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INTEGRATD HIGH PAYOFF ROCKET PROPULSION TECHNOLOGY (REVISION 2) THIS IS A REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RFI) ONLY. THIS REQUEST AMENDS THE PREVIOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS DATED 9 MAY 1997 AND 11 JUN 1997. THIS REVISION REPRESENTS A CLARIFICATION ONLY TO THE 11 JUNE ANNOUNCEMENT. REVISIONS ARE INDICATED BY CAPITALIZED TEXT. The Government does not intend to award a contract on the basis of this synopsis or to otherwise pay for the information requested under this synopsis. This is NOT a request for proposal or an invitation for bid, merely a request for information only. The Government is interested in obtaining information from industry in the form of Advanced Rocket Propulsion Plans (ARPPs) on how future goals for the Integrated High Payoff Rocket Propulsion Technology (IHPRPT) can be met. This RFI is in regards to an addendum or update to a contractor's existing ARPP. The purpose of the addendum is to incorporate the efforts in support of Technology for the Sustainment of Strategic Systems. The Technology for the Sustainment of Strategic Systems efforts to be incorporated in the IHPRPT process are the results of a DoD level Integrated Product Team (IPT) addressing the issues for sustainment of strategic missile systems, technology development capability, reducing cost, or improving performance. The technologies identified by the IPT to be worked under IHPRPT are focused on the improvement or replacement of materials, components, and processes which are unavailable, expensive, unique to ICBM's, or are insupportable. The three technology areas to be addressed are boost propulsion, post boost propulsion and control, and aging and surveillance. These efforts are to be addressed under the Boost and Orbit Transfer and Tactical Propulsion mission application areas. Additional baseline data and goal summary information have been added to these two mission application areas relative to the sustainment efforts. In addition, this RFI is a call to update plans for satisfying the hybrid propulsion goals within the Tactical Propulsion mission application area for participation in a joint international program in hybrid propulsion. ARPP'S MAY BE PROPOSED SEPARATELY FOR ANY OR ALL OF THE THREE STRATEGIC SUSTAINMENT AREAS OR MAY BE INCORPORATED INTO ARPP'S WHICH INCLUDE OTHER AREAS OF IHPRPT. Any updates to existing ARPP's or new ARPP's for the balance of the IHPRPT program are also welcome. Although this request is open to all interested organizations/individuals, please be advised that contractors who have not previously been associated with the IHPRPT program should be aware of the following: The IHPRPT program will involve technology acquisitions that have military or space applications and are subject to Air Force Material Command FAR Supplement, Section 5393, Foreign Disclosure Reviews. In addition, foreign owned or influenced firms and foreign governments will not be allowed to participate as prime contractors. Only U.S. contractors who are registered and certified with the Defense Logistics Services Center (DLSC), Federal Center, Battle Creek, Michigan or who are teamed with one of the registered contractors will have access to restricted information which will contain key data, such as goals and baselines. The IHPRPT program is a DoD/NASA/Industry coordinated effort to develop revolutionary and innovative technologies by the year 2010 that will permit a doubling of rocket propulsion capabilities over the 1993 state of the art technology. The program is structured in three phases, with goals set for the calendar years 2000, 2005 and 2010 plus a separate Strategic Sustainment Technology milestone in 2003. In addition, there is a demonstration milestone in 2001 culminating a joint international program in hybrid propulsion for tactical applications. The requested ARPP's will be used to plan Industry and Government technology development efforts. The information provided through the ARPPs will also be used to develop the Government Rocket Propulsion Plan (GRPP). A Steering Committee comprised of Department of Defense (DoD) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) representatives will be formed to review ARPPs submitted by the United States (U.S.) Rocket Propulsion Industry on this topic. U.S. Rocket Propulsion Industry companies, who wish to participate in this program must develop ARPPs mapping out their future rocket propulsion research and development (R&D) efforts, consistent with the IHPRPT program goals. The ARPP shall describe in detail the contractor's plan for full achievement of all the time phased goals for each proposed application area(s); Boost and Orbit Transfer, Spacecraft Propulsion, and Tactical Propulsion. The contractor need not propose work in all three applications areas, but must address all appropriate goals and phases within any proposed application area. For example, if a responder addresses Strategic Sustainment goals, they need not address the Boost and Orbit Transfer goals which apply to non-solid fueled systems or the separate (non-sustainment) strategic motor goals. See the supplemental package for more information regarding the goals. It should be noted that all efforts which address Strategic Sustainment Technology within the Boost and Orbit Transfer and Tactical Propulsion mission application area must be separately identifiable from all other efforts for the purposes of technical and financial management. The technology developed for Strategic Sustainment will be applicable to multiple land and sea based strategic, boost and orbit transfer, and tactical applications and should be reflected in the ARPP roadmaps wherever appropriate. New, innovative concepts and processes are encouraged. It is the intent of the Government to issue a call for ARPPs on a bi annual basis. The Government will provide written comments to each Contractor specifically in the following areas: completeness, strengths, weaknesses, cost and probability of successful completion (management and technical approach). The comments will be based on the following: Does the ARPP address all the IHPRPT goals within all the phases of the selected mission application area(s)? What are the strengths and weaknesses? Is this a viable plan and do the projects integrate together toward a demonstration of simultaneous goal achievement? Does the ARPP contain all the information requested in the RFI? Is the ARPP clear, concise and well organized? Submitters are advised that representatives from DoD and NASA, as well as employees of Aerospace Corporation; SPARTA Inc.; Sverdrup, Inc.; and Nyma, Inc. may assist the Government as advisors in reviewing the ARPP's. Specific ARPP content, recommended ARPP format, sample roadmap, baselines for each application area, IHPRPT goals with specific thresholds for calendar years 2000, 2005 and 2010, and the Strategic Sustainment goals and thresholds are described in the supplemental package which is available upon request. The supplemental package has been modified. To obtain the modified supplemental package contact the Contract Negotiator, Ms Barbara Barcelona, at AFFTC/PKAE, (805) 277 3900, extension 2214. All information contained in this synopsis and supplemental package is available on the OASIS Bulletin Board and can be accessed by calling (805) 277-4519. Point of contact for the Bulletin Board is Ms Jan Borges at (805) 277 3900, extension 2291. Responses to this announcement should be unclassified. Because OSD and NASA are participating in this program, FIVE copies of the ARPPs must be submitted to EACH point of contact listed below, with the exception of the Directorate of Contracting, who will receive only ONE. The recommended length of the ARPPs is 200 pages, double spaced, single sided, 10 point font size or greater. ARPPs/updates are due not later than 23 June 1997, 4:00 p.m. PDT. IF THE REVISED INFORMATION SUBSTANTIALLY IMPACTS YOUR FIRM'S ABILITY TO MEET THE DUE DATE, CONTACT MS BARCELONA IMMEDIATELY. Should government contracts be awarded to achieve the plan objectives, it is anticipated that the following solicitation methods will be employed: Program Research and Development Announcements (PRDAs), NASA Research Announcements (NRAs) and Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs). POINTS OF CONTACT: Mr. Lee Meyer, Air Force Phillips Laboratory, Propulsion Directorate, OL AC PL/RK, 5 Pollux Drive, Edwards AFB, CA 93524 7048 at (805) 275 5620; Mr. C. Franklyn Markarian, Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division, Code 474B00D, 1 Administration Circle, China Lake, CA 93555 6001 at (619) 939 3241; Mr. Garry Lyles, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, DA 01, Marshall Space Flight Center, AL 35812 at (205) 544-9203; and Ms. Barbara Barcelona, AFFTC/PKAE, Directorate of Contracting, 5 S Wolfe Ave., Edwards AFB, CA 93524-1185. WEB: Click her for the On-Line Acquisition Solicitation Information System at Edwards AFB, CA., http://cpf.edwards.af.mil/contract/rfp.html. E-MAIL: Click email link to contact the POC., barcelob%pk@mhs.elan.af.mil.

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