Loren Data Corp.




60 CONS/LGC, 350 Hangar Avenue, Travis AFB, CA 94535-2632

Z -- TO PROVIDE MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING MAINTENANCE AT TRAVIS AFB, CA SOL F04626-97-R0004 POC Bernadette Breeding, Contract Administrator, (707) 424-7750 Contractor shall provide all personnel, equipment, tools, materials, supervision, transportation, and other items and services necessary to perform Military Family Housing Maintenance and Repair for Travis AFB, CA. Contractor shall maintain military family housing units, maintain and repair heating, air conditioning, and evaporation cooling systems, provide custodial services, painting, floor replacement, repairs involving lead-based paint and asbestos, repair termite/water damage, roof repair, replacement of keys and locks, provide repairs to utilities (sewer, water, gas, electrical, telephone, etc.) lines/systems, maintain and repair government-owned playground equipment, minor and major appliance/equipment maintenance and replacement, interior and exterior painting, floor refinishing, carpet repair, provide replacement for deteriorated structural wood, provide minor and major renovation, minor maintenance, repairs and/or replacement of kitchen counterop, sink, bathroom, countertop, vanity, bathtub wall kit, and garage door, provide routine, emergency and urgent maintenance and repairs, manage and operate a comprehensive inspection program, and establish and maintain maintenance history for each faciltiy. The resultant contract will include a basic contract period and four one-year option periods. Type of contract contemplated is a firm fixed-price (FFP). Estimated date for issuance of the solicitation is on or about 16 Jun 97. The solicitation will provide the actual closing date. The Standard Industrial Classification Code is 7349. The Size Standard is $12,000,000.00 million. This acquisition is listed here as a 100% small business set-aside. Please respond by close of business 23 May 97 if you are a responsible small business concern who can be expected to meet the government's requirements. This solicitation is part of a Government cost comparison to determine whether accomplishing the specified work under contract or by Government performance is more economical. If Government performance is determined to be more economical and advantageous, this acquisition will be canceled and no contract will be awarded. Offerors wishing to respond to this solicitation should provide this office with a request on company letterhead. Offerors address should show zip + 4. Request for solicitation must be in writing. Requests may be faxed to (707) 424-0288. Requests should include complete company address, business size, CAGE Code, telephone numbers (voice and FAX) and point to contact. Telephone requestes for bid packages will not be honored. See Notes 1 and 26 (0136)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0135 19970521\Z-0003.SOL)

Z - Maintenance, Repair or Alteration of Real Property Index Page