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A -- NASA SMALL BUSINESS INNOVATION RESEARCH (SBIR) 97-1 PROGRAM ANNOUNCEMENT The NASA SBIR program is conducted under the authority of the Small Business Research and Enhancement Act of 1982. It is designed to provide small businesses with opportunities to compete for federal research and development awards and to stimulate commercialization of the resulting technology. The NASA SBIR 1997-1 technical topics and subtopics support the NASA strategic enterprises of Mission to Planet Earth; Aeronautics; Human Exploration and Development of Space; and Space Science. Topics include: For the Aeronautics (AERO) Enterprise: aviation safety; environmental compatibility: emissions; environmental compatibility: noise; high speed travel; general aviation revitalization; aircraft system design tools; experimental flight reserach; and access to space. For the Human Exploration and Development of Space (HEDS) Enterprise: increase knowledge of nature's processes using the space environment; explore and settle the solar system; achieve routine space travel; enrich life on Earth through people living and working in space; advance space communications and operations. For the Mission to Planet Earth (MTPE) Enterprise: Earth Measurement Systems. For the Space Science (SS) Enterprise: Space-based large telescopes; Space-based optical interferometers; detecting gravitational waves, EM radiation, and cosmic rays; in-situ exploration and sample return. In addition, underlying the activities of NASA programs are critical cross-cutting processes and technologies that support all the strategic enterprises. Crosscutting technologies topics include: power, propulsion, and thermal technology; materials, structures, and environmental effects; design tools, system analysis, and simulation; avionics, data systems, and data storage; instruments and sensing; autonomy and information management; telerobotics; communications; instrument optics technologies; and interdisciplinary technologies in astrobiology. Beginning with the Program Year 97 SBIR program, NASA will be moving into complete electronic management of its SBIR/STTR programs. This requires that firms have Internet access via the World Wide Web and an e-mail address. (Details can be found on the WWW NASA SBIR Bulletin Board at http://sbir.gsfc.nasa.gov/SBIR.html.) Firms that intend to submit a SBIR Phase I proposal but are unable to obtain Internet access must request an exemption by calling (301)286-5661 or (703)281-1745 by Friday, September 26, 1997. NASA will issue its SBIR solicitation 97-1 starting at noon, Eastern time on July 30, 1997. Distribution will be by electronic transmission services or by diskette as described below. Paper copies of the solicitation will not be distributed. Instructions for electronic access to the solicitation are as follows: Via the Internet (WWW): The SBIR solicitation and other program information are accessible on the NASA SBIR/STTR home page which can be reached at http://sbir.gsfc.nasa.gov/SBIR.html. Via the NASA SBIR/STTR Bulletin Board System (BBS): access to the BBS is available by dialing 301-918-8177. BBS specifications are: Baud: 2400-9600, Parity: none; Data Bits: 8; Stop Bits: 1; computer terminal type ANSI or VT-100. The BBS is available 24 hours each day of the week, but it is recommended that downloading be performed when possible outside regular business hours of 8:00 AM through 4:30 PM Eastern time, Monday through Friday. Diskettes: those requesting the solicitation are strongly urged to download it from one of the electronic services listed above. However, if that is not possible, a diskette containing the solicitation may be requested by U.S. Mail from the NASA SBIR Support Office, Allied Technology Group, 4200 Forbes Blvd., Suite 106, Lanham, MD 20706, or via Fax at (301) 918-8154. The request must include the name and full address of the requester and specify either a PC or Macintosh format for the diskette. These will be distributed by U.S. Mail starting on July 30, 1997. Questions regarding electronic access and other administrative matters should be referred to (301)918-8150. Detailed instructions for proposal development and submission are contained in the solicitation. Proposals are due October 10, 1997 and will be required in both paper and electronic formats as specified in the solicitation instructions. WEB: Click here for the latest information about this notice, http://procurement.nasa.gov/EPS/LeRC/date.html#sbir97-1. E-MAIL: Allied Technology, n/a.

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