Loren Data Corp.




Operational Contracting Division, 127 FW/LGC, 29553 George Ave., -- Bldg 303, Room 114, Selfridge ANG Base MI 48045-5399

Z -- PRESOLICITATION NOTICE, PROJECT VGLZ952022, "UPGRADE SANITARY SEWER MAIN', SELFRIDGE ANG BASE MI SOL DAHA2097BB024 DUE 091697 POC Dianne M. Heikkinen, Contract Administrator, or Paula J. DeShon, Contracting Officer at (810-307-4882/5989), FAX (810-307-4322) WEB: 127WG/LGC, Operational Contracting Division, E-MAIL: Services Branch, dheikkinen@mimtc.ang.af.mil. Selfridge ANG Base MI. Provide all plant, labor, materials, appliances, equipment and supervision to replace a section of gravity sanitary sewer with a new force main. The work includes, but is not limited to, replacing an existing manhole, installing a new wet well, pump, and grinder stations, approx 1, 540lf of 10" dip force main, necessary controls and backup power, filling the existing system and replacing sod, concrete and asphalt paving removed during installation. The work is to be in strict accordance with the plans and specifications for project VGLZ952022, "Upgrade Sanitary Sewer Main." The estimated magnitude of construction is between $250,000.00 and $500,000.00. Performance period is 90 calendar days after receipt of the Notice to Proceed. This is an unrestricted solicitation. The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code for this acquisition is 1623. The contractor shall perform on the site with its own organization, work equivalent to at least sixty (60) percent of the total amount of work under the contract. Written, fax, or electronic requests will be honored. No telephone requests will be honored. Please fax your request to (810) 307-4322 and include the solicitation number, title of the project, your company name, address, telephone, fax number, business size and whether bidding as a prime/subcontractor. Plans and specifications will be available on or about 15 Aug 97. (0210)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0215 19970731\Z-0031.SOL)

Z - Maintenance, Repair or Alteration of Real Property Index Page