Loren Data Corp.




Bi-State Development Agency, 707 North First Street, St Louis, Missouri 63102

K -- METROLINK CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION SYSTEM EXPANSION SOL ML-97-SB-2248!! DUE 120497 POC Ellen M. Towe, Contract Specialist, (314) 923-3022 (fax)!! The Bi-State Development Agency of the Missouri-Illinois Metropolitan Area (Agency), is requesting technical proposals from qualified vendors to design, procure, install, integrate, test and document modifications to the MetroLink Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) System and its associated subsystems and infrastructure. The Bidder shall clearly state the methodologies for performing the required work in accordance withthe provided specifications: A) Add a security console, security console video wall and tape editing console to the MetroLink Central Control Facility located at the Yard & Shop Facility in St. Louis, MO; B) Expand the CCTV system to provide increased surveillance capabilities by reconfiguring the portions of the existing system and adding a new subsystem; C) Upgrade or replace the existing video switch; D) Perform integration and acceptance testing. E) Provide as-built documentation, training, and spare equipment; and F) Provide cost estimates for optional work and equipment. The magnititude of this project is $300,000 -- $600,000. Bidders shall submit, concurrently, their bids in two separate, clearly marked envelopes. One envelope is to contain the Technical Proposal which will consist of all required technical information, including requisite attachments as set forth in the solicitation package. There shall be no reference to cost in the Technical Proposal. The second sealed envelope shall contain only the bidder's cost proposal forms and other enclosures as required by the solicitation. Copies of the solicitation may be obtained at the office of the Agency's MetroLink Contracts & Procurement Department Wednesday, October 15, 1997. Address written requests to Ellen M. Towe, Bi-State Development Agency, 707 North First Street, St. Louis, MO 63102. You may also fax your request to (314) 982-1400 ext. 1351. Please include the sealed bid number, your company name, complete mailing address and both telephone and fax numbers. A pre-bid conference will be held on Wednesday, October 22,1997 at 10:00 a.m. in the Agency's 6th Floor Board Room, to be followed by a site visit. Bids will be received until Thursday, December 4, 1997 in the MetroLink Contracts & Procurement Department of the Bi-State Development Agency, 2nd Floor, 707 North First STreet, St. Louis, MO 63102 until 5:00 p.m. St. Louis time. The Agency reserves the right to accept any bid or any parts thereof or toreject any and all bid. Acceptance of any bid is subject to cocurrence by the United States Departmet of Transportation. Any contracts resulting from buds is subject to financial assistance between the Agency and the United States Department of Transportation. The Agency has established a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise participation goal of 17% on this project. All DBE firms are invited to fully participate in this procurement as primary bidder or as a partner with another firm. Firms must be certified by the Agency as DBE/WBE concerns in order to be considered at the time of award. The DBE Program Manager should becontacted at (314) 982-1400 ext. 1547 or 1547 for information concerning certification requirements. WE ARE AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER M/F (0273)

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