Loren Data Corp.




USDA Forest Service, Ketchikan Area, Tongass Nf, Federal Building, Ketchikan, AK 99901

W -- EQUIPMENT RENTAL, PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND, KETCHIKAN AREA, TONGASS NF SOL RFQ KTN-97-23 DUE 091997 POC Contact Person, Robin Airozo (907) 228-6244, Contracting Officer, Janice Bishop (907) 228-6241 E-MAIL: USDA Forest Service, Ketchikan Area, Contracting, webuy@ktn.net. The purpose of this quotation is to procure the services of a backhoe and dump truck on a fully operated basis to perform miscellaneous road maintenance worki including removal of road slumps and slides, installation of road closure devices such as tank traps and waterbars, roadside cleanup, and other minor road maintenance work. The Contractor shall furnish all equipment, fuel, operating supplies, labor, transportation, and incidentals. Work is to be performed in various locations on Prince of Wales Island in Southeast Alaska. This project is 100% Small Business set-aside. Estimated price range is between $25,000 and $100,000. Simplified Acquisition Procedures apply to this project. Written or fax requests should reference RFQ KTN-97-23. Fax requests can be made to (907) 228-6254, ATTN: Robin Airozo. (0224)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0145 19970815\W-0001.SOL)

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