COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF JUNE 30,1997 PSA#1877Commercial Acquisition Department, Bld. 11, Naval Undersea Warfare
Center Division, Newport, Code 59, Simonpietri Drive, Newport, RI
02841-1708 A -- CENTERWIDE BAA PART 6 OF 6 SOL BAA 97-01 DUE 063098 POC G.
Palmer, Negotiator at (401) 841-2442 X292; FAX (401) 841-4820 WEB:
Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division, Newport,
http://www.npt.nuwc.navy.mil/contract/. E-MAIL: G. Palmer, Contract
Negotiator, PALMER@CODE59.NPT.NUWC.NAVY.MIL. This solicitation can be
viewed and searched on the Internet at
t.htm. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS Organizations wishing to participate
should submit proposals (3 copies) of their approaches along with a
capability statement to the Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division,
Commercial Acquisition Department, Attn: Gerard Palmer, Code 5912,
Building 11, Simonpietri Dr., Newport, RI 02841-1708 by close of
business (COB) 30 June 1998. Any confidential/secret information within
the proposal should be separated and forwarded to the Naval Undersea
Warfare Center Division, Attn: Michael Keshura, Code 104, Building
108/2, 1176 Howell St., Newport, RI, 02841-1708. On average, proposals
typically range from 5-10 work-years of engineering and scientific
effort for an average contract performance period of 1 to 3 years. When
known proposals shall clearly indicate in the introduction the
NUWCDIVNPT program, division, or individual(s) expected to accept
technical responsibility for the proposal review and program execution.
The Government initially intends to award more than one contract to
multiple offerors with an average range of $50,000 to $50 0,000.
Exceptions to the cost estimate will be entertained when mutually
desirable. Follow-on efforts will vary in size according to the needs
of the Government. All material submitted to NUWCDIVNPT under this
announcement shall be considered Government property. The Government
requires unlimited data rights with regard to the procurement, with the
possible exceptions 1) of a negotiated position for data rights to
existing concepts that may be further developed under this procurement
and 2) for efforts conducted under this procurement with leveraged
funds. Specific deliverables, delivery schedule, and contract will be
negotiated with successful offerors. There will not be a formal RFP or
other solicitation requests in regard to this r equirement. When
multiyear, multitasking, or ncrementally-funded approaches are
proposed, NUWCDIVNPT reserves the right to terminate funding for the
convenience of the Government. Successful/unsuccessful offerors will be
notified within 120 days of evaluation. Proposals will be evaluated in
accordance with the following criteria: 1. Relevance of overall
scientific or technical merit to Navy needs; 2. Potential for meeting
affordability and dual-use criteria; 3. The offeror's capability,
related R&D experience, facilities, techniques, and unique combinations
of these, which are integral factors for achieving the proposal
objectives; 4. The qualifications, capability, and experience of key
personnel who are critical in achieving the proposal objectives; 5.
Costs including: transition opportunities/impact; separation of
Government funds from leveraged internal funds by utilizing separate
tasking and audit trails (the amount of past and proposed industry
investment as well as the past and proposed Government contract
investment should be explicitly indicated). Proposed length, exclusive
of cost and pricing data, should not exceed twenty (20), 8 1/2 x 11
inch typewritten pages and should specify the technical area of concern
addressed. If offerors see topics that apply to more than one R&D
Technological Area, they are encouraged to submit a proposal that
covers all the applicable areas. These areas must be clearly identified
in the proposal. This constitutes a broad agency announcement (BAA) in
accordance with FAR 6.102(d)(2)(i). It is important to note that all
post-submission liaison by the offeror with NUWCDIVNPT be via Code 59
and not the expected technical code. Contracting questions should be
directed to Gerard Palmer/Code 5912 at (401) 841-2442 x292. All
responsible sources may submit an offer that will be considered.
ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY DEMONSTRATION (ATD) Separate from the policies and
procedures stated herein for BAA 97-01, NUWCDIVNPT is also interested
in establishing government/industry teaming arrangements for the
development of joint Advanced Technology Demonstration (ATD)
conceptproposals related to any of the Science and Technology topic
areas listed in this BAA. The goal of the ATD program is to demonstrate
high risk/high payoff technologies that could significantly impact
future warfighting or warfighting support capabilities and their
affordabilit y. ATD programs cover integrating and assessing technology
in a realistic operational environment. Further information about ATD
teaming opportunities may be obtained by contacting Michael
Keshura/Code 104 at (401) 841-1151. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER: COOPERATIVE
policies and procedures stated herein for BAA 97-01, NUWCDIVNPT is
interested in developing partnerships to pursue research and
development in a variety of technological areas. This notice is not a
procurement solicitation. It is a request to pursue opportunities to
leverage assets for mutual benefit, a win/win situation. NUWCDIVNPT
goals for these partnerships are: 1) to transfer technology out of the
laboratory to promote its commercialization, improve the environment,
and provide high-quality jobs for U.S. workers, and 2) to help insure
the best equipment at cost-eff ective prices for the Navy. NUWCDIVNPT
has unique scientific and technical facilities, personnel, databases,
and know-how associated with the technological areas listed in this
Science and Technology BAA. Inquiries, proposals, and discussion papers
are invited. These may cover a range of activities from using the
unique laboratory facilities or licensing patents, to participation in
cooperative research and development agreements (CRADAs). CRADAs are
agreements between Federal Agencies and non-federal parti es including
corporations, partnerships, limited partnerships, universities, state
and local governments, public and private foundations, nonprofit
organizations and individuals, including licensees of inventions owned
by a Federal agency. Last year, NUWCDIVNPT was awarded 86 patents and
participated as partners in 24 CRADAs. If you would like a listof
NUWCDIVNPT patents or are interested in a partnership with NUWCDIVNPT,
please call Margaret M. McNamara at (401) 841-7279, e-mail to
mcnamaramm@npt.nuwc.nav y.mil, or write Code 105, Naval Undersea
Warfare Center Division, 1176 Howell St., Newport, RI 02841-1708.
from the policies and procedures stated herein for BAA 97-01,
NUWCDIVNPT is interested in entering into Navy Potential Contractor
Agreements in a variety of technological areas. This notice is not a
procurement solicitation. The Navy Potential Contractor Program (NPCP)
permits an information access agreement to be established between a
government laboratory and a company that has the potential to become a
future Navy contractor. The agreement is a cost-to-the-government
agreement that is ente red into at the discretion of the government.
NPCPs may or may not directly benefit the government partner but almost
always benefit the industrial partner. Processes needed for
establishing an NPCP include: 1. Identification by the industrial
partner of a body of information about which the company wishes to have
knowledge for the purpose of developing proposals in a selected
technical area, 2. Agreement by the government entity involved that
they are willing to sponsor an NPCP, 3. Identification of a technical
contact at the government entity who can and will function as the
primary focal point from which the company will receive the desired
information, 4. Verification of the company s need-to-know about the
information and the company s ability to handle the level of
classification of the material requested. If you are interested in
obtaining further information about the Navy Potential Contractor
Program, please call Michael Keshura, (401) 841-1151, FAX (401)
841-1725, e-mail to keshura@npt.nuwc.navy.mil, or write Code 104, Naval
Undersea Warfare Center Division, Bldg. 108/2, 1176 Howell St.,
Newport, RI 02841-1708. Inquiries about this Science and Technology BAA
should be directed to Michael Keshura, (401) 841-1151, FAX (401)
841-1725, e-mail to keshura@npt.nuwc.navy.mil, or write Code 104, Naval
Undersea Warfare Center Division, Bldg. 108/2, 1176 Howell St.,
Newport, RI 02841-1708. END of Part 6 of 6 (0177) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0009 19970630\A-0009.SOL)
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