Loren Data Corp.




DVA Medical Center, 79 Middleville Road, Northport, New York 11768

Z -- RENOVATE BLDG 92 COURTYARD SOL RFQ 632-0785 DUE 092597 POC Mr. Selah Scott, Contract Officer, 516 261-4400x7130 Contractor shall provide all labor, tools, materials, equipment, supplies and supervision and perform all work to renovate the existing courtyard bldg 92 in order to install a new reinforced concrete patio. All existing paving materials shall be removed to the existing soil base. Access to the courtyard is limited. Concrete shall be pumped, and all debris removal shall be by crane. Debris removal thru the building shall be prohibited. Existing groundcover, 4 birch trees and various shrubs are to be removed and disposed of. All work shall be in accordance with the specifications and Drawing SP 92-006. RFQ available O/A 9-9-97. RFQ due date 9-25-97 close of business. Cost range $25,000 -- $100,000. Completion time 120 calendar days. (0251)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0181 19970910\Z-0017.SOL)

Z - Maintenance, Repair or Alteration of Real Property Index Page