Loren Data Corp.




EPA, ADP Placement Section (3803F), 401 M St. SW, Washington, DC 20460-0001

70 -- REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON REQUIREMENT FOR GEOSPATIAL SOFTWARE DUE 080597 POC Margaret Milligan, (202)260-1554, or fax (202) 260-4411, Contracting Officer WEB: EPA Geospatial Software RFI Homepage, http://www.epa.gov/oam/hpod/adp_placement/milligan. E-MAIL: Click here to contact Margaret Milligan via e-mail, milligan.margaret@epamail.epa.gov. The Environmental Protection Agency requests information from industry with regard to the Agency's need for geospatial software. The requirements for this capability are contained in the EPA Geospatial Software functional requirements document which may be accessed at the EPA World Wide Web, Office of Acquisition Management (OAM) Home Page location at http://www.epa.gov/oam/hpod/adp_placement/milligan. This software capability must be operationally compatible with the EPA's existing computer hardware and software infrastructure. The EPA architecture is referenced in the Geospatial functional requirements document. The EPA's geospatial software requirement is for commercial off the shelf (COTS) software, not for additional computer hardware or for the design and development of a unique software application. Software solutions that are currently available, in production, in the process of being developed, or are in formative stages of testing will be considered. Please provide information that you wish the Government to consider regarding products that you feel may be potential solutions to this requirement. Information and innovative concepts on solving EPA's Geospatial requirements are welcomed. Information on software packages, operational or in development, should be submitted. The EPA may issue a Request for Proposals or may seek offerings on other existing Government contracts that are available for use by EPA. This is not a solicitation, but for EPA planning purposes only; EPA will not pay for the preparation of responses to this RFI. All information and inquiries regarding this RFI must be submitted in writing. Please submit responses to this RFI no later than Tuesday, August 5, 1997 to the attention of Margaret Milligan, Mail Code 3803F, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M Street SW, Washington, DC 20460. Replies may also be hand delivered to the attention of Ms. Milligan, US EPA, 3rd Floor Mail Room, 499 South Capitol Street, SW, Washington, DC, by this date. (0190)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0397 19970711\70-0012.SOL)

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