Loren Data Corp.




U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Division of Contracts, Mail Stop T-7-I-2, Washington, DC 20555

T -- MICROFICHE SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES POC Sharon D. Mearse, Contracting Officer, (301)415-7315, Brenda J. DuBose, Contract Specialist (301)415-6578 The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is seeking sources to provide a monthly microfiche subscription service to produce and distribute microfiche copies of the NRC's Final Safety Analysis Reports (FSAR) and the Updated Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) for all operating nuclear power reactors and all nuclear power reactors under construction. (Note: All documents filmed and the microfiche produced shall remain the sole property of the NRC.) In addition to producing microfiche copies of the NRC's FSARs, the contractor must be able to provide the NRC with the option to convert and update the paper FSARs using an electronic or optical medium such as CD-ROM or optical disk. The maximum document size to be filmed will be an engineering drawing (5'x 4'). Approximately 90 percent of the documents to be filmed are standard 8-1/2' by 11" or less. The remaining 10 percent will range from over 8-1/2" x 11" to 5" by 4". The initial filming consists of approximately 950,000 pages. All documents must be filmed right-reading, comic mode, unless otherwise specified by the NRC and must meet standards of ANSI/AIIM MS5-1991 with no variation and shall be filmed in the standard 48 x392 image format. Bound documents may be guillotined. Oversized documents may be folded and overlap permitted. The use of a high- speed fiche to paper copier necessitates consistent placement of document images and accurate registration of rows and columns of frames on the fiche. The NRC will provide the contractor with the required paper copies to be microfiched and/or updated. The contractor must be able to provide all personnel, facilities, equipment, materials, labor, and services necessary to satisfy this requirement. Interested firms responding to this notice shall submit the following documentation to the NRC: (1) experience in providing the above requirement; (2) current contracts with government agencies for same or similar services; (3) brochures; and (4) any other information deemed appropriate to determine capability. Firms are requested to provide a point of contact, business address, telephone number, and facsimile number in their response. Closing date for submission of response is 15 days after publication of this notice. This is not a request for proposal. (0192)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0095 19970715\T-0001.SOL)

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