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U.S. Army TACOM-ARDEC, AMSTA-AR-PC, Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000

A -- INTELLIGENT COMBAT OUTPOST- RAPTOR DUE 091997 POC Rebecca Wisser, Contract Specialist, (973) 724-3970 WEB: Http://procnet.pica.army.mil, Http://www.procnet.pica.army.mil. E-MAIL: remmons@pica.army.mil, remmons@pica.army.mil. The US Army is seeking potential sources for the follow-on development of the Raptor system in the Program Definition and Risk Reduction (PDDR) phase.The Raptor is an integration of smart/brilliant munitions, sensors, communication systems, computers and software which jointly result in a controlled autonomous munition field that is more flexible in usage, more lethal to the enemy and safer to friendly forces and non-combatants than previous existing systems. The Raptor system as developed consists of a suite of Advanced Acoustic Sensors (AAS), a command and control Gateway, an engineer Control Station (CS) and software/hardware improvements to the Wide Area Munition (WAM). The AAS provides real time target tracks to the Gateways and CS. The Gateway executes pre-established tactics based on this awareness and situation, orchestrating the targeting and firing of WAMs to achieve the desired effect. The control station is the user's interface to the system that provides munition's status, allows the operator to turn the munition fields on and off, select strategies and continuously display each target's track. In addition this information is automatically shared with the All Source Analysis System (ASAS) and Advanced Field Artillery Target Detection System (AFATDS). In the future, additional munitions, non-lethal munitons and sensors will be linked to this system to provide the commander even greater flexibility to control his battlespace. The Intelligent Minefield (IMF) Advanced Technology Demonstration (ATD) program was approved by the Department of the Army in 1992. Textron Systems Company was responsible for systems integration and successfully met the Gateway/Munition ATD requirements. Alliant Techsystems met ATD requirements for the acoustic sensors. Technical Solutions Inc met those for the CS and demonstrated its utility. An Advanced Concept Technical Demonstration (ACTD) for the Rapid Force Projection Initiative was initiated in 1995 by DA andIMF was selected as one of the participating systems. Textron Systems Corp. was selected for the development of the hand emplaced and air-delivered AAS. The IMF program has since been renamed Raptor, Intelligent Combat Outpost because of its increased role as a hunter sensor and its ability to sense targets, adapt its tactics, and kill its prey. The potential offeror(s) system must have demonstrated the following capabilities, based on the technical accomplishments already demonstrated during the ATD/ACTD programs: (1) field components must be integral, one-man portable, hardened, and air-deliverable for emplacement by parachute not exceeding 30 lbs (including batteries for a 72hr mission).; (2) AAS should detect (the ability to distinguish an object of military interest) and classify (the ability to distinguish by general type, i.e., light track, heavy track, heavy wheeled, light wheeled, helicopter, aircraft) while continuously tracking their composition and characteristics (distance from the front and rear of the formation, speed, bearing, and number of targets); (3) a 3 unit array of AAS must track up to 4 (6 desired) separate ground targets concurrently, resolve into a single coherent target picture and report to the CS; (4) the Raptor must be able to determine the position and azimuth of the WAMs and its field components; (5) the Gateway device must be able to receive and fuse target data from multiple WAMs to develop a coherent picture of the targets in the WAM fields including range, azimuth, velocity, bearing and location; (6) all Raptor component positions must be determined autonomously and provided to the Raptor control station at the TOC; (7) the Gateway must coordinate and direct several types of attacks with up to 4 WAMs: single munitions attacking single targets, multiple munitions attacking the same target simultaneously, and multiple munitions attacking different targets simultaneously; (8) through data fusion of the gateway, the averageincrease in WAM Pks for gauntlet and barrier configurations must exceed 50%; and (9) the CS must have demonstrated its ability to concurrently control and communicate with up to 5 munition fields that are engaging targets. The CS must also display target tracks derived from continuous target position, heading and velocity data. It will also provide target heading, velocity, and sensor-to-target bearings for early detection reports.The PDRR effort will provide for the development of a combined unit that acts as a gateway or an AAS, a control station, communications subsystems, and requisite software. It will include development of upgraded WAM test units for technical and operational demonstrations. The potential offeror(s) must demonstrate the following during the PDRR phase: (1) a military secure, long range communications network from the Gateways and AAS (30 km forward of the Forward Line Of Troops (FLOT)) to the CS at the Maneuver Battalion Tactical Operations Center (25 km tothe rear of the FLOT); (2) Gateways using information directly from the AAS's without going through the CS; (3) reporting target locations with an 80 meter Circular Error Probability (CEP); (4) sharing of data with ASAS, MCS and Applique; (5) target cueing for AFATDS; (6) control and data fusion of 8-10 WAMs per Gateway; (7) combining AAS and Gateway hardware into a single unit capable of being used in multiple roles in order to achieve Unit Production Cost goals and reduce logistic burden; (8) develop upgraded WAM test units for the PDRR technical and operational demonstrations. The result of the PDRR phase will be a full demonstration of the hand emplaced Raptor controlling a field of WAM test units via tactical long range communications and autonomous sensor notification to gateways allowing the gateways to engage enemy targets with pre-selected strategies and report these engagements to the control station. The PDRR phase is expected to begin 1QFY98 and conclude in 4QFY00 . Responses to this notice must be submitted in accordance with Note 25. This is not a request for proposal, and this is not to be construed as a commitment by the U.S. Army. See Numbered Note 25. (0252)

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