Loren Data Corp.




Federal Bureau of Prisons, 3600 Spurr Rd., Lexington, KY 40511

U -- LIBRARIAN SERVICES FOR FEDERAL MEDICAL CENTER, LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY SOL RFQ 123-0003 DUE 070997 POC Michelle Davy, Contract Specialist, 606-253-8892. The Federal Bureau of Prisons intends to award a nonpersonal service contract to the qualified individual or business capable of providing librarian services to inmates housed at the Federal Medical Center, Lexington, Kentucky. Services include but are not limited to: assure adequate library services are provided to inmates, maintaining an interlibray loan program, develope and review needs of inmates in the library, develope training programs for all inmate legal and leisure clerks and aides, maintain a sign in log for both libraries, develope an appropriate video selection meeting the needs of various cultures. Requirements include: masters degree in library science, prior experience in legal and leisure libraries. The contract period will include a base year, not to exceed twelve months from date of award, with four, one year option periods for renewal. This is a nonpersonal service, not to exceed 30 hours per week, and not a personnel appointment. The anticipated number of sessions to be completed is 4 per week, with a session defined as four hours. The anticipated issue date of solicitations is June 4, 1997, with an anticipated receipt of offers due by July 9, 1997. This is a 100% set aside for small business. Requests for quotation solicitation packages may be obtained by writing to the Regional Contracting Office, 3600 Spurr Rd, Quarters 14, Lexington, KY, 40511, Attn: Michelle Davy. You may also fax a request to 606-253-8882. No phone requests will be accepted. (0121)

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