Loren Data Corp.




USDA, NRCS, 601 Business Loop 70 West, Columbia, MO 65203

C -- PREPARATION OF TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS FOR PLANNING & DESIGN OF SMALL DAMS SOL NRCS-06-MO-97 DUE 090597 POC Beverly Bartek (217) 398-5288 INDEFINITE DELIVERY TYPE CONTRACT FOR PREPARATION OF TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS FOR PLANNING AND DESIGN OF SMALL DAM IN THE UPPER LOCUST CREEK WATERSHED. Services under this contract will likely include aerial photography, ground control, preparation of topographic maps and provide digital contour information. The work in the Upper Locust Creek Watershed is located in Sullivan County, Missouri. The maximum number of small dam sites in the contract is 179. The three year contract will be accomplished by separate delivery orders of not less than 20 small dam sites. The average area to be mapped for each small dam site is about 50 to 70 acres. The topographic maps of the small dams shall give a primary contour interval of four (4) feet and the map scale shall be 1 inch equals 100 feet Pass/Fail evaluation criteria area based upon the capacity to perform prescribed work on schedule and in conformation with criteria, agency and industry standards, and state statutes. Failure of firms to meet the pass/fail criteria listed will result in being eliminated from further consideration in the selection process. These criteria are (1) Firm must retain a professional photogrammetrist, photogrammetric engineer or civil engineer on staff with at least two years experience in this type of work. (2) Firm must retain on staff and experienced drafter/cartographer with at least two years experience in working with aerial surveys, plotting data and interpreting map features. (3) Firm must have other in-house technical and office support staff with experienced and capacity to develop and reproduced maps, drawing, photogrammetric other records, maintain job files and necessary correspondence, and to otherwise assist with management in getting the work accomplished on schedule. Additional selection criteria are (1) Professional Qualifications: Satisfactory performance of the required services entails use of pilots, experience phoogrammetrists, photogrammtric engineer, civil engineer, Cartographic technicians, and surveyors. Each of the above named must have specialized training and be skilled in their respective field. The quality of training, education, and professional excellence is measure on the SF-255 (2) Specialized experience of firm: The technical competency and the firms recent past activities in photography, developing topography, and other work aspects as demonstrated on the SF-254. This will be a measure of the quantity and to some extent the quality of finished aerial photographs and maps including all listed components accomplished by the firm using the complement of staff mention in the previous criteria. Also included should be use of new and/or innovative methods for producing a quality product within the time constraints. (3) Production capacity: Ability of the firm to accomplish all phrases of the designated work within the specified time frame(s). The firm is required to assess and relate its capacity (staff-years of the professional and technicians mention in criteria 1 to be assigned to this contract) to mobilize and applythe necessary job skills at the proper time to meet schedules without interference from other assignment or jobs. (4) Past performance on contracts: An evaluation of services provided other government agencies or private industry in terms of quality versus complexity of work and compliance with performance schedules. The firm should emphasize other aerial photographic and mapping services related functions pertaining to previously spelled out criteria. This criteria is used to measure a firm's ability to perform and complete the contract work in a timely and satisfactory manner. (5) Location to, and familiarization with, job locale. Knowledge of site features, topography, etc. based on previous work experience at or near the project area. (6) Other qualifications. Conditions and capability of cameras, plotters and auxiliary equipment, adequacy of office support staff, and familiarization and background in working with the public and units of government. This is not a request for proposal. This will result ina negotiated firm fixed-price architect-engineer contract. Estimated cost is $100,000 to $250,000. Firms wishing to be considered must submit a SF-254 and SF-255. Submittal must be received within 30 days after publication in order to be considered. (0218)

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