Loren Data Corp.




US POSTAL SERVICE, KC Facilities Service Office, 6800 W 64th St Ste 100, Overland Park KS 66202-4179

Y -- CONSTRUCTION OF A U.S. POSTAL FACILITY FOR THE STRUGIS, SD MAIN POST OFFICE 57785-9998 SOL 193045-97-A-0092 DUE 080597 POC Technical Questions: Frank Smyle, Galyardt Associates, Inc., telephone 605/343-5282. Proposal Question: Joseph L. Harvey, KC Facilities Service Office, telephone 913/831-1855, Ext. 444. THIS SOLICITATION IS TO NOTIFY SUBCONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS OF THIS PROJECT. THIS SOLICITATION IS RESTRICTED TO GENERAL CONTRACTORS PREVIOUSLY PRE-QUALIFIED UNDER SOLICITATION 193045-97-A-0057. The U.S. Postal Service is soliciting proposals for a new construction owned facility to be called Main Post Office, Sturgis SD. The value of the work is estimated to be between $2,000,000 and $3,000,000. Description of the work is: The project consists of a one-story facility of 27810 GSF including an enclosed mail platform and enclosed carrier garage. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS MAY BE ORDERED FOR A NON-REFUNDABLE FEE FROM "JORJI" AT KELLY BLUEPRINT, 8877 WEST 75TH ST, OVERLAND PARK, KS 66204-2275, TELEPHONE 913/341-2333, FOR THE COST PER SET AND TO ORDER PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. DO NOT SEND MONEY TO THE POSTAL SERVICE. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS WILL BE FURNISHED AND MAILED BY KELLY BLUEPRINT. (0191)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0170 19970714\Y-0042.SOL)

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