COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF JULY 2,1997 PSA#1879R&D Contracting Directorate, Bldg 7, 2530 C Street, WPAFB, OH
Contact Kimberly K. Atkinson, Contract Negotiator, (937) 255-5253 or
Phillip Marcum, Contracting Officer, (937) 255-5252 E-MAIL: click here
to contact the contracting officer, atkinskk@aa.wpafb.af.mil.
INTRODUCTION: Wright Laboratory (WL/AAKD) is interested in receiving
proposal abstracts on the research effort described below. Proposal
abstracts in response to this PRDA shall be received by 20 Aug 97, 1500
hours Eastern Time, to Wright Laboratory, Directorate of R&D
Contracting, Building 7, 2530 C Street, Area B, Attn: Kimberly K.
Atkinson (WL/AAKD) Wright-Patterson AFB OH 45433-7607. This is an
unrestricted solicitation. Small businesses are encouraged to propose
on all or any part of this solicitation. Proposal abstracts received
after the cutoff date and time specified herein shall be treated in
accordance with restrictions of FAR 52.215-10. A copy of this provision
may be obtained from the contracting point of contact. There will be no
formal Request for Proposal or other solicitation request in regard to
this requirement. Offerors should be alert for any PRDA amendments
that may permit subsequent submission of proposal dates. Offerors
should request a copy of the WL Guide entitled, "PRDA and BAA Guide for
Industry". This guide was specifically designed to assist offerors in
understanding the PRDA/BAA proposal process. Copies may be requested
from the contracting officer cited in this announcement. The guide is
also available on the Internet at the following address:
http://www.wl.wpafb.af.mil/contract. B -- REQUIREMENTS: (1) Technical
Description: The purpose of this effort is to address non-cooperative
target identification capability deficiencies. The objectives of this
effort are (a) Demonstrate positive combat identification capability of
target types enabling high confidence battlefield engagement decisions
and addressing existing deficiencies in reliable, robust a-g and a-a
target identification capabilities for battlefield interdiction, close
air support, special operational forces, and counter-air using mature
detection and imaging technology. (b) Flight demonstrate
non-cooperative radar identification technologies for fighter
platforms. Mature radar identification technologies in both the
air-to-air and air-to-ground areas will be emphasized. This technology
development and demonstration will provide pilots with positive,
timely, and reliable target detection and identification at ranges
compatible with advanced weapons release and maximum aircraft
survivability tactics. The expected result of this effort is to prove
that this technology is worthy of transition to EMD. (c) Develop,
integrate, and demonstrate a system-oriented approach of mature
air-to-ground radar identification (ID) technologies using advanced
radar technologies with appropriate radar mode management and sensor
management architectures and software. Focus this effort as an
integrated transition of these technologies into an F-15E, F-16, or
Joint Strike Fighter platform. (d) Demonstrate previously developed
air-to-air ID technologies which utilize sensor fusion techniques.
Focus this effort as an integrated transition of this technologies into
an F-15E, F-16, or Joint Strike Fighter platform. (e) Resolve critical
Air Combat Command deficiencies in the areas of Close Air Support,
Battlefield Interdiction, Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses, Attack
Operations for Theater Missile Defense, and Offensive and Defensive
Counter-air. (f) Provide analyses to determine identification
requirements. (g) Perform technology feasibility/utility analyses for
other cooperative and non-cooperative systems. This analysis will help
assess the impact of identification systems in different mission areas
and will assess the candidate technologies to determine their
applicability to fighter aircraft. (h) Plan and participate in a
ground-based demonstration and a fighter platform (F-15E, F-16, or
Joint Strike Fighter) flight demonstration of the radar identification
technologies developed. (i) Plan for the transition to EMD including
performance and pass/fail criteria. (j) Provide for the cost effective
transition of these integrated technologies into a fighter platform
through Program Management, Requirements Study, Air-to-Ground Algorithm
Integration, Hardware and Software Development, Hardware and Software
Integration and Test, Resource Planning, Data Collection, Ground Based
Demonstration, and Flight Demonstration. (k) Plan and provide an
integrated effort at every phase of the program for the expressed goal
of extracting the best possible integrated system performance at
minimum program cost. (2) Deliverable Items: The following deliverable
data items shall be proposed: (a) Status Report, DI-MGMT-80368/T,
monthly; (b) Funds and Man-Hour Expenditure Report, DI-FNCL-80331/T,
monthly; (c) Contract Funds Status Report (CFSR), DI-FNCL-81468/T,
quarterly; (d) Presentation Material, DI-ADMN-81373/T, as required; (e)
Test Plan, DI-NDTI-80566/T, one time; and (f) Scientific and Technical
Reports, DI-MISC-80711/T, (Draft and Reproducible Final); (g)
Scientific and Technical Reports, Contractor's Billing Voucher,
DI-MISC-80711/T, monthly. All software and/or equipment acquired or
developed under this effort shall become the property of the government
and are deliverable. The offeror shall identify technical data and/or
computer software to be delivered with other than unlimited rights. (3)
Security Requirements: SECRET facility and storage clearance
requirements apply. TEMPEST requirements apply. Generation of
classified material for this solicitation effort is authorized only on
equipment approved for classified processing by Air Force TEMPEST
authorities. (4) Other Special Requirements: International Traffic in
Arms Regulations apply. C -- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: (1) Anticipated
Period of Performance: The total length of the technical effort is
estimated to be 48 months plus an additional 4 months to
prepare/complete the final report. (2) Expected Award Date: November
1997. (3) Government Estimate: The Government funding profile is
estimated to be a follows: FY98 -- $3700K, FY99 -- $4500K, FY00 --
$4500, FY01 -- $2000. This funding profile is an estimate only and is
not a promise for funding as all funding is subject to change due to
Government discretion and availability. (4) Type of contract: Cost Plus
Fixed Fee (CPFF). (5) Government Furnished Property: None contemplated.
(6) Size Status: For the purpose of this acquisition, the size standard
is 500 employees (SIC 8731). (7) Notice to Foreign-Owned Firms:
Restrictions apply which may preclude participation by foreign owned
firms in this acquisition. D -- PROPOSAL PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS: (1)
General Instructions: Offerors should apply the restrictive notice
prescribed in the provision at FAR 52.215-12, Restriction on Disclosure
and Use of Data, to trade secrets or privileged commercial and
financial information contained in abstracts and proposals. Questions
should be directed to one of the points of contact listed elsewhere
herein. Offerors should consider instructions contained in the WL PRDA
and BAA Guide for Industry referenced in Section A of this
announcement. Offerors are advised that only contracting officers are
legally authorized to contractually bind or otherwise commit the
government. (2) Abstracts: Proposal abstracts must be submitted in an
original and 5 copies. These shall provide a technical description
including an understanding of the problem and proposed solution. Rough
order of magnitude (ROM) cost estimate summary shall be provided and
should contain a breakdown of labor, materials, overhead, general and
administrative costs, travel, etc. (no SF 1411). Each proposal abstract
should not exceed a total of 15 pages (12 point or larger type),
double-spaced, single-sided, 8.5 by 11 inches. Separate abstracts may
be submitted for the three different technology areas of air-to-air,
air-to-ground, or analysis. The evaluation criteria for the abstract
proposal(s) is identical to that for the full proposal, located under
Section E. Each abstract should reference the above PRDA number. The
Air Force reserves the right to select for further consideration any,
all, part or none of the abstracts received. The Air Force will review
abstracts to determine those of greatest relevance to the Combat
Identification Technology, and intends to respond to the abstracts on
approximately 30 days after receipt of abstracts, indicating whether a
full proposal is requested. Any offeror not selected to submit a full
proposal may still do so if the offeror wishes. (3) Full Proposals:
Preparation of full proposals should follow all guidance found in the
above referenced WL Guide. The technical and cost full proposals should
be submitted in separate volumes in an original plus five (5) copies.
The full proposals should be valid for not less than 180 days after the
cutoff date for full proposal submission. Adequate price competition is
anticipated. Therefore, to permit a cost realism analysis, the
submission of a SF 1448, available from the contracting point of
contract, is required in lieu of a SF 1411. The cost proposal/price
breakdown shall be furnished with supporting schedules and shall
contain a person-hour breakdown. The cost proposal does not have a page
limitation, however, offerors are requested to keep cost proposals to
15 pages as a goal. The technical proposal should be limited to 50
pages (12 point or larger type), double-spaced, single-sided, 8.5 by 11
inches, and must include a complete discussion of the nature and scope
of the research and the technical approach. Pages in excess of the 50
page limitation will not be considered by the government. Additional
information on prior work in this area, descriptions of available
equipment, data and facilities, and resumes of personnel who will be
participating in this effort should also be included as attachments to
the technical proposal and are not included in the page limit. The Air
Force reserves the right to select for award, any, all, part or none of
the proposals received. The technical proposal shall include a
Statement of Work (SOW) detailing the technical tasks proposed to be
accomplished under the proposed effort and suitable for contract
incorporation. Offerors should refer to the WL Guide referenced in
Section A to assist in SOW preparation. PL98-94 applies. Any questions
concerning the technical proposal or SOW preparation shall be referred
to the Technical Point of Contact cited in this announcement. (4)
Preparation Cost: This announcement is an expression of interest only
and does not commit the Government to pay for any response preparation
costs. The cost of preparing any proposal (abstract or full) in
response to this PRDA is not considered a direct allowable charge to
any resulting contract or to any other contract. It is however, an
allowable expense to the normal bid and proposal indirect cost as
specified in FAR 31.205-18(e)(2). E -- BASIS FOR AWARD: The selection
of one or more sources for invitation to prepare a full proposal shall
be based on a scientific and/or engineering evaluation of the abstract
responses (both technical and cost aspects) to determine the overall
merit of the abstracts submitted in response to the announcement. The
selection of one or more sources for award will be based on an
evaluation of the offeror's full proposal (both technical and cost
aspects). The following evaluation criteria apply to both abstracts and
full proposals. Overall technical merit is the most important criteria
and shall be evaluated based on the following criteria which are of
equal importance: (a) new and creative solutions; (b) the offeror's
understanding of the scope of the technical effort; (c) soundness of
offeror's technical approach; (d) corporate experience, facilities,
availability of qualified experienced technical personnel and their
experience with applicable technologies; Cost, which includes
consideration of proposed budget and funding profiles, is ranked as the
second order of priority. No other evaluation criteria will be used.
The technical and cost information will be evaluated concurrently. The
Air Force reserves the right to select for award of a contract, grant
or cooperative agreement any, all, part, or none of the proposals
received. Award of a grant to universities or nonprofit institutions or
cooperative agreement, in lieu of a contract, will be considered and
will be subject to the mutual agreement of the parties. See Note 26. F
-- POINTS OF CONTACT: (1) Technical Contact Point: Engineer, Thomas
Donohue, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH 45433-7303, (937) 255-1108
ext 4061. (2) Contracting/Cost Point of Contract: Questions related to
the contract/cost issues should be directed to the contracting officer
identified in Part A. (3) An Ombudsman has been appointed to hear
concerns from offerors and potential offerors during the proposal
development phase of this acquisition. The purpose of the Ombudsman is
not to diminish the authority of the Contracting Officer, but to
communicate contractor concerns, issues, disagreements and
recommendations to the appropriate government personnel. All potential
offerors should use established channels to voice concerns before
resorting to use of the Ombudsman. When requested, the Ombudsman will
maintain strict confidentiality as to the source of the concern. The
Ombudsman does not participate in the evaluation of proposals or in the
selection decision. Interested parties should direct all routine
communication concerning this acquisition to the contracting POC above.
The Ombudsman should only be contacted with issues or problems that
have been previously brought to the attention of the contracting
officer and could not be satisfactorily resolved at that level. These
serious concerns only may be directed to the Ombudsman, Mr. Mike S.
Coalson, ASC/SY, Bldg 52, Rm 136, 2475 K St., Wright-Patterson AFB OH
45433-7642, e-mail coalsoms@sy.wpafb.af.mil, phone 937-255-5535, ext
232. ***** (0181) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0007 19970702\A-0007.SOL)
A - Research and Development Index Page