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U -- NON-PERSONAL SERVICES; PRESENTATION/CONFERENCE TRAINING FOR MILITARY AND CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES AT U.S. ARMY GARRISON-FITZSIMONS. SOL DADA03-97-B-0001 DUE 052397 POC Contract Specialist MARJORIE GRAY (303) 361-3244 (Site Code DADA03) Non-personal services for presentation/conference training for military and civilian employees at U.S. Army Garrison-Fitzsimons. Contractor shall provide all services, supervision, labor, plans, insurance and supplies required to carry out training as described in the Technical Proposal for approximately 400 civilian and military employees (managerial and non- managerial). The contractor will be required to submit a final report after training. The government will be using the two-step sealed bidding method which shall require the submission of a technical proposal (requirements of the technical proposal will be provided upon request of copy of the solicitation) In selecting the acceptable overall technical proposals, the government will evaluate the bidder's capability to perform based on the following factors listed in descending order of importance. 1. Contractor's oral presentation, if requested, 2. Qualifications and experience of Contractor's proposed primary and backup coordinator and associatedpersonnel. 3. Contractor's preliminary training plan and method they will utilize to institute the training. Technical proposals shall not include prices or pricing information. In the second step, only bids based upon technical proposals determined to be acceptable, either initially or as result of discussions, will be considered for award and each bid in the second step must be based on the bidder's own technical proposals. Offerors shall submit proposals that are acceptable without additionalexplanation or information. The Government may make a final determination regarding a proposal's acceptability solely on the basis of the proposal as submitted and the Government may proceed with the second step without requesting further information from any offeror. However, the Government may request additional information from offerors of proposals that it considers reasonably susceptible of being made acceptable, and may discuss proposals with the offeors. A notice of unacceptability will be forwarded to the offeror upon completion of the proposal evaluation and final determination of unacceptability. Offerors may submit only one technical proposal. Performance start date is projected to be June 2, 1997. The performance date is not binding on the government and the actual delivery or performance requirements will be contained in the invitation issued under step two. Technical Proposal due date is May 23, 1997. Requests for solicitations may be faxed to Marjorie Gray at (303)361-8803. All requests for solicitations must be submitted in writing. (0126)

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