interested parties for Oral Presentations relevant to the potential
award of a major Base Operating Support (BOS) contract to support Naval
Facilities on Guam. (This will be an integrated procurement for all of
the services discussed at the Guam industry forum held 8-9 August
1997, which are to be competed under a single OMB circular A-76 study.)
Oral Presentations, leading to an "Advisory downselect" are to be
scheduled for the week of 3-7 November 1997 at the Pacific Division,
Naval Facilities Engineering Command Headquarters, in Pearl Harbor,
Hawaii. A maximum of four hours will be allotted for each firm or joint
venture partnership that desires to participate. Each session will
consist of the following three segments. 1. PRESENTATION BY PRINCIPALS
OF THE FIRM: Up to two hours (uninterrupted) opportunity for
presentation of relevant information as described below. Each firm or
joint venture will be limited to no more than 6 attendees using no
professional (hired consultant) presenters. Of the two hour
presentation, up to 30 minutes may be in a videotape format, if
desired. 2. GOVERNMENT DELIVERATIONS: Following the direct
presentation, the Government panel will convene separately to discuss
and formulate relevant questions for up to one hour. 3. DISCUSSIONS:
Finally, up to one hour of question and answer dialogue between the
firm or Joint venture and the Government panel will take place.
Presentations may be videotaped by the Government for
review/deliberation prior to the issuance of an advisory downselect.
Review will be limited to panel members only, and these videotapes will
be destroyed upon issuance of the advisory downselect. Based on the
results of these presentations, an advisory downselect will be issued
within 15 days of the final presentation. The firms or joint ventures
considered most capable of meeting the Navy's need will be encouraged
to respond to an RFP to be issued in the FEB 98 timeframe. Those firms
or joint ventures not considered to be amongst the most competitive
based on Oral Presentations will be so advised, with recommendations
that they seek opportunities as subcontractors, or other teaming
relationships. The advisory downselect action will be based on the
following considerations, in descending order of importance. Each firm,
whether standing alone, or as part of a Joint venture team, will be
expected to submit the following information: a) THE RELEVANT PAST
PERFORMANCE OF THE FIRM: This should particularly include all
experience as a prime or managing partner on high value,
multi-functional BOS contracts within the past five years. The firm's
experience in remote locations, its overall tenure in the BOS arena,
and its history of repeat business on resolicitation cycles in the
private or government sector are all considered relevant. Demonstrated
experience with award fee type contracts and history of award fee
ratings earned is also important. Due to the complexities associated
with evaluating newly formed joint venture partnerships based on Past
Performance, some additional information will be expected from any such
prospective proposal teams. This would include demonstration of
previous successful joint venture relationships with: (a) the proposed
team for the instant requirement, or (b) joint ventures of comparable
structure with similar firms. b) CURRENT ISO 9000 (SERIES)
CERTIFICATION STATUS: This information should include all sites
currently certified, duration of the certifications, and disclosure
regarding any instances of loss of ISO certification. Information
regarding the expected transferabilty of current systems to Guam and
time required to certify a Guam based site is also requested. For newly
formed joint ventures, any experience regarding successful ISO
certification of previous joint venture stand ups will be appreciated.
For firms never having held ISO certification, indications of other
confirmation of quality processes or results, such as Malcom Baldridge
awards, etc, will be appreciated. c) DEMONSTRATION OF FINANCIAL
CAPACITY: Firms or teams should indicate their financial capacity to
undertake an operation in the $100-200 Million per year range. Letters
of credit or intent from financial institutions, current operations of
this magnitude, and or Dunn and Bradstreet information will be reviewed
to establish credible expectations regarding financial capacity. Firms
or teams should indicate their method for estimating the financial
capacity required. d) OTHER RELEVANT FACTORS: Knowledge of Guam and the
A-76 process is also considered important. Indications of the firm's
(or team's) experience with the A-76 process and how to minimize or
mitigate the inherent difficulties in the process is required.
Secondly, the firm's demonstrated history with respect to community
relations, local investment, and economic impact are solicited.
Finally, information regarding understanding of the Guam labor and
economic climate is also desired. Documentary evidence, limited to 20
(one sided) pages, (no smaller than 12 font single space) will be
accepted. This information should include references for relevant Past
Performance and any documentary evidence of financial capacity deemed
useful. The Contracting Officer will provide a courtesy debriefing for
any "downselected" firm upon request. This debriefing will include
general information regarding the basis of the advisory downselect
action, but will not provide any information regarding the particulars
of any other firm or team presentation. Interested parties should
contact CDR J.P. Gerner or Ms. Sharon Goto/Mr. David Hamada, (808)
471-8327 to schedule presentations, not later than 10 October 1997. CDR
Gerner can also be reached via e-mail at
[jpgerner@efdpac.navfac.navy.mil]. Two presentations will be scheduled
per day from 3 through 7 November 1997. Should more presentation slots
be necessary, they will be scheduled during the following week, but
only after all 10 available slots are filled. WEB: PACDIV Home
Page/Guam A-76 Study Team Department/,
http://www.efdpac.navfac.navy.mil/. E-MAIL:
jpgerner@efdpac.navfac.navy.mil, jpgerner@efdpac.navfac.navy.mil. Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0559 19970911\SP-0013.MSC)
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