGDA VILLAGE, NAVAL AIR STATION, WHITING FIELD, MILTON, FL SOL N65114-96-B-2110 DUE 061097 POC Point of Contact -- Technical inquiries prior to bid opening must be submitted in writing to the address listed above, or faxed to (904) 452-4505, Attention: Karla R. Ishmael, Code 232. All other inquiries regarding availability of plans and specifications should be directed to the attention of Daphne B. Dillard, Code 232.5 at telephone number (904) 452-4616 The cost of each set of plans and specifications is $100.00. This fee is non-refundable. To order plans and specifications, forward your company check, money order or corporate VISA credit card number to Defense Automated Printing Service, 280 Hovey Road, Pensacola, FL 32508-1048, Attn: Tom Morris. (Cash, personal checks and personal credit cards will not be accepted.) Plans and specifications will be available May 12, 1997. The work includes the resurfacing and modifications to all existing streets and parking areas within Magda Village. Existing pavement will be demolished and replaced or overlaid. Existing curb and gutter will be demolished and replaced. Underground strom drainage for streets and parking will be provided. New sidewals will be provided throughout the village. Concrete lined drainage ditches will be removed and replaced with underground drainage pipe. Statutory Requirements: FAR Clause 19.702, if your company is considered a Large Business, the contract will require the participation of Small Business concerns, Small Disadvantaged Business concerns, and Women-owned Small Business concerns in the contract performance consistent with its efficient performance. If the selected bidder fails to submit a subcontracting plan within the time limit prescribed by the Contracting Officer, the bidder will be ineligible for award. Requests for planholders list should be submitted in writing (no telephone requests will be honored) to Defense Automated Printing Service, 280 Hovey Road, Pensacola, FL 32508-1048, Attn: Tom Morris. Planholders lists will be U.S. mailed (not faxed) Estimated Cost: $1,000,000 -- $2,000,000 (AC0497016-73) (0112)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0109 19970424\Y-0014.SOL)

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