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89th Contracting Squadron, 1419 Menoher Drive, Andrews AFB, MD 20762-6500

Z -- SIMPLIFIED ACQUISITION OF BASE ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS (SABER) SOL FA4416-97-R0015 DUE 071797 POC Contract Specialist, William D. Wheat; Contracting Officer, Jimmie A. Campbell ESTIMATED ISSUE DATE: 17 JUNE 1997. This acquisition is for a broad range of maintenance, repair and minor construction work on real property at Andrews AFB, Brandywine and Davidsonville Communication Sites, and Summerfield Housing Site, Maryland. The work is required in support of Andrews Air Force Base CES, Base Civil Engineer (BCE) activities. The contract will be an Indefinite Delivery-Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) type contract and will include a wide variety of individual construction tasks as identified in the R. S. Means Pricing Guide. During the contract period, the BCE will identify construction tasks required to complete each specific job, and the 89th Contracting Squadron will negotiate and issue individual delivery orders to the contractor to complete those jobs. The contractor will be required to furnish all materials, equipment and personnel necessary to manage and accomplish the projects. The contractor will be required to maintain a management office on Andrews AFB in order to receive delivery orders and provide other management services related to accomplishing individual jobs. Individual jobs will vary in size and complexity. The jobs will include tasks in a variety of trades, including carpentry, road repair, roofing, excavation, interior electrical, steam fitting, plumbing, sheet metal, painting, demolition, concrete masonry, and welding. The guaranteed contract minimum for the basic year is $500,000.00. The basic year maximum amount is $10,000,000.00. The Government reserves the right not to exercise any or all of the option years. Should the Government elect to exercise any or all of the option years, the guaranteed minimum per option year will be $300,000.00. The maximum amount per option year will be $10,000,000.00. The maximum total amount for the base year and four option years shall not exceed $50,000,000.00. The average value of SABER delivery orders under the current SABER contract at Andrews AFB from 15 May 94 to 15 May 97 was $126,000.00 with a range from $4,820.00 to $641,000.00. The performance period will be a twelve (12) month basic year with four (4) twelve month option years to be executed at the Government's option. The proposed procurement is being issued as an unrestricted acquisition. The Government anticipates significant subcontracting activity under the SABER contract. Award will be made to the offeror who the Government determines can best accomplish the necessary work to satisfy the objectives and requirements set forth in the RFP in a manner most advantageous to the Government. Each offeror's proposal will be evaluated against the following two areas listed in descending order of importance: Technical and Management, and Cost. The Government reserves the right to award a contract to other than the low offeror. Requests must be sent via facsimile to (301) 981-1912 or by written request to 89 CONS/LGCC, 1419 Menoher Drive, Andrews AFB, MD 20762-6500. No telephone requests for the solicitation package will be accepted. Please forward requests for plans and specifications no later than 3 June 1997 to enable us to obtain enough copies to fill all requests. Provide your firm's name, address, telephone and facsimile numbers and point of contact. Requests received after 3 June 1997 may not be filled. Technical questions regarding the solicitation must be in writing and received no later than 2 July 1997, to ensure proper and timely responses. This notice does not obligate the Government to award a contract, it does not restrict the Government in its ultimate acquisition approach, nor does it obligate the Government to pay for any bid/proposal preparation costs.***** (0133)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0215 19970516\Z-0020.SOL)

Z - Maintenance, Repair or Alteration of Real Property Index Page