Loren Data Corp.




VA Medical Center, Contracting Officer (90C), 6010 Amarillo Blvd. West, Amarillo, TX 79106

Z -- REMOVE/REPLACE FLOOR TILE SOL ifb 504-97-20 DUE 061397 POC Bob Auffrey, (806)354-7845 Provide labor, equipment, and materials for project no. 97-sk-17, replace floor tile, bldg. 1 at VA Medical Center, 6010 Amarillo Blvd. West, Amarillo, Texas 79106. Project includes removal and replacement of approx. 3,750 sq. feet of floor tile in bldg. 1 basement corridor and 2 elevators. Work includes removal of existing floor tile, repairs to existing concrete sub-floor, installation of a limited amount of cove base. Corridor must remain accessible at all times (heaviest flow of traffic from 7:00am-6:00pm). Limited access to corridor by contractor will be allowed during the heavy traffic hours as scheduled through facility mgmt. service (engineering). Estimated cost of construction is between $25,000 and $100,000. Total contract completion time shall be 45 calendar days. Solicition packages available on or about 5-28-97. Bid opening date on or about 6-13-97. Solicitation packages must be requested in writing. Foward writtten request for bid documents to above address or fax to (806)354-7875. All responsible parties may submit an offer whick shall be considered by the Department of Veterans Affairs. (0142)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0122 19970528\Z-0009.SOL)

Z - Maintenance, Repair or Alteration of Real Property Index Page