Loren Data Corp.




U.S. Postal Service, Facilities Service Office, P.O. Box 27497, Attn: Pat Kidd, Greensboro, NC 27498-1103

Y -- NEW CONSTRUCTION LEASED (NO CONTROLLED SITE), FLOYDS KNOBS, IN 47119-9998 SOL 362575-97-A-E129 DUE 091597 POC Opal Elder, Real Estate Specialist, 910/665-2844, Arthur Perrone, Architect/Engineer, 910/665-2820 E-MAIL: ccordova@email.usps.gov, ccordova@email.usps.gov. Advertisement for a new construction leased postal facility for a Main Post Office in Floyds Knobs, IN. Construction of an approximate 6,463 square foot building to be constructed on an uncontrolled site of approximately 87,120 gross square feet of land. The offeror must own or control the site. The preferred area is along Paoli Pike from Scottsville Road on the east to US Hwy. 150 on the west; along US Hwy. 150 from Paoli Pike on the north to Old Vincennes Road on the south. The lease term is for a twenty year base with three five-year renewal options. To receive a proposal package, send a non-refundable cashier's check or money order made payable to Disbursing Officer in the amount of $35.00 for each package. Please reference solicitation number and/or facility. PLAN HOLDER LIST AVAILABLE VIA FAX (0210)

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