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US Army, CECOM Acquisition Center, Ft. Monmouth, New Jersey 07703-5008

Z -- REMOVE UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS (UST) AT BUILDINGS 1220 AND 2700 SOL DAAB08-97-B-0007 DUE 091597 POC Point of Contact -- John O'Leary, Contract Specialist, 732-427-1549. Contracting Officer -- Virginia O'Neil, 732-532-3019. E-MAIL: Remove Underground Storage Tanks, oleary@doim6.monmouth.army.mil. Provide all plant labor, material and equipment and perform all work required to "remove underground storage tanks from Buildings 1220 and 2700, Fort Monmouth, N.J." in strict accordance with drawing numbers 10817-1 thru 10817-14 and specifications PR 93-0945. The scope of work shall include: remove and stockpile petroleum-contaminated soil; provide bank run sand for backfilling purposes; provide 1 1/2 inch clean stone for backfilling purposes; collect additional soil samples and analyze samples for total petroleum hydro-carbons at an accredited New Jersey Department of Environment protection lab. Estimated cost range is between $500,000.00 and $1,000,000.00. Site visit will be specified in IFB DAAB08-97-B-0007. Construction completion time is 150 days. This solicitation is restricted to Certified New Jersey Underground Storage Tank Companies. There will be a charge of $22.00 per set of drawings and specs. All checks are to be drawn to "Finance and Accounting Officer," and insert Accounting Classification Code, 21R3210 on the check. Respond in writing to Mr. John O'Leary, US Army, CECOM Acquisition Center, Attn: AMSEL-AC-SB-BA (O'LE), Ft. Monmouth, New Jersey 07703-5008. (0182)

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