Loren Data Corp.




U. S. Postal Service, Facilities Service Office, 6 Griffin Road North, Windsor, CT 06006-0300

X -- SOLICITATION FOR PROPOSALS FOR NEW LEASED CONSTRUCTION, CLARENCE, NY 14031-9998 SOL 082530-97-A-0166 DUE 091297 POC Harold C. Wood, Real Estate Specialist, (860) 285-7217 WEB: United States Postal Service, http://www.usps.gov. E-MAIL: United States Postal Service, jwarren3@email.usps.gov. The United States Postal Service seeks proposals to construct and lease a Postal facility on a controlled site in Clarence, NY. The site is located on Edwards Street. Space Requirements are 8,425 sq. ft. net interior, 26,917 sq. ft. driveway, parking and maneuvering, 576 sq. ft. platform with a site size of approximately 130,510 sq. ft. The lease term is for a minimum of 20 years with four 5-year renewal options. Proposals will be received through September 12, 1997, and must be submitted by principals only on specified forms and in accordance with the official advertisement for space. Solicitation packages may be purchased by sending a non-refundable cashier's check or money order made payable to "Disbursing Officer, USPS " in the amount of $25.00 to Harold C. Wood, Real Estate Specialist, Windsor FSO, 6 Griffin Road North,Windsor, CT 06006-0300. (0226)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0114 19970818\X-0003.SOL)

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