COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF AUGUST 25,1997 PSA#1916Administrative Contract Service Center; 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, = NW;
Ronald Reagan Building; Washington, DC 20004 66 -- EXTENDED ENERGY GERMANIUM DETECTOR SOL 97-8 POC Rodney P. Magee,
Contracting Officer, (202) 564-4793 E-MAIL: Rodney P. Magee,
Contracting Officer, Magee.Rodney=40epamail.epa..gov. The Environmental
Protection Agency has a requirement for an = Extended Range Germanium
Detector. The machine must conform to the = following physical
specifications: The detector shall be a *P* Type = intrinsic germanium
detector and shall be furnished in a portable, = multi-attitude
cryostat with liquid nitrogen capacity of 7.0 liters and = nominal
holding time of 4-5 days. The detector shall be mounted on a top =
plate as specified in a drawing (drawing to be provided by EPA) for the
= purpose of compatible attachment to the existing EPA tripods. The =
detector housing must have a thin, low atomic number (lo-Z) window
which = does not present significant attenuation to photons of energies
30 = kiloelectron volts (keV) and above. (The detector must be able to
= quantitatively measure photons as low as 22 keV.) The machine must
= conform to the following performance specifications: The detector
must be = 100% or better efficient relative to a 3=22 x 3=22 sodium
iodide at a = photon energy of 1332 keV (Cobalt-60 energy). The Full
Width at Half = Maximum (FWHM) must be less than or equal to 2.0 keV at
photon energy of = 1332 keV and less than 1.0 keV at photon energy of
22 keV. The ration of = Full Width at Tenth Maximum (FWTM) to FWHM must
be less than or equal to = 2:1 throughout the useful energy range. The
peak to Compton ration shall = be greater than or equal to 85:1 for
1332 keV photons and greater than or = equal to 20:1 for photons in the
range of 22-88 keV. The calibrations = that must be provided with the
detector are the following: All calibrations= shall be provided in both
hard copy (documentation) and as files on = floppy disk which can be
readily transferred to the system hard disk and = directly accessed by
the preexisting EPA spectroscopy software (Canberra = Industries
InSpector system/Genie-PC software). In particular, all = calibration
files must be directly accessible and usable by the preprogramm= ed
batch counting procedures utilized in Genie-2 ProCount. Al
calibrations= required shall be performed by the supplier using the
specific detector = supplied (use of a *model* or *standard* detector
is unacceptable). For = calibrations which are computed (such as
through use of Monte Carlo = computer techniques, documentation must be
submitted which substantiates = that actual physical properties of the
specific detector and its housing, = as measured during its
manufacture were incorporated into the computations.= Computed
calibration documentation must include the accuracy, detector = to soil
spacing and radionuclide depth distributions for which such =
calibrations are valid, as well as evidence (such as quality assurance
= documentation) that the software used to perform these computations
has = been adequately verified and validated for application to
in-situ gamma in = soil modeling. The required calibrations for the
detector are as follows: = Two calibrations are required for point
source geometry: One meter from = the detector sensitive volume on axis
and one meter from the detector at= 90 degrees to the axis. Forty
calibrations are required for radionuclides = exponentially distributed
with depth in soil: for relaxation mass = (vertical relaxation length
times soil density) values of 0.1, 0.3, 1.0, = 3.0, 10.0, 30.0, 100.0
and infinity (grams/cm2) calibrate for detector to = soil distances
(in-situ counting) of 0.3,1.0,2.0,3.0, and 10 meters. = Documentation
shall be provided which demonstrates that system measurement = accuracy
lies within the range+10% to -10% over the energy range 46 keV to =
3000 keV. A soil counting library containing nuclides naturally
occurring = in soil as well as man made nuclides typically associated
with contaminatio= n from nuclear fuel cycle/nuclear weapons activities
shall be supplied = with the detector. The library must be compatible
with current EPA = spectroscopy software. The support services that are
required to be = provided with the detector are as follows: The
supplier shall install and = mount the detector, install and test the
calibration software for proper = function, verify correct quantitative
measurements, set up and install = preprogrammed batch counting
procedures with routines optimized for = in-situ soil counting and
instruct EPA staff in the operation of all = equipment and software.
All support services must be performed at the EPA = facility in Las
Vegas. This procurement has been designated a Small = Business
Set-Aside. The Standard Industrial Code (SIC) for this procurement= is
3821. Simplified Acquisition Procedures will be utilized for the =
determination of qualified bidders. All inquiries as to the technical
= drawings and/or this announcement shall be addressed to Rodney Magee
at = (202) 564-4793 and/or E-mail Magee.Rodney=40epamail.epa.gov. =09
(0233) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0355 19970825\66-0015.SOL)
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