Loren Data Corp.




US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, NEW YORK DISTRICT, Attn: CENAN-CT, 26 Federal Plaza, Rm 1843, New York, N.Y. 10278-0900

Y -- Y-FY 97 POST SCHOOL LANDFILL CLOSURE DESIGN UNITED STATE MILITARY ACADEMY WEST POINT NEW YORK SOL DAC151-97-B -- 0045 DUE 092297 POC Jacquelline Daly, Contract Specialist (212) 264-9069. The project consists of regrading the landfill to the lines and grades shown on the contract drawings, constructing a perimeter swale network around the landfill, and constructing leachate and stormwater collection systems to the east and north of the landfill. The cost estimated range is $500,000.00 to $1,000,000.00. Completion time is 548 calendar days after receipt of Notice to Proceed. The SIC code for this project is 1629. The solicitation document are available on or about 21 August 1997. Bid opening date is on or about 22 September 1997 at 1:30 PM. Bid opening will be held in Department of the Army, 26 Federal Plaza Room 1841, New York, NY 10278-0090. To obtain the solicitation document, mail the check or money orders payable to FAO, USA, COE, NED, in the amount of $29.00 per set (non-refundable) to US Army Corps of Engineers, Contracting Division, 26 Federal Plaza Room 1843, New York, NY 10278-0090. Interested parties requesting the solicitation document should do in writing stating the solicitation no. of the project, complete company's name, street address (No P.O. Boxes), telephone number, and facsimile number (including the area code). NOTE: This procurment contract are UNRESTRICTED. The solicitation document may be examined at this office or at the following offices: F.W. Dodge Company, 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY; Brown's Letter, 163 Stuyvesant Avenue, Lyndhurst, NJ and West Point Area Office (CENAN-CO-WP), Area Engineer, US Army Engineer District, New York Building 667A, West Point, New York 10996. (0216)

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