Loren Data Corp.




VA Medical Center, Contract Office, 2215 Fuller Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105

S -- ASBESTOS ASSESSMENT SOL 506-57-97 DUE 070297 POC Mary B Jones, (313) 769-7100, x5705 E-MAIL: VA Medical Center, Ann Arbor, MI, JONES.MARY_B@ANN-ARBOR.VA.GOV. This facility intends to solicit to update the Facility Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) Asbestos Assessment. Vendor must provide all necessary labor, supervision, and equipment. Provide an AHERA Assessment per 40 CFR 763 and Abatement Plan for all buildings at the VA Medical Center, 2215 Fuller Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105. Contractor shall plan and conduct an Industrial Hygiene Survey of every accessible space (crawl space, pipe spaces and chases, attics above ceiling, above ceiling tiles, plasters ceilings, etc.) to determine the presence, type, quantity and condition of the asbestos-containing materials for all the buildings listed in solicitation. Contractor shall assess all these factors and conduct nuecessary bulk samples to arrive at an asbestos exposure assessment determination. Contractor shall provide this determination in a report form that can be annually updated. All responsible sources may submit a proposal which shall be considered by the agency. All requests for proposal documents shall be made in writing, referencing solicitation 506-57-97. Fax requests may be sent to (313) 213-3833. Projected issue date is 6-9-97 with a projected proposal due date of 7-2-97. SIC Code 1799 applies with a dollar standard of $7.0 millions of dollar. Numbered Note 1 applies. (0149)

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