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REQUEST FOR LETTERS OF INTEREST TO PARTICIPATE IN THE COMPETITIVE DIVESTITURE OF AF OWNED CHIMPANZEES AND FACILITIES Request for Letters of Interest to Participate in the Competitive Divestiture of Air Force Owned Chimpanzees and Facilities A. INTRODUCTION: The United States Air Force intends to divest its interests in the primate research complex (PRC) located at Holloman AFB, NM, and the Air Force owned chimpanzees located at or managed from the PRC. The Air Force seeks non-binding letters of interest on the opportunity described below. Letters of interest or facsimiles in response to this announcement should be submitted by June 10, 1997. B. OBJECTIVE: This request seeks to obtain preliminary information from individuals/organizations who may be seriously interested in participating in competitive negotiations to acquire the Air Force resources described below. Following receipt of responses to this request, the Air Force will issue a solicitation requesting competitive proposals from interested individuals/organizations. The request for proposals (RFP) will contain definitive requirements governing the participation of individuals/organizations, including standards of care and use of the chimpanzees and the PRC. C. DESCRIPTION OF OPPORTUNITY: Pursuant to Section 2842 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1997, Public Law 104-201, the Secretary of the Air Force may dispose of all right, title, and interest of the United States in and to the PRC at Holloman Air Force Base. The disposal may include the chimpanzees owned by the Air Force that are housed at or managed from the PRC. The Air Force intends to achieve this divestment by disposing of its interests in some or all of the resources of the PRC and all of the Air Force owned chimpanzees as described below: 1. The Air Force intends to transfer title in all Air Force owned chimpanzees (approximately 145 chimpanzees) that are managed from or housed at the PRC, subject to the current lease agreement, to one or more recipients. 2. The Air Force intends for the transfer of ownership of the chimpanzees to be irrevocable. 3. The Air Force intends to offer its interest in the PRC. However, individuals/organizations are encouraged to propose to use their own facilities. 4. The Air Force does not intend to transfer title of the underlying real property on which the PRC is located. D. conditions of divestment: Pursuant to Section 2842 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1997, Public Law 104-201 -- 1. Each recipient of any chimpanzee(s) must- a. utilize such chimpanzees only for scientific research or medical research purposes; or b. retire and provide adequate care for such chimpanzees. 2. Each recipient of chimpanzees or PRC facilities shall take such chimpanzees or PRC facilities subject to any existing leases or other encumbrances at the time of the divestment. 3. The divestment of interest of the United States in the PRC shall be at no cost to the Air Force and the Air Force will not pay for the divestment of the Air Force-owned chimpanzees. E. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS: 1. Recipients of chimpanzees will be subject to certain regulatory requirements, particularly those imposed under the Animal Welfare Act. 2. Some of the chimpanzees have undergone previous experimental research. 3. The preferred goal of this opportunity is to transfer ownership of all the chimpanzees to one or more recipients. The Air Force prefers that the chimpanzee social groups be maintained, but, will consider transferring ownership of fewer than all, in a social group, to a recipient. F. INFORMATION FOR PLANNING PURPOSES: 1. Expected Request for Proposal (RFP) Release Date: on or about June 24, 1997. 2. Cost: The government will consider waiving compensation in transferring ownership of the chimpanzees to suitable recipients. 3. Transfer of Excess PRC Property: The Air Force will consider providing related government owned property to the recipients of the chimpanzees. 4. The Air Force reserves the right to exercise unilateral discretion in evaluating credentials and capabilities of interested individuals/organizations and in deciding whether to invite any individual/organization to participate further in the process. G. LETTERS OF INTEREST: Interested individuals/organizations should submit letters of interest no later than June 10, 1997, containing the following preliminary information: 1. Your name, address, phone number, facsimile number, and E-mail address. 2. Indicate on what basis you will participate, e.g. individual, a corporation, a partnership or teaming arrangement, a non-profit organization, a governmental agency, a university, a zoo, etc. 3. Indicate any partnership or teaming arrangement with another individual/organization. If so, provide the name and address of the individual(s)/organization(s). 4. Indicate the number of chimpanzees that you might be interested in and the intended use of the animals. 5. Indicate whether you intend to relocate any chimpanzees received in this action to a location outside the United States. 6. Indicate whether you are a United States citizen (including corporations, etc.). If you are not a United States citizen, indicate your nationality. 7. Indicate if you desire a site visit to the PRC. H. NOTICE REGARDING RELOCATION OF CHIMPANZEES OUTSIDE U.S.: Individuals/organizations intending to relocate chimpanzees outside the United States are asked to immediately notify the Chimpanzee Divestment Officer below upon deciding to respond to this announcement. Such individuals/organizations should be aware that restrictions may apply that could preclude their participation in this divestment process and competition. I. PUBLIC MEETING : The Air Force plans to conduct a public meeting on a date to be determined . The purpose of this meeting will be to share basic information regarding the divestment of the chimpanzees and the PRC facilities being offered. This meeting is not a forum for discussion of policy regarding the utilization of chimpanzees for research or for retirement. Those issues are not relevant to the divestiture decision since Congress has directed that the recipients of any chimpanzees must utilize them for either medical and scientific research or for retirement. Those desiring to attend the meeting should contact the Air Force Public Affairs Office for the details of the meeting. The Air Force Public Affairs Office can be contacted at: SAF/PAM 1690 AF Pentagon Washington, D.C. 20330-1690 The Air Force Public Affairs Office can be contacted by facsimile at (703) 614-7486. Those who do not expect to attend, but wish to receive the materials distributed at the public meeting may request a copy from SAF/PAM. Attendance at the public meeting by interested individuals/organizations is encouraged but is not required to participate in the divestment. J. POINTS OF CONTACT: 1. Letters of Interest related to the proposed divestment should be directed to: Human Systems Center R&D Contracting Division, ATTN: Chimpanzee Divestment Officer Building 626, 8005 9th Street, Brooks Air Force Base, Texas 78235-5353 Letters of Interest related to the proposed divestment may also be sent by facsimile to the Chimpanzee Divestment Officer at (210) 536-4253 2. Request for information about the Public Meeting should be directed to: SAF/PAM 1690 AF Pentagon Washington, D.C. 20330-1690 Request for information about the Public Meeting may also be sent by facsimile (703) 614-7486.

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