Loren Data Corp.




45CONS, 1201 Minuteman St, MS 7200, Patrick AFB, FL 32925-3237

D -- COMMUNICATIONS SUPPORT CONTRACT (CSC) POC Linda Sherod or Lee Thompson, (407) 494-2208 This market survey is being conducted to identify 8(a) firms interested in providing communications support services for the 45th Space Wing. The communication tasks being considered for inclusion under a single contract are: base visual information services (electronic imaging, video teleconferencing, simple and complex graphics, equipment check-out function, stills and motion video, Base Commander's channel (TV programming and operation)), small computer maintenance, small computer training, closed local-area network for proprietary and privacy act information, and government land mobile radio maintenance at CCAFS and PAFB (radios, antennas (UHF, VHF, GPS, marine, etc.; inventory, training). Approx 1,801 radio users and 38 nets. (GROUP 1) /// Other communication requirements being evaluated for inclusion under the aforementioned single contract (no final decision has been made) are: Mission communications systems support (management, control, and scheduling of communications operations), ground-basedradio maintenance, TV maintenance, wideband MX, telephone systems maintenance, telephone cable maintenance (fiber optics and solid core), telephone installation maintenance (switches and instruments / inside and outside plant). (GROUP 2) /// The basic contract period will be Jan-Sep 98; no decision has been made on the number of option years. Firms must (1) state their interest in this acquisition either as a prime or subcontractor and that at least 50% of the cost of contract performance incurred for personnel will be expended for employees of the concern (ref FAR 52.219-14, Limitations on Subcontracting). Responses must address both groups of tasks (in case all tasks are included). Teaming arrangements are acceptable. (2) identify the primary and all secondary SIC codes approved under the 8(a) program for the requirements identified above; and (3) provide a capabilities overview including experience in the form of an outline of previous projects for specific relevant work completed (past performance) or currently being performed including contract numbers, description of the work, dollar amounts, points of contact, phone numbers; professional qualifications, any certifications and/or licenses, and specific experience of personnel who would manage this contract. NOTE: Address only the communication requirements above. Responses to this market survey must be submitted to MS e-mail address: linda-sherod@pafb.af.mil prior to COB on 5 May 97. Additional information may be provided on CD ROM or VHS video tape. The CSC acquisition home page internet address is: http://www.pafb.af.mil/45LG/45CONS/commspt.htm. This web site will be available for contractor access soon. Firms stating an interest in subcontracting and/or partnering opportunities and reviewing the source list will be able to add their information to the applicable section of the CSC homepage. This capability will be provided for contractors' convenience and informational purposes only. This synopsis is for planning purposes only and does not commit the government to pay for the information requested, issue a solicitation, or award a contract. No technical or solicitation documents exist now. Additional acquisition information will be provided on the home page. (0113)

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D - Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication Services Index Page