REGISTRATION PACK For current and prospective DoD contractors: You can
register now for the Air Force S&T Website. As part of the Air Force
Independent Research and Development (IR&D) process, the Science &
Technology Directorate of Air Force Materiel Command has established a
unique Science and Technology (S&T) controlled World Wide Web (WWW)
site to communicate with industry. This site, the first government site
of its kind, provides industry and government organizations with
current Air Force requirements and related planning information to
support industry's future research and development efforts.
Registration is free to qualified DoD contractors. Information on the
site includes export controlled and sensitive unclassified documents,
previously available only through hard copy, now available immediately
and on-line. The fastest and easiest way to register is to download
the secure site registration packet from our public access website at
-- http://www.afmc.wpafb.af.mil/STBBS/register.htm -- If you have any
difficulty downloading the registration agreement we will be happy to
answer your questions. 2. Information currently on the Air Force
"controlled" Science and Technology Planning Information World Wide Web
site includes: 1. Documents/Reference Material -- Briefings:
DoD/Industry Conference Summary Information. Planning & Requirements
Documents: Air Force: Infrastructure Technology Needs; Request for
Proposals; Technology Area Plans; USAF Scientific Advisory Board;
Research & Development. Other DoD: Basic Research Plan; Joint
Warfighting S&T Plan; Military Critical Technologies List; Descriptive
Summaries: S&T Strategy; Technology Area Plans; Technology Objectives;
Navy S&T Requirements Guidance. Policies, Guidelines & Laws: IR&D
Guidelines for Air Force Laboratories; Technology Master Process;
Industry Guidelines for Reporting to DTIC; I~&D Law. Publications,
Regulations, and Specifications: AFMC Contracting Laboratory's FAR;
Military Specifications. Technology Reports: 2. News & Announcements:
News: Conference/Tradeshow Info; Links to News Sources. Announcements:
Air Force 2025; Air Force Sponsored Regional Science Fairs; Air Force
Science & Technology Report; Modeling & Simulation for the Warfighter
-- A Perspective for AF S&T. 3. Organizations: Air Force: Air Force
Materiel Command; Air Force Armstrong Lab; Air Force Phillips Lab; Air
Force Rome Lab; Air Force Wright Lab; AF Office of Scientific
Research; Logistics Centers; Product Centers; Test Centers. Army: Army
Home Page. Navy: Navy Home Page; Office of Naval Research S&T Depts
and Programs. DoD: Defense Research & Engineering Home Page; Small
Business Innovation Research; Small Business Technology Transfer. 4.
Points of Contact (POC): AFMC Organizations; TPIPT POCs; IR&D POCs; Air
Force Home Page; Air Force Communications Agency; Development Planning
Division; Major Command Information; Technology Transition Office
Info. 5. Process Improvement Programs: Air Force Acquisition Reform;
Air Force Laboratory Personnel Demonstration Page; Laboratory Quality
Improvement Program (LQIP). 6. S&T Related Sites: DDR&E LabLink;
Revolutionary S&T Planning; Defense S&T Planning; DoD Info Analysis
Center (IAC) Hub Page; SIDAC Home Page; DTIC STINET. 7. S&T Acronyms.
8. Utility Web Sites: Airline Information Center; Links to News
Sources; FinanceNet; George C. Marshall Security Studies; Guide to
Internet Resources; IndustryNet; Phone/Business Directory; Stanford
Center for International Security and Arrns Control; Weather
Information; U.S. General Accounting Office. 3. The controlled S&T WWW
site has the ability and approval to provide sensitive "unclassified"
(i.e., export controlled) information to the Department of Defense
(DoD) and certified DoD contractors. All users will be required to
apply for a password to access this website. The fastest and easiest
way to register is to download the secure site registration packet from
our public access website at --
http://www.afmc.wpafb.af.mil/STBBS/register.htm. If you have any
difficulty downloading the registration agreement we will be happy to
answer your questions. If you have any questions regarding the
controlled Air Force S&T WWW site, contact us by e-mail at
webmaster~@st-ims.wpafb.af.mil or call Mr. Jeff Lubow, (937) 257-9767
or Ms. Sheila Whidbee, (937) 257-5594. WEB: The above URL is a page on
the Air Force Science & Technology Public Access Website from which
you can download a registration agreement and information about the
controlled access Air Force Science & Technology Planning Information
Website., http://www.afmc.wpafb.af.mil/STBBS/register.htm. E-MAIL: The
above E-mail and street addresses are the contact points for the web
administrators of the Air Force Science & Technology Planning
Information Website, webmaster@st-ims.wpafb.af.mil; Air Force Science
& Technology Planning Information Website, HeadQuarters Air Force
Materiel Command, Directorate of Science & Technology (HQ AFMC/STXP),
4375 Chidlaw Road, Suite 6, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH
45433-5006. Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0729 19970605\SP-0001.MSC)
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