Loren Data Corp.




Officer in Charge of Construction, Jacksonville Area, Box 139, Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, FL 32212-0139

Z -- INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER PRETREATMENT UPGRADE, NAVAL AIR STATION, JACKSONVILLE, FL SOL N62467-96-B-0988 POC OICC Office, (904) 542-5574 THIS IS A PRESOLICITATION NOTICE ONLY. DO NOT REQUEST PLANS NOW. A SOLICITATION NOTICE WILL BE PUBLISHED BEFORE INVITATIONS ARE ISSUED. The work includes the the work items described below and incidental related work. a. Facility 190 -- Cut out existing concrete slab, connect in an existing 10-inch sewer line, plug existing 10-inch sewer immediately downstream of connection, construct new oil/water separator, connect new 6-inch oil/water separator effluent back into existing 10-inch VC sewer, provide a level measuring device with an audible high level alarm, and pour new concrete slab with petroleum resistant joint sealant. b. Facility 980 -- Cut out existing concrete slab, connect in existing 12-inch RCP sewer with a 12-inch ductile iron tee and downstream 12-inch plug valve, install a 12-inch by 4-inch reducer on side outlet of tee followed by a 4-inch plug valve, relocate an existing 8-inch water main, construct new oil/water separator, connect 4-inch ductile iron influent and 6-inch ductile iron effluen to oil/water separator, connect 6-inch ductile iron effluent to existing domestic wastewater manhole, install a 6-inch plug valve and valve box, provide a level measuring device in the storage compartment of the oil/water separator with a remote panel and audible high level alarm, and replace concrete slab with petroleum resistant joint sealant. c. Facility 200 -- Remove existing 350 gallon precase concrete waste oil sump and plug 2-inch G.S. influent line, plug 3-inch gravity line from existing oil interception sump in building, construct new oil/water separator on east side of building, install new pump in existing oil interceptor sump and run 1-inch force main on top of slab to curb and along curb outside to influent of oil/water separator, provide a level measuring device in the storage compartment of the oil/water separator with a remote panel and audible high level alarm, connect 6-inch effluent from oil/water separator to existing 6-inch service line, and repair and resod area disturbed by this construction. d. Facility 811 -- Cut 8-inch ductile iron tee into the existing 8-inch cast iron influent line to an existing wastewater pumping station, install a new 8-inch by 4-inch reducer, cut out asphalt pavement and extend 4-inch ductile iron line to a new oil/water separator, construct new oil/water separator, provide 6-inch ductile iron effluent line from oil/water separator back to the wastewater pumping station wet well and break into the wet well, and replace asphalt pavement disturbed by construction. e. Facility 873-3W -- Cut out existing pavement, remove existing 1,000 gallon underground waste oil storage tank, install new pump sump and sump pump, install new 8-inch concrete slab at grade and new double wall 550-gallon aboveground waste oil storage tank on new concrete pad, provide 1-inch steel line from pump to tand fill port, install pump panel with audible alarm for pump failure, and install gravel or limerock in area where pavement was removed. f. Facility 873-5W -- Cut out existing pavement, remove existing oil/water separator and 1,000 gallon underground waste oil storage tank, do not disturb existing vent line to side of Building 1449, reinstall existing oil/water separator and reconnect waste oil ine to sump, install new pump and 1 1/2-inch oil/water solution transfer line to new aboveground storage tank, install 8-inch concrete slab at grade and new double wall, aboveground 550 gallon waste oil storage tank along the side of Building 1449, provide guard posts at oil/water separator and pump sump, and replace asphalt pavement disturbed by this construction. Following tentative dates apply: Issue invitations 8/97, award contract 9/97, complete contract 3/98. Estimated cost is between $250,000.00 to $500,000.00. (0206)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0232 19970729\Z-0041.SOL)

Z - Maintenance, Repair or Alteration of Real Property Index Page