Loren Data Corp.




Contracts Department, P. O. Drawer 43019, MCLB, Albany, GA 31704-3019

24 -- DIESEL ENGINE REBUILDS DUE 100397 POC Roland Crowder, Contract Specialist, Code 892, (912)439-6742 The Marine Corps Logistics Base, Albany, GA is seeking sources capable of rebuilding complete diesel engines to OEM specifications. Majority of engines are manufactured by Caterpillar, Case and John Deer. The Government will ship complete engines in containers with the majority of components attached including documentation for justification of rebuild. Interested parties should address capabilities in the following areas: testing of cylinder blocks (sonic), in- house equipment capability for machining applications such as align honing, boring and decking; testing equipment, measuring tools including capabilities to calibrate and if in-house equipment can maintain tolerances within one ten- thousandth of an inch (0.0001) for small hole in connecting rods; dynamomter types used for actual running of engines; balancing equipment for rotating and reciprocating weight, internal and external. Work effort includes capability to grind and straighten reheat-treat crankshafts. The rebuilds would include rework of cylinder heads valves and seats, camshaft and cam graphing; including testing of external components such as altenator, starter, fuel system, air intake adjustments, turbocharger testing and other components that attribute to performance; the engines would be completely reassembled painted and tested for installation into equipment. At present, no information is available on amount of rebuilds needed on a monthly basis. Please indicate maximum amount of rebuilds you can handle in a 30 day period. Need general information about size of company, number of employees, storage and working space. Data will be received for a period of 30 days. The information submitted will be evaluated to determine the feasibility of developing a solicitation. WRITTEN RESPONSES SHOULD INCLUDE DATA SUFFICIENT TO DETERMINE CAPABILITY. No telephone calls will be accepted. No award will be based on any data received in response to this notice and a response to this notice shall not in any way obligatethe Government to reimburse the respondent for any data. NO SOLICITATION DOCUMENT EXISTS. (0247)

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