Loren Data Corp.




USDA-ARS-FAA, Richard B. Russell Center, 950 College Station Road, Athens, GA 30605-2720

37 -- ISOLATION BINS SOL IFB-005-4384-97 POC Patricia Lang, Procurement Assistant (706)546-3533 WEB: ISOLATION BINS, http://www.usa.gov/procurement/index.html. The contractor shall provide all necessary material, labor, equipment, tools parts, transportation, etc., necessary for 50 individual isolation bins for research with Class 2 bacterial pathogens. Cages shall have a minimum of nine square feet of floor space and at least 30 inches tall. Each bin shall be capable of supporting 10 chickens. There are temperature control and ventilation requirements to these bins. The delivery shall be to the USDA, ARS,SAA, Richard B. Russell Center, Athens, Georgia. At this time, it has not been determined that there is a sufficient number of small businesses to justify making this acquisition a small business setaside. However, if a sufficient number of small businesses express an interest, it will be made a small business setaside when the solicitation is issued. Therefore all interested parties should state their size status when requesting the solicitation. All solicitation must be obtained in writing or via FAX 706/546-3444 to Pat Lang, Procurement Assistant. (0181)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0202 19970703\37-0001.SOL)

37 - Agriculture Machinery and Equipment Index Page