Loren Data Corp.




U.S. Geological Survey, Branch Of Acquisition and Federal Assistance, Box 25046, Denver Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225-0046

66 -- DATA LOGGERS SOL n/a DUE 092297 POC Cheryl Holz 303-236-5900 xt-356 Concerns having the ability to provide the following are requested to give written notification (including the telephone number for a point of contact) to the procuring office above within Forty Five (45) calendar days from the date of this synopsis. Salient Characteristics: In order to extend the U.S. National Seismograph Network and to provide enhanced teleseismic monitoring of tsunamagenic earthquakes through the joint NOAA/USGS Consolidate Reporting of Earthquakes and Tsunamis, the USGS has a requirement for three each Quanterra 730 Data Loggers with the possibility for an additional seven each and requires custom modifications to Quanterra 730 boot ROMs to support the USNSN operating downloads. Data Loggers are 6 channel (two banks of three channels each with isolated signal grounds between banks), 24 bit (ADC) with 140 db of dynamic range (minimum), 120 dB of differential linearity (minimum) per channel, and three RS-232 asynchronous ports (minimum). Digitizer noise floor shall include no more than two spurious spikes representing negligible noise power, the largest being no more than 12 dB above background. Aso required are seismometer mass recenter, calibration enable, calibration signal generation, mass position monitoring and state-of-health monitoring. The USGS considers the Data Loggers sole source from Quanterra because of stringent compatibility requirements. The USNSN project has many man years of software development invested in field data collection software (running at 28 remote sites), and central site data acquisition software. To meet these requirements, the Data Loggers must operate under the OS-9 operating system and be functionally compatible with existing USNSN operating software for low level data delivery and command execution. In addition, we require up to four Data Loggers in an UltraSHEAR Configuration (UltraSHEAR) is the trade name of the Quanterra data logger software system). Based on information available at this time, and in accordance with 41 U.S.C. 253(c)(1), implemented by FAR 6.302-1, the Government considers the item specified as a sole source from: Quanterra, Inc., 325 Ayers Rd., Suite 16, Harvard, MA 01451, and proposes to negotiate a contract with that firm on that basis. However, should additional sources be identified, they will be considered. Firms who feel that they can furnish the required item or its functional equivalent (based upon the criteria specified herein) are invited to submit in writing an affirmative response to this announcement. An affirmative response would include literature, brochures and such other materials which correspond to the required items stated herein. This information will be evaluated and used to determine if competitive opportunities exist. Since no solicitation document exists, requests for such documents without accompanying information will be considered non-responsive to this request without further consideration. This notice may represent the Government's only official notice of this procurement. See Note 22 (0216)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0276 19970806\66-0008.SOL)

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