POINT OF CONTACT: Dr. Jeffrey S. Herd, RL/ERAA (617) 377-4214. TITLE:
Digital Beamforming Development. CATEGORY: Applied Research. DOD
OBJECTIVE: Develop architecture(s), appropriate algorithms, and
implementation concepts for a satellite payload that utilizes digital
beamforming on receive and/or transmit. DESCRIPTION: Phased array or
multiple beam antennas use beam forming networks to (1) form a desired
radiation pattern, and/or (2) generate multiple beams from the same
aperture. If a large number of beams or maximum flexibility is
required, an all-digital implementation of this beam forming network is
worthy of consideration. This requires, however, that the received
signals from an array of antenna elements are individually
pre-amplified, frequency down-converted, digitized, and then fed into
a digital processor, where beam forming and other functions, such as
channelizing (demultiplexing and filtering), are performed. Similarly,
on transmit, the array must digitally combine multiple beam signals,
D/A convert, frequency up-convert and linearly amplify each channel.
Multiple agile beams (perhaps in the hundreds) could be simultaneously
formed in the digital processor. Each beam could be specially
contoured and directed to satisfy a specific regional coverage
requirement. Sidelobes could be lowered to permit frequency reuse
operation, or even to mitigate RF interference from non-users. Each of
these capabilities could be implemented with either fixed algorithms,
or algorithms having adaptive features. The digital processor
architecture should also permit channel and beam assignments to be made
with full flexibility. The key performance issues are the availability
of enough dynamic range and bandwidth in the A/D converters and the
capacity and speed of the digital processor. The viability of digital
versus analog beamforming depends not only on performance, but
ultimately on the relative impacts on payload size, weight, and
especially power. A beam-forming test bed should also be developed
along with the digital processor prototype. Proposals that address
innovative A/D Converter and high speed Digital Signal Processor
designs will also be considered. PHASE I: Investigate candidate digital
beamforming/channelizing architectures, and develop top level
functional descriptions of the selected architecture(s). Assess the
status of component technology, particularly A/D Converter and Digital
Signal Processors technology, and develop a prototype design and
performance specifications(s) for a proposed digital processor. Provide
proof of concept documentation and/or simulation of the proposed
design(s). PHASE II: Develop the appropriate beamforming and other
algorithms for the selected architecture(s). Perform tradeoffs and
analyses to evaluate and develop an implementation approach to the
architecture(s) selected in Phase I. Develop a computer model of the
proposed digital processor to assess and demonstrate performance.
Develop a prototype processor and demonstrate key performance
characteristics through an appropriate test-bed. PHASE III DUAL USE
APPLICATIONS: Both military and commercial systems would benefit from
the flexibility of digital beamforming/ channelization, even though the
emphasis and resultant architectures would likely be different.
Commercial systems are usually interested in deploying a large number
of beams and in frequency reuse. Future military systems, on the other
hand, must consider robustness and consequently high dynamic range as
a critical requirement, but will also employ frequency reuse to meet
growing requirements for high capacity. KEYWORDS: Antennas, Satellite
Payload, Beamforming, Digital Receive, Beamforming Network, A/D
Smith, RL/C3BA (315) 330-7436. TITLE: Digitally Adaptive Nulling
Algorithm Development. CATEGORY: Applied Research. DOD CRITICAL
Develop adaptive nulling algorithms for an all-digital adaptive nulling
processor. DESCRIPTION: Adaptive nulling can be used on a communication
satellite system to protect against uplink jamming. This technique
involves modifying the receive antenna pattern such that a pattern null
is placed in the direction of the jammer. Furthermore, it must be
adaptive because the location of the jammer and its operational
strategy would not be known a priori. Current nulling systems, such as
in Milstar II, employ basically a single fixed algorithm, implemented
in a hybrid analog/digital processor. Considerably more flexibility
could be achieved with an all-digital processor. Multiple algorithms
could be implemented specifically to make the nuller more immune to
intelligent jamming. Algorithms with additional constraints to achieve,
for example, better pattern coverage for users might also be
implementable in an all-digital processor. New algorithms could even be
uploaded to enhance nulling performance during the operational lifetime
of the satellite. Many of these algorithms have already been studied in
the literature. The key issues are how to implement an overall
architecture and the amount of processing capacity and speed that can
be made available under reasonable constraints on weight and power.
PHASE I: Investigate and/or develop adaptive nulling algorithms for
on-board, all-digital processing application. Develop an overall
architecture for a multiple-algorithm, all-digital processor. Develop
simulation tools and demonstrate key performance. PHASE II: Assess the
status of digital processing component technology, and determine the
feasibility of implementing the digital architecture developed in Phase
I. Generate estimates of hardware size, weight, and power. Perform
analysis and simulation to assess nulling performance, particularly to
evaluate the response time against various types of jammers. The
contractor should also include performance demonstrations of adaptive
nulling that is relevant to the commercial space craft world. PHASE III
DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Commercial systems encounter RF interference
from unintentional sources. These instances are increasing due to the
limited communications spectrum being shared by a growing number of
communication systems. Through the use of adaptive nulling, commercial
systems will have the ability to maintain performance. KEYWORDS:
Communications Satellite, Receive Antenna, Adaptive Nulling, Uplink
Jamming, Nulling Algorithms, All Digital Processor. SBIR TOPIC
#AF98-121. TECHNICAL POINT OF CONTACT: Gregory J. Hadynski, RL/C3BA
(315) 330-4094. TITLE: EHF/SHF/Ka Communications Link Attenuation and
Availability Model. CATEGORY: Applied Research. DOD CRITICAL TECHNOLOGY
computer model for predicting satellite communications link attenuation
and availability at EHF/SHF/Ka frequencies. DESCRIPTION: Atmospheric
propagation effects can significantly impair the performance of
satellite communications links operating at the EHF/SHF/Ka frequencies.
Existing propagation models, primarily due to shortcomings in the
weather and attenuation measurement database do not provide a
satisfactory framework for estimating link performance and often give
conflicting results. There are also significant shortcomings in the
environmental databases that support these models, especially the lack
of instantaneous rainfall rate and frequency of occurrence data for
more than a small number of selected locations. The recent availability
of EHF/SHF/Ka satellite link attenuation data from the NASA ACTS
satellite and other sources may now facilitate the development of a
comprehensive model of link attenuation/availability that will better
address the needs of a worldwide EHF/SHF/Ka satellite communication
system. PHASE I: In Phase I, the structure of a link attenuation/
availability model and environmental database shall be developed, based
on Air Force input together with an analysis of existing models and
expanded data sources. Sources of data to be used to calibrate and
verify the model shall be identified. Proof of concept documentation
and/or simulation shall be provided as a basis for Phase II
feasibility. A comprehensive plan for Phase II shall be prepared. PHASE
II: The Phase II effort shall include three tasks: 1) Finalize Link
Attenuation/Availability Model Development. The model shall accurately
calculate attenuation (dB loss) and availability (percentage of time)
for a bi-directional communications link between a ground terminal and
a satellite as a function of carrier frequency, elevation angle, and
terminal environment (temperature, humidity, rain rate, cloud cover,
fog, altitude, etc.). The model must be tailored to meet limitations
imposed by the available environmental data. The model should focus on
the 44 GHz/21 GHz uplink/downlink Milsatcom frequencies, but should
also be applicable to EHF/SHF/Ka frequencies used and proposed by
commercial systems. The model development effort should build on the
existing body of knowledge and inventory of models by recalibrating to
the recently available data. 2) Environmental Database Development: a
global database of weather data specifically tailored to the format of
the model shall be developed. 3) Computer Program Development: The link
attenuation/availability model and the environmental database will be
combined into a single user-friendly computer program tailored to the
task of analyzing EHF/SHF/Ka link performance. The program will
generate color-coded maps depicting link attenuation or availability on
a global or regional scale, contours of constant link attenuation or
availability, or point estimates for specific locations (with an option
for the user to input site-specific environmental data). The program
will generate availability for a link with a specified margin, or will
generate the margin required to achieve a specified availability. The
results will be an annual average or season specific. All outputs will
reflect the orbital motion of a specified satellite constellation.
PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: The model will be inherently
applicable to both military and commercial communications systems
operating at EHF/SHF/Ka frequencies. Using this model, commercial
satellite developers will be able to accurately predict the required
power levels of their transponders. KEYWORDS: Satellite Communications,
EHF/SHF/Ka, Link Availability, Link Attenuation, Link Margin,
Atmospheric Attenuation, Radio Propagation. SBIR TOPIC #AF98-122.
TECHNICAL POINT OF CONTACT: Richard Fedors, RL/OCPC (315) 330-3608.
TITLE: Mutual Input/Output Photonic Sensors. CATEGORY: Applied
TECHNOLOGY AREA: AF1. OBJECTIVE: Develop a photonic output for sensor
detector elements operating in the ultraviolet/visible/infrared
wavelengths. DESCRIPTION: Key limiting factors in sensor performance
are noise and delay in getting a signal off the detector and into a
signal processor. Current practice is to accomplish this with various
electronic signal conditioning, analog-to-digital conversion, and
amplification steps. Some type of storage, display, or transmission
operation would follow to complete the sensing process. All of these
steps can be severely affected by electronic noise; particularly in
military environments where radiation, interference, and jamming are
common. Incorporating photonics technology into sensor system
front-ends offers the opportunity to solve many of these problems. By
using light to carry information as early as possible from a detector
array, the signal becomes almost impervious to electromagnetic
interference. Besides the inherent noise reduction possible with this
method, it provides the opportunity for efficient optical
pre-processing of target data. In cooled infrared sensors it would also
slash the thermal loss that comes from carrying an electrical signal
from a cryogenic dewar to an ambient environment. This approach would
substantially reduce the weight and power requirements for forward
looking infrared sensors, and extend the operation of satellite sensors
where consumable cryogenics strictly limit system lifetime. Even more
significant is the ability of such sensors to directly interface with
the coming light-based digital network. Combined with advances in
parallel processing and optical correlation, near real time automatic
target recognition will become practicable. This would help bring about
a tremendous improvement in battlefield surveillance and global
intelligence gathering capabilities. Commercial applications would
benefit as well from this technology. The low noise and high speed
characteristics of purely optical detector outputs would translate into
higher system data throughput. This would be a boon to medical
diagnostics, law enforcement operations, and environment monitoring.
Huge markets for the mutual input/output sensors would be found in
intelligent highway vehicle systems and mass communication networks.
Dual-use applications are likely anywhere an optical sensor is now
used, from industrial process control to mail sorting, to virtual
reality entertainment products. PHASE I: Develop preliminary designs
for a digital photonic output, directly from a detector array. Provide
a limited demonstration to show feasibility of approach. PHASE II:
Design, build, and demonstrate a photonic output system for (an Air
Force designated) advanced sensor(s). Develop plans required for
airborne and satellite demonstration. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS:
The photonic output sensor technology developed under this contract
will have application in a variety of military and civilian terrestrial
and aerospace sensor systems. KEYWORDS: Photonic, Sensors, Mutual
Input/Output, A/D Conversion, Jamming, Light Based Digital Network.
RL/C3CA (315) 330-2073. TITLE: Complex Modeling of Software Components.
demonstrate a model-based synthesis technique to support complex
software composition from a collection of architectural components
using inter-linked knowledge models. DESCRIPTION: Recent improvements
in software development techniques have led to the creation of very
large scale architectures as a collection of software components and
commercial off the shelf (COTS) products. For example, the current
constructive simulation community creates unique simulation exercises
using a collection of simulations and simulators that interface in a
varying number of ways. Many of the components represented in the
simulation are funded and developed by different organizations. Many
COTS products are used. This complexity of relationships has led to
large scale configuration problems that require costly testing and
integration efforts, as well as costly deployments and use. In fact,
recent experience has shown that inconsistent applications are often
built and not discovered until after a commitment has been made for
their use. In recent years, modeling techniques and knowledged-based
software have matured enough to be able to represent the specification
of software architectures as well as capture collateral information
and rationale. This collection of inter-linked knowledge can be used to
automatically synthesize the composition of correct applications in
particular domains, such as constructive simulation. Using inter-linked
knowledge models, greater automatic synthesis should be achievable over
past efforts using similar techniques. Previous efforts in synthesis
have produced very narrow and limited applications from very specific
domains. These knowledged-based applications should be able to support
broad-based applications in what has traditionally been very labor
intensive areas, and should be generalizable to multiple large domains.
Typical applications that might be synthesized from inter-linked
knowledge models include:Support of architectural testing and
integration through the use of inter-linked models to create domain
specific testing and integration requirements. Support for deployment
of an architecture, where the architectural components are distributed
and supplied by many organizations. Through the use of collateral
material and rationale, these applications can be provide "best fit"
configurations, as well as identify constraints and restrictions on
combining components of varying levels of architectural compliance
provided by different suppliers. Examples are different version of COTS
product and different implementations of interfaces, etc. Provide the
ability to extract information from inter-linked knowledge models to
estimate cost drivers for use and deployment of the architecture.
Enable trade-off analysis between functional capability and domain user
requirements or goals, and identify potential risk areas. Individually
and collectively these types of applications have the potential to
greatly reduce the costs involved in using architectures, while
increasing the overall quality of the applications produced from the
architecture. PHASE I: Design and demonstrate the feasibility of a
modeling technique to represent the complex configurations of the
constructive simulation community and supporting collateral
information. Specifically, the modeling technique and technology should
be able to represent semantically rich information knowledge models
that can be inter-linked with other models and supporting information.
The representation should support the synthesis of applications from
the software architectures, as well as creating entirely new
applications that can support the architecture in various ways. The
approach should be able to be distributed among various geographically
dispersed locations, as well as be embedded in applications that
end-users in the constructive simulation community can use to support
simulations. The approach taken should be general enough to apply to
other large-scale architectures, such as C3I, etc. Document an approach
for modeling this information and identification of supporting
technology. PHASE II: Using the results of Phase I, implement a tool or
technique that can represent the arbitrarily complex and inter-linked
information about software architectures. Although the tool or
technique should be general enough to apply to any software
architecture and domain, the particular area of interest should be the
constructive simulation community. Demonstrate the technology by
building inter-linked knowledge models of the software used during
constructive simulations, and synthesize several applications that use
the inter-linked knowledge to support constructive simulation
exercises. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: This approach and possible
application have applicability to both the government and commercial
marketplace. Large-scale architectures are being constructedin
industry, particularly in the financial and telecommunications market,
that are requiring greater need for automated configuration support.
In addition, government procurements for large-scale object-oriented
systems will produce architectures premised on composable components to
create unique applications. These applications r Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0540 19970630\SP-0006.MSC)
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