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Phillips Laboratory (PL/PK), 2251 Maxwell Avenue SE, Bldg 424, Kirtland AFB, NM 87117-5777

A -- SPACE TEST PROGRAM DOD SERB EXPERIMENTS -- PRDA 97-03 SOL 97-03 POC Contracting Officer, Odette Denman, 505/846-9147, Technical Point of Contact, Lt Dale White, 505/846-6406, Contracting Point of Contact, Ms Aurora Vigil WEB: Program Research and Development Announcement (PRDA). This page provides information for the SMC/TE PRDA only., http://www.te.plk.af.mil/contracts/news.htm. E-MAIL: Contracting Officer, Odette Denman@plk.af.mil, Technical, Lt WhiteDR@plk.af.mil,Mission Design Project Officer, or Spaceflight Mission Design Chief, Major Gary Hendel, at HendelGR@.plk.af.mil, vigilm@plk.af.mil. 17. A -- TITLE: PROGRAM RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ANNOUNCEMENT (PRDA) FOR SPACE TEST PROGRAM DoD SERB EXPERIMENTS. SOL 97-03 POC Aurora Vigil, Contract Specialist (505 -846-8543), Odette Denman, Contracting Officer (505 -846-9147). The Space and Missile Systems Center is soliciting proposals to identify and leverage new and innovative technology solutions to provide timely and cost-effective spaceflight and integration of DoD experiments on existing spacecraft from domestic and foreign firms as described below. THIS ANNOUNCEMENT CONSTITUTES THE SOLICITATION. Interested offerors are instructed to contact Mission Design Project Officer, Lt Dale White, (505) 846-6406 or E-Mail at WhiteDR@.plk.af.mil or Spaceflight Mission Design Chief, Major Gary Hendel, (505) 846-4660 or E-Mail at HendelGR@.plk.af.mil before submitting a proposal. For any additional information concerning this announcement contact SMC/TEKL Contract Specialist, Aurora Vigil, (505) 846-8543or at E-Mail VigilM@.plk.af.mil. prior to submitting proposals. The purpose of these communications is to preclude unwarranted effort on the part of the offeror whose work is not of interest to the Government and to save proposal costs. The government reserves the right to hold a Briefing to Industry prior to proposal submittal date, for any or all of the subject experiments. The first round of proposals shall be submitted by 20 Nov 97, 1500 Mountain Time, and addressed to ATTN: Directorate of Space and Missile Test and Evaluation, Contracting Division, Ms Odette Denman (SMC/TEKL, PCO), 3550 Aberdeen Avenue SE, Bldg 413 Room 114, Kirtland Air Force Base NM 87117-5776. All proposals received within the first 90 days after publication will be evaluated as a group. Proposals received thereafter will be evaluated on a quarterly basis. NOTE: Currently funding is not identified. Any resultant awards associated with this PRDA are subject to the availability of funds. Award is anticipated FY98 -- FY99. Once each proposal is evaluated and categorized, it may be necessary to hold the award/no award decision for Category I and/or Category II proposals until funding becomes available. B. REQUIREMENTS -- Provide low-cost spaceflight and delivery of the experiment data (for minimum of one year) for one or more of the following experiments: (1) Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI), Ready Date: September 99. Experiment Summary: Image solar ejecta to predict, up to two days in advance, solar produced environmental disturbance that can degrade or impair DOD space systems. Orbit Requirements: Inclination- Any; Altitude- Apogee: 1000km, tolerance: +/-200km. Perigee: 1000km, tolerance: +/-200km. Pointing Direction: Zenith. Pointing Requirements: 3 Axis. Attitude Control: 1 degree and jitter. Weight: 27 Kg. Data Requirements: 56 Kbps (continuous). Power (peak): 50 Watts. Volume: 155,000 CC. Dimensions (cm): 4 units, 30.6 x 26.1 x 15.5 (1), 50 x 47.5 x 20 (3). (2) Atmospheric Density Specification (ADS), Ready Date: September 98. Experiment Summary: Integrate several sensor technologies to measure upper atmospheric density to within 5% and to coordinate various other upper atmospheric metric to improve satellite drag models. Orbit Requirements: Inclination- 90 degrees, tolerance: +0 degrees -5 degrees; Altitude- Apogee: 1500km, tolerance: +500km/-1000km. Perigee: 220km, tolerance: +80km/-50km. Pointing Direction: RAM. Pointing Requirements: 3 Axis. Attitude Control: 1 Degree. Attitude Knowledge: 900 arcsec. Weight: 23.3 Kg. Data Requirements: 16.5 Mb/orbit. Power (peak): 44 Watts. OAP: 23 Watts. Volume: 40,000 CC. Dimensions (cm): 28 x 43 x 45. (3) Ionospheric Mapping and Geocoronal Experiment (IMAGE), Ready Date: 3Q97. Experiment Summary: Monitor space weather through global imaging of the ionosphere, magnetosphere, and the geocorona from space. Orbit Requirements: Inclination- any; Altitude- Apogee: 10,000km, tolerance: +40,000km/-0km. Perigee: 500km, tolerance: +4000km/-0km. Pointing Direction: earth/nadir. Pointing Requirements: 3 Axis or spinning. Weight: 30 Kg. Data Requirements: 2 Kbps. Power (peak): 25 Watts. Volume: 80,000 CC. Dimensions (cm): 30 x 50 x 50. (4) Thermospheric Temperature and Nitric Oxide Spectrograph (TtANOS), Ready Date: October 97. Experiment Summary: Photometer measures solar x-ray fluctuations while high resolution UV spectrograph measures the resulting airglow/limb-profile emissions. Orbit Requirements: Inclination- >60 degrees, Altitude- Apogee: 500km, tolerance +500km/-200km. Perigee: 500km, tolerance +500km/-200km. Pointing Direction: earth limb. Pointing Requirements: 3 Axis. Attitude Knowledge: +/- 2 arcmin. Weight: 31.5 Kg. Data Requirements: 10 Kbps maximum. Power (peak): 20 Watts. Volume: 44,420 CC. Dimensions(cm): 2 units, 11 x 11 x 16 (1), 64 x 36 x 21 (1). (5) Silicon X-ray Imager (SIXI), Ready Date: January 00. Experiment Summary: Demonstrate navigation of satellites through x-ray observation of stars. Orbit Requirements: Inclination- low, Altitude- Apogee: 800km, tolerance: n/a. Perigee: 250km, tolerance: n/a. Pointing Direction: celestial. Pointing Requirements: 3 Axis. Attitude Knowledge: 1 arcmin. Weight: 150 Kg. Data Requirements: 10 Gb/day. Power (peak): 160 Watts. Volume: 260,000 CC. Dimensions (cm): 62 x 62 x 62. (6) Miniature Imager of the Ionosphere (MINII), Ready Date: March 00. Experiment Summary: Demonstrate new sensor concept for imaging the earth's ionosphere from low-earth orbit. Orbit Requirements: Inclination- any, Altitude- Apogee: 800km, tolerance: +300km/-200km. Perigee: 800km, tolerance: +300km/-200km. Pointing Direction: earth. Pointing Requirements: 3 Axis. Attitude Control: 0.1 degree roll. Attitude Knowledge: 1 arcmin roll. Weight: >2 Kg. Data Requirements: 50 Mb/orbit. Power (peak): >10 Watts. Volume: >3375 CC. Dimensions (cm): 15 x 15 x 15. (7) Global Imaging Monitor of the Ozone Layer (GIMOL), Ready Date: October 99. Experiment Summary: Use stellar occultation to measure ozone and other constituents of the stratosphere. Orbit Requirements: Inclination- 51.5-98 degrees, Altitude- Apogee: 300km, tolerance: n/a. Perigee: 300km, tolerance: n/a. Pointing Direction: earth. Pointing Requirements: 3 Axis. Weight: 150 Kg. Data Requirements: TBD. Power (peak): 50 Watts. Volume: TBD. Dimensions (cm): 100 x 70 x 55. (8) Stellar Occultation and Limb Scattering Spectrometer (StOLSS), Ready Date: April 99. Experiment Summary: Test a light, inexpensive sensor for globally monitoring ozone, aerosols, thin clouds, atmospheric density, temperature, and pressure in the stratosphere and upper troposphere, both during the day and at night. Orbit Requirements: Inclination- 60 degrees, tolerance: +30/-75 degrees, Altitude- Apogee: 800km, tolerance: +/-200km. Perigee: 800km, tolerance: +/-200km. Pointing Direction: earth. Pointing Requirements: 3 Axis. Attitude Control: 0.5 degrees. Attitude Knowledge: 40 arcsec. Weight: 25 Kg. Data Requirements: 20 Mb/orbit. Power (peak): 50 Watts. Volume: 45,500 CC. Dimensions (cm): 2 units, 55 x 25 x 20 (1), 30 x 30 x 20 (1). (9) Small On-Board Environmental Diagnostic System (SOBEDS), Ready Date: December 98. Orbit Requirements: Inclination- 0 degrees, tolerance: +90/-0 degrees, Altitude- Apogee: 36000km, tolerance: +/-12000km. Perigee: 400km, tolerance: +1000/-0km. Pointing Direction: Spin Normal. Pointing Requirements: Spin. Attitude Control: Not Critical. Attitude Knowledge: Not Critical. Weight: 5 Kg. Data Requirements: TBD. Power (peak): 5.6 Watts. OAP: 5.6 Watts. Volume: 6400 CC. Dimensions (inches): 6 units, 11.4 x 5.8 x 3.6 (1), 4 x 4 x 1.5 (2), 7 x 4 x 2.75 (1), 2.2 x 1.7 x 1.2 (1), 4 x 4 x 4 (1). C. DELIVERABLE ITEMS: The data deliverables proposed must adequately provide sufficient information to identify the effectiveness of the offeror's operations. The following items will be required to support each experiment mission: (a) Status report, monthly in Contractor's format, (b) On-Orbit Experiment Data, as required by the experimenter/PI. D. PROPOSAL PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS: (1) Technical proposal shall include an Executive Summary, Program Description, Program Plan, Milestone Chart and Statement of Work. The Statement of Work must detail the technical approaches/tasks to be accomplished under the proposed effort and suitable for contract incorporation. The Technical proposal shall be limited to 50 pages (per experiment) 12 point font, doubled spaced, single-sided, 8.5 by 11 inches pages. The page limitation includes all information i.e., indices, photographs, foldouts, appendices, attachments, resumes etc. Pages in excess of this limitation will not be considered by the government. Unnecessarily elaborate brochures or presentations beyond that sufficient to present a complete and effective proposal are not desired. Offerors must mark their proposals with the restrictive language stated in FAR 15.509(a). An offeror may propose to one, all, or any combination of the subject experiments. (2) Cost Proposal: Cost proposals should be prepared in accordance with instructions under "PRDA" at the following TE web site, http://www.te.plk.af.mil/contracts/news.htm. The cost information considered to be other than cost or pricing data, requested therein, is necessary for the government to perform a cost realism analysis. (3) General: Submit Technical and Cost proposals in separate volumes. Proposals shall be valid for a period of not less than 180 days. Proposals must reference the above PRDA number, include a unique proposal identification number, identify the individual experiments of the proposal, and applicable SMC Division. Proposals shall be submitted in an original and 2 copies with the original being clearly marked in such a manner as to distinguish it from the copies. It is anticipated that any resultant award(s) will be Firm-Fixed Price, unclassified, commercial contract(s) IAW FAR Part 12 (if appropriate). Foreign participation at the prime contractor level is authorized for this requirement, however, Balance of Payments, Trade Agreements and Buy American requirements may be applicable. The cost of preparing proposals in response to this announcement is not an allowable direct charge to any resultant contract or any other contract, but may be an allowable expense to the normal bid and proposal indirect cost in FAR 31.205-18. Offerors are reminded to contact the technical point of contact to verify interest in the effort to be proposed and funding availability PRIOR to committing any resources to the preparation of any proposal in response to this announcement. Discussions with any of the points of contact shall not constitute a commitment by the government to subsequently fund or award any proposed effort. Only Contracting Officers are legally authorized to commit the government. E. BASIS FOR AWARD: Proposals which comply with the requirements identified in this announcement will be competitively evaluated in accordance with AFMC FAR Supplement 5335.016-90. Specifically, any proposal received will be evaluated and classified into one of the following three categories: (1) Category I -Well conceived, scientifically and technically sound proposals pertinent to program goals and objectives, and offered by a responsible contractor with the competent scientific and technical staff supporting resources needed to ensure satisfactory program results. Proposals in Category I are recommended for acceptance and normally are displaced only by other Category I proposals. Proposals in this category are funded subject to the availability of funds. (2) Category II -- Scientifically or technically sound proposals requiring further development and are recommended for acceptance but are at a lower priority than Category I. Proposals in this category are not always funded. (3) Category III -- Proposals not technically sound or do not meet the agency needs and are recommended for rejection for the particular announcement under consideration. Technical proposals will be evaluated using the following factors in descending order of importance based on scientific peer review: (i) overall scientific and technical merit of the approach proposed to support individual experiments, (ii) feasibility, (iii) offerors capabilities, related experience, facilities, techniques, or unique combinations of these which are integral factors for achieving mission objectives. (iv) innovativeness of the proposed approach and/or techniques. Cost proposals will be evaluated using the following factors: completeness, reasonableness, and realism. Note: All cost proposals shall be in U.S. currency. Cost and technical merit are considered equally important. Terms and conditions will also be evaluated. Contractual terms and conditions will be considered significant factors and the proposal(s) which offer the best overall value to the Government will be given priority for funding. No further evaluation criteria will be used in selecting the proposals. Any award(s) are subject to availability of funds. The Government reserves the right to select for award any, all, part, or none of the proposals received. F. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: This PRDA will be posted on the Contracting Bulletin Board, http://www.te.plk.af.mil/contracts/news.htm. PRDA CONTRACT POINTS: An Ombudsman has been appointed to hear significant concerns from offerors or potential offerors during the proposal development phase of this acquisition. Routine questions are not considered to be "significant concern" and should be communicated directly to the Contracting Officer, Odette Denman, (505) 846-9147. The purpose of the Ombudsman is not to diminish the authority of the Contracting Officer or Program Manager, but to communicate contractor concerns, issues, disagreements and recommendations to the appropriate Government personnel. The Ombudsman does not participate in the evaluation of the proposals or in the source selection process. The SMC Ombudsman for this acquisition is Mr Leslie L. Bordelon, SMC/AX, (310) 363-3818, 160 Skynet Street, Suite 2315, Los Angeles AFB CA 90245-4683. All responsible firms may submit proposals which shall be considered. Respondents are asked to provide their Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) number with their submission and reference PRDA 97-03. A (0234)

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A - Research and Development Index Page