Loren Data Corp.




National Imagery & Mapping Agency, PCP, Attn: Lynne Covey, MS D-6, 4600 Sangamore Road, Bethesda, MD 20816

D -- ORACLE DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR SERVICES SOL NMA401-97-R-9000 DUE 090397 POC Lynne Resowski Covey, Phone Number 301/227-5120 This is a combined synopsis/solicitation, 100% small business set-aside, for Oracle database administrator services for a period of six (6) months with on-call services (100 hours) during the six month period in accordance with the following statement of work. The Government intends to award based on initial proposals but reserves the right to conduct negotiations if it determines negotiations to be in the best interest of the Government. Statement of Work C.1 Introduction The National Imagery and Mapping Agency uses the Procurement Request Information System (PRISM) to manage its procurement activities. It is the agency's standard tool for recording and managing contract information. NIMA is upgrading the PRISM software from a DOS to a Windows/Oracle environment. PRISM will be located on a central file server (Compaq ProLiant 5000) using Windows NT Version 4.0 as its operating system, Oracle Version 7.3, Enterprise Manager, Performance Pack, and PRISM. The server is located in the Washington, D.C. area. There will be between 100-150 workstations that will require access to PRISM with approximately thirty simultaneous logons occurring during normal duty hours, 6:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. EST. The system must also be available to users after hours and during weekends. These workstations are located throughout the agency in varying locations throughout the Washington, D.C. and St. Louis, MO metropolitan area. C.2 SCOPE This contract will provide Oracle database administration (DBA) for both the Oracle server and client workstations. The DBA shall complete all administration tasks required to keep the database running; ensure no more than two (2) hours cumulative downtime during any month between business hours (6:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. EST hrs Monday through Friday); recover all data in the event of a crash, hardware failure, or user error; monitor and tune the database to ensure optimal performance and response time; import or export files; identify and fix any Oracle related problems encountered on the server or on client workstations; assign user rights and privileges for new users. C.3 REQUIREMENTS The DBA's role shall include but is not limited to the following categories of tasks. a. Backup and Recovery: Develop a backup and recovery plan for Government approval. Implement the plan after receiving Government approval. The plan should be implemented in such a manner that no data would be lost after recovery of the database. Recovery of database shall be completed within two business hours of the event that caused the problem. b. Security: Create new users and assign or modify rights and privileges within two hours of receiving the request. Delete users from the database within two hours of receiving the requests. The DBA shall only create, modify or delete users at the request of a member of the PC Automation Technology Team. c. Performance Monitoring and Optimizing: Monitor system resources to optimize performance. Screen response time for all users using Oracle based applications shall be less than 30 seconds. d. Manage table space so that it does not exceed 75% capacity. e. Develop scripts at the request of the PC Automation Technology Team or based on DBA initiative that may be manually or automatically run. Maintain a written record of each script that is written; include name and purpose for the script, date developed, and any modifications made to the original script. The record shall be provided to the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) after the initial report is created, and every time a change has been made to a script. f. Trouble Shooting: Correct any Oracle related problems encountered on both the server and the workstations. Monitor error messages and complete any corrective action required. Corrective action shall be taken as soon as the error message is generated. Analyze the source of the messages to determine if any action can be taken to prevent future problems of a similar type and complete those actions. Analyze source of the message to determine if the PRISM application did or may have caused the problem. Report findings to the Automation Technology Team. Monitor Oracle sessions to determine if there is a problem on a workstation or printer. Correct any problems encountered within one hour of notification either by Oracle or the Automation Technology Team or their representative. Maintain a written record of all problems encountered and corrective actions taken. h. Import/Export: Import and export data and files as requested by the Automation Technology Team. g. Training: Provide on-the-job-training for the PC Automation Technology Team in all aspects of the above tasks in such a manner that the team members are able to perform all database administration tasks described in the statement of work. All services are to be accomplished under the guidance of the Automation Technology Team. Database administrative support shall be performed as needed during normal office hours 0730-1630 EST. All contractor personnel must be U.S. citizens. Primary work location will be at 6000 MacArthur Boulevard, Bethesda, MD. PROPOSAL PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION INFORMATION Proposal Due Date: 1:00 PM, 3 September 1997, Eastern Daylight Savings Time. Mail address is National Imagery & Mapping Agency, PCP, Attention: Lynne Covey, Mail Stop D-6, 4600 Sangamore Road, Bethesda, MD 20816. Federal Express or overnight mailing address is National Imagery & Mapping Agency, PCP, Attention: Lynne Covey, Mail Stop D-6, 6000 MacArthur Boulevard, Bethesda, MD 20816. Content of Proposal -- Oral Presentations I. Introduction. (a) Each offeror must submit the following information in response to this synopsis in strict accordance with the following instructions: (1) an offer (2) specified written information about the offeror's capability to perform the prospective contract; (3) specified written information about the offeror's proposed prices, and; (4) specified personnel information in the form of resumes. (b) The evaluation team will consider any failure to conform to these instructions and rules and any attempt to evade these specifications and rules on the basis of technicalities when making its evaluation. If an offeror does not understand these instructions, then it should write to the Contracting Officer for clarification sufficiently in advance of the deadline for receipt of offers to get an answer in time to meet that deadline. The Government will publish all pertinent questions asked and the answers given and distribute them to all prospective offerors responding to this synopsis/solicitation. II. OFFER. The offer must show that the offeror will agree all clauses required by the Federal Acquisition Regulation, the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement, the NIMA the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement, and unique NIMA terms and conditions at the time of contract award for fixed price service contracts. The offeror's agreement to all of those terms and conditions is mandatory. The offeror must complete and submit the following items as its offer without exception or reservation: (1) A statementstating that the offeror agrees to all clauses required by the Federal Acquisition Regulation, the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement, the NIMA the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement and unique NIMA terms and conditions at the time of contract award for fixed price service contracts signed by an representative authorized to bind the company. (2) A price sheet stating the price per month and the total price for six months and an on-call hourly rate based on an estimated 100 hours to be used during a six month period, (3) RFP Section K, Representations, certifications, and other statements of offerors or quoters which may be obtained by contacting the Contracting Officer listed in the synopsis; and, (4) Listing of names of key personnel. The contract resulting from this synopsis/request for proposal will contain a Key Personnel Clause. III. Written Capability Information. The offeror must prepare and submit the following: (1) Resumes of proposed key personnel. Proposed key personnel are those persons, whether employed by the offeror or by one of the offeror's prospective subcontractors, who will occupy any of the following positions or perform any of the following duties during the term of the prospective contract: Oracle Database Administrator and Backup Oracle Database. Each resume submitted should include the following: name, education, employment history, experience history, indication of whether current employee of firm, or proposed new hire (if new hire, provide proof of commitment), and level of security clearance. (2) Past performance information. Past performance information consists of two general areas of data, (i) General Business Background and (ii) Specific performance information. For General Business Background the following should be addressed: name of business/division; form of legal organization and year established; principal officers and organization chart; office or plant locations and the number of employees per location; list of creditors; potential, on-going, or completed litigation; and Government findings or sanctions at any level. For specific performance information provide a listing of all state, local, federal or commercial contracts for the same or similar supplies/services currently on going, performed or completed during calendar years 1994 through August 1997. Contract information should include the contract number, date, agency, point of contact and phone number, dollar value (both at time of award and as of last modification), contract type, location, period of performance or scheduled delivery dates, description of scope of work, current status of performance; description of actual/potential litigation, list of key subcontractors, and description of subcontract litigation. Nondisclosure of applicable past performance information which may reflect poorly upon the offeror's capability will also be viewed as indicative of the kind of behavior to be expected from the offeror in accordance with paragraph I.(b) above. (b) Capability information is part of the offeror's proposal, as that term is used in the FAR, and may become a part of any resultant contract. IV. Price/Cost Information. A price sheet stating the price per month and the total price for six months and an on-call hourly rate based on an estimated 100 hours to be used during a six month period. Additionally, the price sheet will include a price breakdown of the monthly and hourly rates. V. Oral Presentation. (a) After the submission of the offers, the Government will evaluate technical and price information to establish a competitive range for the purpose of inviting offerors to make oral presentations. The competitive range determination will be based on the evaluation factors listed below. Each offeror retained in the competitive range must make an oral presentation to be considered for award. The Evaluation Team will use the oral presentations to evaluate each offeror's familiarity with and understanding of the contract work, the offeror's capability, and the capacity to perform contract work. The offeror's representatives must show by the presentation and by their answers to the Government's questions that they understand the Government's requirements; that they are familiar with the kinds of problems that may develop during performance; and that they are capable of developing practicable and effective solutions to those problems. (b) The Contracting Officer will schedule the oral presentations and notify each offeror of the scheduled date, time and location of its presentation within 3 days of the receipt of offers. The offeror must make its oral presentation in accordance with these instructions and any additional instructions the Contracting Officer may provide. The Contracting Officer may reschedule an offeror's oral presentation at the Contracting Officer's sole discretion. Oral presentations are limited to 1 hour with a question and answer session immediately following and expected to last 1-2 hours. The Contracting officer will tell the offeror when to start its presentation, keep time, and stop the presentation at the end of the allotted time period whether or not the offeror has finished. (c) The offeror's presenter(s) must be chosen from among the offeror's proposed key personnel or proposed key subcontractor personnel. The offeror may not use a professional speaker or consultant to make its presentation. The offeror may send no more than 4 representatives to the oral presentation. (d) During the presentation the Government's attendees will not interrupt the offeror to ask questions (except to request repetition of inaudible words or statements or the explanation of terms that are unknown to them) or otherwise engage the offeror in any dialogue. However, the Government will conduct a question and answer session following the oral presentation during which the offeror's representatives must answer questions from the evaluation team. The Government may include information obtained during the presentation in any prospective contract. The Government will not permit an offeror to discuss or changeits written proposal during the oral presentation or the question and answer session. (e) Neither the oral presentation nor the question and answer session will constitute discussions, as that term is defined and used in FAR subpart 15.6. If the Government decides that discussions are necessary, notwithstanding the intention to award a contract without discussions, then the Government may discuss the offeror's written proposal, oral presentation or the answers provided during the question and answer session. (f) During oral presentation, the offeror must address the following topics: 1. Management Approach, 2. Proposed Backup and Recovery Plan based on information provided in the statement of work, and 3. Be prepared to address any adverse past performance information obtained by the Contracting Officer. The presentation team may also expound on any other topics that they consider to be pertinent to a demonstration of their knowledge, competence, and capability to produce/perform so long as that information is presented within the specified time limit. The presentation will not encompass price or cost and fee in any manner. (g) Presentation Media. (1) To ensure offerors do not spend an inordinate amount of time and money in preparing presentation slides the following specification has been developed. Presentation media are limited to black and white overhead transparencies (slides). Text slides shall use times new roman font throughout. The font for the heading shall be no smaller than 28 points. Supplemental narrative (notes pages) is not permitted with the slides. Graphics slides shall have a caption font size no smaller than 18 points. (2) The offeror shall bring 5 sets of full-scale paper copies of its slides to the presentation for the evaluation panel. The offeror must number the pages of the paper copies and bind each set. The offeror may submit no other written documentation for its oral presentation. When evaluating an offeror's oral presentation the Government will consider only those overhead slides that were actually projected and addressed by the offeror during the presentation. The Contracting Officer will not permit the offeror to use slides during the question and answer session that were not projected and discussed during the presentation. (h) The offeror may not audio or video record its own presentation. Basis for Award -- Oral Presentations (Best Value) (a) Offer Acceptability. In order to award a contract the Government must have received an acceptable offer. The Government will determine the acceptability of an offer on a pass/fail basis. An offer is acceptable when it manifests assent to all of the terms and conditions stated in this synopsis. The Government will declare an offer to be unacceptable if it does not manifest the offeror's assent to all such terms and conditions. (b) The Government will award the contract to the offeror, submitting an acceptable offer, who is the best overall value on the basis of its offer and its capability to perform the work. The Government will base its source selection decision on the following factors. Evaluation Criteria I. Technical a. Personnel Experience 1. Database administration (a) Primary database administration (same or similar to the responsibilities described in the statement of work) in an environment where Oracle and databases were or are running on a NT file server with workstations operating in different environments (i.e., NT, Windows 95, Windows for Workgroups, UNIX etc.). (b) Primary database administration (same as or similar to the responsibilities described in the statement of work) in an environment where Oracle and databases were or are running on a file server (other than the NT operating system) with workstations operating in different environments (i.e., NT, Windows 95, Windows for Workgroups, UNIX, etc.). 2. Other Computer Experience (a) Computer software or systems engineering experience related to file servers in NT operating environment and workstations in different environments (i.e., NT, Windows 95, Windows for Workgroups, UNIX, etc.). (b) Computer software or systems engineering experience related to file servers in other operating environments with workstations operating in different environments (i.e., NT, Windows 95, Windows for Workgroups, UNIX, etc.). 3.Security clearance (Top Secret (SCI)) at time of proposal submission b. Corporate Experience 1. Past and present experience demonstrating the ability to attract and retain personnel with the experience described above. 2. Management approach 3. Past and present experience in managing contracts similar in scope to that describe in the statement of work. II. Cost or Price Under Factor I, subfactors a and b are listed in descending order of importance. Subcriteria are either listed in descending order of importance or are equal except that Subcriteria I.a.1 and I.a.2, when combined, are substantially more important that I.a.3. Cost or Price (Factor II) is a substantial factor although it is not as important as Factor I, and will not necessarily be controlling. The degree of its importance will increase with the degree of equality of proposals in relation to other factors on which selection is based. See Note(s): 1. (0230)

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