Loren Data Corp.




USCG, CEU Providence, 300 Metro Center Blvd, Warwick, RI 02886

Z -- AUTOMATED GATE, USCG STATION NEW LONDON, CT SOL DTCGG1-97-Q-1WH045 DUE 060297 POC Mr. Robert J. Kruzewski (401) 736-1704 (fax) Contractor shall provide all material, labor, equipment, transportation, and disposal necessary to automate existing dual swing gate at USCG Station, New London, CT. (New London County) Work consists of providing the following: Two swing gate operators and necessary hardware to atutomate existing dual swing gate. Communications equipment including wireless intercom system, wireless cctv system with two cameras and one picture in picture manholes monitor, wireless remocte operating system, digital keypad entry system and one exit and one safety loop detector. Provide two 40ft wood transmitter and receiver poles with two high pressure sodium lamps. Provide electrical power to both poles and all security equipment and any incidental related work. BID ITEM 2: Additional work required to install a new automatic 20ft wide horizontal sliding gate in lieu of automating the existing dual swing gate. This work includes the removal and disposal of all hardware, fencing, and framework for the existing dual swing gate and installation of all new hardware, fencing, equipment, and framework required to install the new sliding gate. Plans and specifications available on or about May 19, 1997 by mailing a non refundable check in the amount of $20.00 payable to USCG. Receipt of offers due June 2, 1997. SIC: 1799. Cost range is between $25,000 to $100,000. Requests for packages will be honored until supply is exhausted. This project is issued pursuant to the small business competitiveness demonstration program and is unrestricted. This procurement is an emerging small business set aside. Performance period is 45 days after receipt of notice to proceed. (0122)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0095 19970506\Z-0012.SOL)

Z - Maintenance, Repair or Alteration of Real Property Index Page