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ATP MOTOR VEHICLE MANUFACTURING WORKSHOP Announcement ATP Motor Vehicle Manufacturing Technology (MVMT)Public Workshop October 28-29, 1997 Crowne Plaza Hotel, Ann Arbor, Michigan Sponsored by: U.S. Department of Commerce Technology Administration National Institute of Standards and Technology General Information Location The workshop will be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 610 Hilton Boulevard, Ann Arbor, Michigan. The hotel is 2 minutes north of Ann Arbor Airport, and 25 minutes from Detroit Metropolitan Airport. Directions Commuter Transportation, 1-800-488-7433, offers commercial van service from Detroit Metropolitan Airport to the Crowne Plaza. Blue Cab, (313)213-2222, is available from Ann Arbor Airport to the Crowne Plaza. Call for reservations. If you plan to drive, follow the directions below: From US-23 North or South: Take I-94 west toward Chicago. Exit at State Street, #177. Turn right on State Street and left at first available left turn. From I-94 Westbound: Follow above directions. From I-94 Eastbound: Exit at State Street, #177. Turn left on State and left at first available left turn. Registration Regular: $125 -- Student: $50 The registration fee includes conference materials, continental breakfast, coffee breaks, and lunches. The enclosed registration form must be received by October 14, 1997, for your name to appear on the preliminary participants' list. All requests for cancellation and refund must be submitted to Melody Harris, in writing, prior to October 14, 1997. Accommodations A block of rooms has been reserved at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 1-800-227-6963, with a special room rate of $79, single or double, plus 10% tax. To register for rooms, please send the enclosed hotel reservation form directly to the hotel no later than October 14, 1997. Reservations must be cancelled by 4 p.m. on the arrival date in order to receive a refund. Coffee Breaks and Lunches Continental breakfast and coffee will be available and lunches will be provided for attendees each day of the workshop. About the Advanced Technology Program The NIST Advanced Technology Program (ATP) provides competitive, cost-shared awards for industry to develop high-risk, enabling technologies with broad-based economic benefit. The ATP seeks to help industry fill the gap between basic research and product development, and to invest in technology that wouldn't be developed in a competitive time-frame without government cost-sharing. Along with general competitions which are open to proposals from all technical areas, the ATP is also funding a series of "focused programs" with specific business and technical goals. The MVMT Focused Program Begun in 1995, the ATP Motor Vehicle Manufacturing Technology (MVMT) program, focuses on technology advances that strengthen manufacturing capabilities along the entire automotive production chain. One of the major business challenges facing the U.S. light vehicle industry is the ability to respond to highly volatile and fragmented market demand by rapidly launching new product models in a manner that is profitable in low volumes. Fifty percent of the value in American vehicles is added by suppliers, and that percentage is rising. The MVMT program concentrates on developing the technical bases of specific manufacturing processes, thereby leveraging American leadership in engineering and the physical sciences into a position of leadership in manufacturing. A key part of the task is to make processes reconfigurable and easily coupled with other processes in a complete product manufacturing system, thereby providing greater flexibility and higher utilization of plant capacity. This will in turn provide designers with new technical options and an enlarged, but predictable process horizon which will enable innovative product designs, and encourage the effective re-utilization of capital equipment to produce a diverse family of high-quality products, and the rapid and accurate translation of designs into production. Purpose of this workshop Two MVMT competitions have been held -- the first in 1995, and the second in 1997. The purpose of this workshop is to provide the manufacturing community with a technical overview of the progress of the projects awarded in the first competition and several closely-related ATP projects, and introduce the projects selected in the second competition. While the creation and protection of intellectual property is a core value of the Advanced Technology Program, broad-based economic benefits and spill overs can be obtained only if information about the technology is provided to those members of the technical community who could potentially benefit from having it. The motor vehicle manufacturing sector has long been recognized as a prime mover in the development of manufacturing processes. The same technology is also applicable to many other industrial sectors. For example, improvements in machining, tooling, and assembly are likely to directly impact the metal furniture and fixtures, primary metals, fabricated metal products, electrical and non-electrical machinery, transportation, andprecision instrument industries. Hence, the technology developed by this program has the potential for broad diffusion throughout American manufacturing, with ensuing widespread benefits.The MVMT public workshop is intended to be an important step in this technology diffusion effort. Contacts Registration Contact, Melody Harris, MERRA 2901 Hubbard Road, Ste. B106, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105 Telephone: (313) 930-0033, Fax: (313) 930-0145, email: melody@merra.org Technical Contact, Jack C. Boudreaux, NIST Bldg. 101, Rm. A231, Gaithersburg, MD 20899 Telephone: (301) 975-3560, Fax: (301) 548-1087, email: jack.boudreaux@nist.gov ATP General Information For general Information or to add your name to the ATP mailing list, contact the ATP Office. Telephone: 1-800-ATP-FUND or 1-800-287-3863, Fax: (301) 926-9524 or (301) 590-3053, email: atp@nist.gov Register for Conference Please complete form and return by October 14, 1997 to: MERRA 2901 Hubbard Road, Ste. B106 Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105 or Fax to: Melody Harris, (313) 930-0145 Registration ATP Motor Vehicle Manufacturing Technology Public Workshop October 28-29, 1997 last name first name title organization address room or mail code city, state, zip country telephone facsimile email services REGISTRATION FEE: Regular $125 and Student $50 Form of Payment: Check enclosed, payable to: MERRA Checks from outside the U.S.A. should be written on a U.S.A. bank. MasterCard VISA Card No. Expiration Date Authorized Signature Purchase Order No./Training Form (Enclose a copy or provide one on-site at registration; faxed copy unacceptable.) Requests for cancellation and refund must be received in writing by October 14, 1997. Hotel Reservation Please complete form and return by October 14, 1997 to: Crowne Plaza Hotel 610 Hilton Blvd Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108 Telephone: 1-800-344-7829 or 1-800-277-6963 or Fax: (313) 761-1040 Hotel ATP Motor Vehicle Manufacturing Technology Public Workshop October 28-29, 1997 last name first name title organization address room or mail code city, state, zip country telephone facsimile email services Rate: $79, single or double. All reservations must be received by October 14. Please apply 6% tax to the above rate. All reservations must be guaranteed with a one-night deposit. Reservations must be canceled before 4:00 p.m. on the arrival date for a refund. Arrival Date: Departure Date: Form of Payment: Check enclosed, payable to: Crowne Plaza Hotel Checks from outside the U.S.A. should be written on a U.S.A. bank. Card Type Card No. Expiration Date Authorized Signature WEB: ATP Homepage, http://www.atp.nist.gov. E-MAIL: Advanced Technology Program, atp@nist.gov.

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