Loren Data Corp.




20 CONS/LGCC, PO Drawer 52610, Shaw AFB, SC 29152-2610

Z -- REPAIR RUNWAY SURFACE SOUTH BAK 12-04L SHA 95-0053 SOL F38601-97-B0011 DUE 082297 POC Paul Marrette, Buyer (803) 668-2459 ext.223 E-MAIL: 20CONS/LGCC, marrettep@cons20.shaw.af.mil. Provide all labor, tools, equipment, transportation and materials necessary to remove and reconstruct a portion of existing concrete runway. Work includes but not limited to pavement removal, grading, concrete paving, and marking. SIC Code: 1611. IFB issuance date will be on or about 23 Jul 97. Bid opening date to be on or about 22 Aug 97. Performance period is 45 calendar days after Notice to Proceed. Magnitude of this project is between $25,000 and $100,000. When requesting solicitation package please provide phone numbers, FAX number, Socio economic status (i.e., emerging small business, SDB, etc.) and nine digit zip code with your response. Only written and/or faxed requests will be honored. FAX # (803) 668-4355 or 5633. (0162)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0152 19970613\Z-0038.SOL)

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