PILOT TEST PROGRAM SOL DAMT01-97-R-3002 POC Gloria L. Morales,
Contracting Officer, (703)681-8572 WEB: MTMC Website,
http://mtmc.army.mil. E-MAIL: Contracting Officer,
gloriam@baileys-emh5.army.mil. Note: This does not constitute a
solicitation. The Military Traffic Management Command is seeking
sources to provide all personnel, equipment and materials to conduct
comprehensive investigative audits of transportation invoices to ensure
accuracy, completeness, and compliance with established rates and
tariffs applicable to the Department of Defense's (DoD) Personal
Property Pilot Test Program. Potential sources can review the Personal
Property Pilot Test Program solicitation on the MTMC Website --
http:/www.mtmc.army.mil for informational purposes. There are three
phases to this requirement: Phase 1- The Contractor shall establish
facilities, obtain equipment, train personnel, test pre-payment
auditing procedures and acquire and maintain the capability to
electronically interface and exchange data electronically with DOD
automated systems; Phase II- The Contractor shall conduct investigative
audit of a maximum of 100 percent of all transportation invoices
submitted for the movement and storage of personal property pilot
shipments. DOD will require the transmission of verified transportation
invoice data electronically to the designated payment office.
Additionally, the Contractor shall determine the method for surveying
and design a customer assessment survey form containing specific
questions identified by the Government. The Contractor shall survey a
maximum of 100 percent of all customers to determine quality of
service, verify data and assess the Pilot Contractor performance. The
Contractor shall conduct quarterly performance reviews based on results
of the customer surveys and claims reports submitted by contractors
participating in the pilot program and the military claims services;
Phase III- The Contractor shall prepare a post pilot report containing
summarized investigative audit, customer survey data and claims data
to include an analysis of the data and any recommendations for systemic
improvements. The Pilot Test Program will test approximately 18,500
personal property shipments over a base period of twelve months. The
program will include two option years. Potential sources are invited to
respond with the following information: 1) Evidence of progressive and
responsible experience in investigative pre-payment auditing of
personal property bills/invoices and program performance
evaluation/measurement, i.e. government, corporate and individual
customers: a) Discuss the experience of key personnel, number of years
experience in investigative pre-payment auditing of personal property
bills/invoices, rate of recovery experience, ability to conduct
electronic commerce and experience in evaluation of performance and
cost data; b) Describe present work force and ability to provide
adequately trained personnel to perform this requirement; c) Explain
capability to expand operations to efficiently respond to the peak
summer moving season; 2) Provide evidence of sufficient financial
capability, working capital and other technical and management
resources to perform this requirement without assistance from the
government; 3) Describe your capability to provide required data
electronically to the government; 4) Explain in detail how data will be
captured, manipulated and provided to the government in various formats
for management information reports. Interested small business concerns
should provide all the information requested above. A positive
statement of eligibility as a small business concern shall be provided.
The statement of eligibility should include a statement certifying
status as a Small, Small Disadvantaged, and/or Women-Owned Business
concern, number of employees, past performance information including
references for comparative work in nature and magnitude with telephone
numbers, points of contact and contract numbers. All responses should
reference this notice and should be received within twenty-one (21)
days from the date of this announcement. The standard industrial
classification (SIC) code is 8742 and the small business size standard
is five (5.0) million dollars annual gross revenue forthe last three
fiscal years. Please note this does not constitute a solicitation
notice. (0113) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0020 19970425\B-0004.SOL)
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